Which town?

Where is the boundary between an enterprise founded on a progress of consciousness and a comedy, a simulacrum of spectacular success? And, in fact and actually, is it not simply and always in Her Name, in Their Names, Hers and His, that the interest, the respect and the energies, whatever be the images and fashions, continue to support the way of Her city? Is it not Her Force, is it not Her Presence, is it not Her vision that we all ought to celebrate, to thank and to serve?


For one would be hard put to try and identify in this project “Good-will” anything that could be emulated for the good of the earth and its creatures; no doubt there are remarkable intents at harmony and innovation, but where are the expressions of new relationships between individuals, between them and Matter, between them and Nature, between them and the world?

Really new, consciously new, actual, living and progressive discoveries?


At the start of the last decade of the twentieth century of our common era, thus, the inner Chamber of Her temple was almost ready, would soon be ready.

Ready? A number of visitors were demanding access.


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