Which town?

The attraction of this yet unfinished spherical temple, constructed by people hailing from all over the world and dedicated to the Divine Mother, was soon exploited from all sides. The teams of volunteers, seeing the daily increase of the visiting crowds, had now to improvise timings and regulations and provide some relieving outlets, as the general widespread tendency was to claim equal right = “why not me???” If the inhabitants of the land of India are prepared by their ages-old culture to brave all impediments and obstacles on the way of a pilgrimage and would therefore accept gracefully the rules to be observed, the hurdles to be passed and the steps to be made, one had yet to establish the fact that this temple was first and foremost the center of a city in becoming and of a great adventure of consciousness.

And this compelled the community to shift to another scale of organization.


It was therefore decided to build, on the Western edge of Her township, a centre to welcome the visitors, which would serve several objectives and functions : one would shelter therein various shops where products created by the units of the community would be on sale, products all expressing the search for quality, beauty and harmony; there would be exhibitions on various fields of interest and research, so as to let visitors have a perspective of the aims of the entire enterprise; there would be eateries of home-made foods; information would be provided on the Matrimandir as on every other area of human exploration, such as the international zone, methods of education, alternative energies, social action, architecture, organic agriculture, water-conservation, waste disposal and others. Eventually, in order to discourage and neutralize frantic motorized traffic on the internal roads, a reception area for all vehicles alien to the town was


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