Which town?

These inventions, derived from scientific discoveries of the laws of Matter, have been motivated by the will to harm, to destroy, exploit, profit and subjugate and not, as it is claimed, by the will to defend civilization and improve the quality of life for all. If the laws of Matter are objectively neutral, that is, devoid of intention or motivation, their interpretation and deliberate application are not = one must chose. Chose to serve the manifestation, to love and cherish it, to thank and celebrate it, instead of wanting to exploit it to satisfy hungers that are actually possessing us.

The continuation of terrestrial evolution is what is at stake.

The instrumental milieu of virtual communication of the Internet is thus a battlefield between choices and their respective consequences = this milieu or space that explores certain functions of the brain is demonstrating how crucial are our attitude and comprehension of the reality of this material world and how, without love or flame, it can be devoured and annihilated.


Living fifty years ago in Their ashram and in the physical atmosphere of Her Shakti, day and night and every second one was bathed in a inhabited milieu, a positive and active peace, a constant action of illumination and encouragement to progress, an impartial and exacting view on all movements, a white flame boring the entire being and, at the same time, a touch of the purest love, the most gratuitous, vast and comprehensive love – in Her atmosphere slently and intensely alive with the life of Consciousness, one could open in full confidence and security to all sorts of experiences = to see across distances, to perceive the material effects of subtle events, to travel away from the body, to apprehend new vibrations, new expressions and new modes.


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