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Eventually all rallied and opted for the more lasting solution.

One also had to set to the fabrication and assembly of a crane that would be fitted at the summit of the structure to lift each of these beams to its assigned position, as well as of the two complementary spiral ramps that would join the second floor of the sphere to each of the two entrances to the Chamber, even while, in parallel, one had to begin the practical study – prototypes and models – of the heliostat, of the symbols that would support the crystal globe, and of the general infrastructure.


The members, adherents and partisans of the Society, by inclination and by tradition of devotion, looked at the Matrimandir as to the centre of a vast radiance and the Society itself as the elected tool or channel of its funding – even if all the rest was taken away from its management, let this temple at least remain accessible, was their demand. Moreover, if they could legally prove their direct engagement in the construction of the Matrimandir, the Government would be bound to take note of it. Thus, in several instances, from one angle or another, the Society did attempt to recover the control of the construction of the temple, by forcing a sizeable financial contribution.


There was not enough money available to effectively organize the following stages of the work and each little step forward required an act of faith.


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