Which town?

And the same question kept presenting itself again and again, in one guise or another = was it not most important to complete building at the earliest possible time this material receptacle of Her Force in the world, and who were we to refuse any contribution whatsoever?

To which ethics must one subscribe?

Must not everyone, from every side, learn to unite in a single act of offering and consecration? Who were we to deny their right to participate to those who so assiduously asked for it? Intellectual arguments, emotional arguments, the reason of goodwill, the trust in the Grace, the surrender of preferences = the pressures were intense, associating with a desire for realization and accomplishment. But the puny cheatings, the second hidden thoughts, the calculations and maneuvers and little tricks, or the cold pursuits and the craving for control, at one turn or another suddenly showed – or were shown. Then a clarity of orientation grew firmer = the urge to first reach and attain an actual and unconditional autonomy was primordial. This urge alone was binding together the inhabitants and workers of Her town – for, once this independence was ensured, everyone in turn could participate freely, free of all ambition as well.


This was an atmosphere still heavy with separate wills, unoffered wills and the tensions were multiple and elusive. Some unstable or mercenary elements in the villages nearby were led or incited to wreak sacs or nocturnal attacks. In July, 1979, PC. and G. his spouse were brutally assaulted in their home at night : a man armed with an iron bar struck PC. several times and ran


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