Which town?

And quite often it was the sense of humor that best helped to communicate the position of the community = let there be a legal mechanism by which would be maintained the fundamental principles of the adventure of Her city – no one would own it or manage it and all those who wished to commit to the service of truth, wherever they may come from, from any country of the world, would be welcome. The office spaces on the site were often requisitioned by collective meetings or talks with officers of the district or of the police and the work was often almost paralyzed for days on end.


Thus, from one squabble, scuffle or ambush to another, between nightly harassments and burlesque scenes, progresses seemed sporadic and often futile, since it was clear that none of the actors had access to any legal and practical solution – alone, now and then, glimmers and discreet signs of sympathy constituted an encouragement out of the morass. One had to wait for the Government to be returned into the hands of individuals who would better comprehend the stakes and would know to respect and want to honor the great Work She and He had come to do in this world and the terrestrial significance and import of this adventure for which India could and must stand guarantor.


And so it was, that in 1980 the power was returned to IG.

Yes, it was thus seven years after She had withdrawn that the first Administrator nominated by the central Government, Justice N.,


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