Which town?

preferring to rely on humanity’s innate capacity to find solutions to all impasses. Or else it was, on the contrary, the felt need of a physical guide – found here or there in India or elsewhere – which, for some of the newcomers, veiled the very possibility of this opening.


On every topic one will find within a given assembly the purist and the pragmatic : irreconcilable and yet complementary, they mutually correct their respective excesses. This dynamic, left to itself, tends to produce disappointing and inconclusive results : in order to embrace these two modes a synthetic approach is needed that carries their functions together to a creative and collaborative birth. Thus, as regards the appearance of this city in becoming, some of the purists referred themselves to divinely decreed forms, while some of the pragmatists advocated an expression adapted to the needs as they arose, the former considering the latter as profane and blasphemous and the latter viewing the former as fanaticized retards. And so it went for the internal economy of the community : the ideal was lucent, each one giving daily one’s energies to the whole and the whole providing for each one’s daily needs, without any money circulating among the participants. However, there was never enough cash – or available wealth – to cover all the needs and necessities, which naturally were increasing. How, in these fluid and shifting conditions, to formalize the internal economy of the community and ensure its functioning for the welfare of all the participants and their optimal contribution to the common tasks?


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