Which town?

And thus ever more work was coming to the participants, along with the necessity of a more acute, actual and shared discernment = how, instead of contributing, out of weak-willed laxity, passivity or conformism to the destructive farce that was abusing and reviling the Earth, to help and serve an awakening and an affirmation of unity and harmony in life and matter, with each of our gestures and practices? This impossible challenge began to mobilize the energies and everyone would try and answer it in one;s area of action, be it locally, regionally or further afield in the country and in the world, in the name of Her city. To organize the collection and recycling of waste, to perfect the methods of building with clay, to erect harmonious and durable collective edifices, to initiate new services, to establish healthy farming practices, create organic cleaning agents and compounds, to research new ways of collective management , participation and agreement, to manifest new expressions = in every domain of life, one must detect a pathway, a passage to the future – and the grace of this unique atmosphere would sustain all efforts. For, step by step, this community is learning to open to the Shakti for all the progresses to be made – and practical researches are essential to its role and function as a pilot for the earth. But, unlike those researches led and conducted by the mentalized consciousness which operates trhough separation, contrast and opposition, this community must identify with a higher principle operating from the awareness of the union and unity of all that is.


From the atom bomb and chemical weapons to the throwable gadgets and wrappings, humanity has become profoundly noxious.


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