Which town?

This is what must inhabit the center of Her city.


What R. has proposed and tried to impose is an earth scorched by the emergence of a glorious power.

But which glory is it about?

Yes indeed, the power of Truth must triumph over all obscurity; yes indeed the ego and its projected shadow must be dissolved.

Is it so that only a desert inhabited with pledged robots is left?


R. had now at his disposal a legitimate reason for abandoning the project of the park – of these outer gardens to which he had given his consent more than twenty years earlier -; one would no longer refer to them or mention them, no official discourse would allude to them, unless inadvertently. Yet most of the large trees are still there at this time of the great anniversary, even nobler, but they have become “illegal”. Every effort to mitigate and harmonize was rejected, even the proposal enunciated by members of the Board to concentrate the future lake to the East where no trees had yet been planted, and reduce it to an irregular meandering channel on the other three sides, was ignored. Nature responds best where she is loved and welcomed and respected : one of the indigenous trees considered as sacred, the Neem tree, whose


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