Which town?

And this representative disposition would be at the very center of the collective effort at accelerated evolution.

This equilibrium of the forces is indispensable to the transformation.

Human beings continue to exploit Nature and Nature is wasting away or it revolts while, without her, the very site of the evolutionary work disappears. Nature, the Life-Force in Matter, is also the incarnation of the Divine : it is a mode of the great Shakti.

The human being is a bridge, a passage.

Without sufficient harmony and balance, this bridge collapses, this passage is condemned. The Matrimandir and its living area – the great tall trees and the plants, their beauty and their abundance, the water, the clear water of life and the flowers, the details of conducted perfection and the created form as consecrated offering, as a site for the reception of the new consciousness, and the human aspiration, the aspiration of the soul in Matter – these elements together, complementing one another, are the terms of the way and Her city must be its beacon.


“The Area of Peace”, had She thus named the central ensemble comprising of the Park of Unity, the water, the inner gardens, the amphitheater, the banyan and the sphere of the temple. It is the peace, the tranquil puissance of conjugated harmonies, the energy of a constant renewal : surrounded, protected, sheltered and sustained by the beauty and richness of Nature, the human being, the evolving divine, offers the form of its most integral prayer, the most perfect and most unified, that of a sphere.


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