Dechra Endocrinology Graduate Seminar

Day Two —The Lows

Early Morning Session—Canine Hypothyroidism

Learning Objectives for Session:

Develop a solid understanding of the pathophysiology of hypothyroidism and how it manifests clinically

 Understand the range of diagnostic tests for hypothyroidism and how these are used in combination to increase confidence in diagnosis  Discuss the use of trial therapy and expected time scales of clinical response

Mid Morning Session—Personal Case Discussion

A chance to for delegates to discuss an interesting Hyperthyroid, Hypothyroid, Addisonian or Cushingoid case they have been involved in. Would their approach be any different now?

Afternoon Session—Canine Hypoadrenocorticism

Learning Objectives for Session:

Develop a solid understanding of the pathophysiology of hypoadrenocorticism Understand why the variation in clinical signs can create difficulties in diagnosis Discuss how the difficulties in diagnosis can be overcome

 Introduce Zycortal, be able to confidently use it in practice and learn how to best monitor patients on long term treatment

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