Which town?

away. A few fractures, broken jaws. G., so slight and delicate, who had thrust herself against the assailant to stop him, was only lightly hurt.


Where was the weakness, the obscure opening in the group, in the collectivity? In situations of generalized conflict, even brothers can begin to suspect and distrust one another. But one simply had to get up again, shake and rouse and confirm oneself, and better center one’s awareness – and laugh, too, with this laughter which, because it exists, repels the shadows.


And yet, the repeated provocations on the ground, people of the Society bribing workers with promises of permanent security, filing all kinds of police complaints as the legal owners and managers of the entire project, organizing punctual raids on some of the lands cultivated by the community, served to bring closer and accord mentalities that had so far been wary of one another. One had to initiate methods of rapid response = thus was formed the “Guard”, the members of which committed to mobilize immediately in case of incidents or attacks and, likewise, some of the apprentices dedicated their time to establish relations with the local authorities, which were now often obliged to intervene, in the absence of a working agreement between the protagonists of the conflict.


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