Which town?

She, from the starting days, had announced that, in this common adventure, there would be neither police nor army, but battalions of gymnasts trained to intervene punctually – and without violence. At the time of the conflicts triggered and provoked on the ground by people of the Society, the “Guard” had formed = volunteers ready to move at any time to the site of an incident so as to defuse and dispel any possibility of violence. But it had now become necessary to organize a visible and tangible presence, not merely preventive but capable of prompt response. The central Government could of course request an intervention by the local police, but it might be felt as interfering with the local or even the State authorities : it was essential to establish and develop direct relations with the regional actors.


The conversion of the human physical consciousness at a collective scale and continuously exposed to the world = this has never been attempted before. One can assess its progress by no proven criterion; one can do so only with the eye of the Truth-Consciousness, which is but partially, here or there, incarnated.

What matters is its pursuit, persevering, offered, unflinching.

Its success, that is, the manifestation of a new State of consciousness, is not in our hands.

But we can serve it.


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