Which town?

help everyone to discover and comprehend the function and movement of this consecrated space.

To learn to concentrate and find one’s consciousness, had She said.

Over and done are the castes and beliefs, over and done the roles and sermons, the doctrines and the rules, there was only one condition = to have a sincere aspiration to find the Divine, to open and offer oneself to the Truth-Consciousness, to its active Force, here itself, in this physical and material world.


And yet, the material realization of what She had described was still but an approximation = would we ever succeed in rendering it exactly and entirely faithful? And was this exactitude essential? R. had once noted down, coming out of an interview with Her, this injunction = “make everything ready, put the symbols in place and I take it upon myself to make it a very strong center…!” – as if the relation between the symbols, their arrangement in this concretized space, were the keys to a great flow and outpouring of Force in the world. But, like those ancient quests where Matter and Consciousness need one another to deliver the secret, the search for the right materials of the symbols themselves will continue till Her vision is actually reproduced.



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