Which town?

any way, in the sense that there must be no subterfuge nor any dissimulation or calculation; one must not use or accept any sort of violence, whether moral or physical – and if these things try to impose or manifest themselves, the soul withdraws behind the veil. And yet the human condition usually accords itself all manners of justification and explanations of these movements the soul cannot accept. If we want the reign of the soul – the reign of Truth –, we must act in consequence and collectively rid ourselves of all movements that are not offered to it, that refuse it, negate it or prevent it from manifesting.


From all sides the tide – demographic, economic - was rising with its devastating barbary, sowing the increasingly toxic litter of this new world order, whose single law seemed to be to enrich oneself at any cost, so as to enjoy, to acquire and to show off. The roadsides were strewn with ugly unnatural waste, the streets and lanes in the neighboring villages and towns were clogged with plastic bags, pouches and bottles and the new models of cars packed the arteries and vitiated the air.


How to immunize Her city, the paradise of Her township, from this formidable contagion?

This question was growing more crucial for the mere continuation of the experiment – which was proving more essential for the Earth by the day.


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