Which town?

The first evident objective, to become able to produce all that each one could need, in terms of shelter, food, clothing, communication and transport, while each one would contribute a minimum of five daily hours of work for the community and would commit to treat everything thus allotted with respect and reverence – this objective seemed still distant, like a mirage one keeps seeing in front but can never reach. Some would preach the imposition of this principle into a organizational system – and let those who could not accept it take their leave -, while others prescribed a more gradual approach allowing for each one to truly choose this practice as and when the material possibilities would develop.


After a period of contentious debate and quibbling controversy during which variants of a possible reconciliation with the Society were contemplated, soon to be rejected, the central Government decided in 1988 to confirm its engagement in the adventure of Her city and, to this end, instituted a legal Foundation, under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resources, endowed with organs and entrusted with responsibilities clearly defined in relation to the internal autonomous organization of the community. This Foundation came into actual functioning in 1990 with an allotted governmental budget, its members effectively at the service of the Government. One of the advantages – or possibly a curse – promptly made itself known in the collective life = the possibility or the option to tap into government funds for certain activities, such as education, or certain material creations, such as an edifice of public utility.



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