News Scrapbook 1962-1964

FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1962

THE NEWS Toreros Have 13-11-1 Record The Un ,er ity of an

BASIC RO K by SAM JULIANO Th re nothing like a o!tball game, if )OU like ft. ball. Fan. \\ho m ke it to .:oft- b II game, ometlm pra\~l n ar flr,t ha and drink b r, 1f th~y like b r. The g me . · , ry c ual. The other rno or three fan .quat on ,plinter. nd nl ker, and !'Wallow hot rlogs and jump up and down. On • urdav mornmg, June 9, stu en and the non-athleti farult · \Ill ha c a chance to ju p up and down. _ nlor and he more plia 1 prof or. will cla h in a fie battle that sh uld rh al the third grade m nke,· bar· at rec . Gradu ate ,~111 pro, 1de Geritol and band-aid"' The pro!e~ o. are re- qu ted to bring a softball. Here i · the tentati\·e line-up for the "Fightln' Faculty:" Fr. Jam . Ganahl, 2B· Fr. \ 11 !lam L. ~hipley, OF; Ir. Phil Woolpert P; tr amuel A. Dag. Icy, OF· Dr. 'Robert • WaL·h, lB; Ir. Wa)ne Bourque, C; Fr. Rich- ard J. Ru.ssell. OF; . Ir. George K. "les, OF; fr. Jack Elllott, Jr., C; Mr. B R. \'an VI k. IF; and . !r. Charles Antoniak, IF. Thr . eniors have not announc ed a llnt>-up.. fayhe they're just happy to have nine graduat s. JUMPING GYM GROWS UP They have been doing . ome- thing on the hill. You an't s e it from the biology lab. and it's no use driving up therl' at night, if you want to see the new gym- nasium. Gymmy ha.- been growing fast. A 50-meter pool . hould be lip- pery by September. And if any- one can't swim, you can swish baskets, enjoy the ocean Vil•W, or hide during math class. • USD has long needed a well- equipped gymnasium. This is it. Go up there and take n look at it. It's your gym. Next fall. no- body wants to hear excuses like, "Naw, I ain't goin' no gaml', mah car radio's busted.'' Well, nm can walk. We should be proud. Let's make the new gym a home the ball-bouncing Toreros will be proud of. The team will be there. And, Coach Woolpert, we'll be there too. LINDA VISTA SERVICE 6675 Linda Vista Road San Diego 11, California ,pring

EL TO 0 By Bllb lteith

ba_ ball team compiled a ning record for the fourth n In . ucce sfon. With only one

Th at Plaza El Toro continued to display hi., lack of knowledge and unde tandmg of the bullfight · -unda.> hen he f ilcd to a" anl Joaquin &rnado hi· ju, urd of ar· and tail The pamard B rnado ere the ut landing faena of · a n to the 'ixth bull from lana. Bcmado linked rte of naturales and his 0\\ n , er~ion of the man- oletino together and killed with on ·word 1hru~1 and d c-a llo On the kill he threw h1 mul- eta a.-lde and went o,er th<· horr,s \\ ith no protection. Bernado also er •ated an out standing faE'na to hJq fir.-t bull and was awarded two ears Thl' ::\Iexican matador Cal- e. ero and Jaime Bravo were not as fortunate as Bcrnado. Ncithl'T recl'ived anv awards and Bravo heard an a\'iso on his . econd bull. Both had difficulties with their bulls and Calesero was nearly gored in the upper right arm on his first. Nl'xt Sunday's corrida will bl' at Plaza Monumental. Matadors will be ::\1exicans Joselito Heurta and Jaime Bravo and the Span- iar Pedro Martinez "Pedres." Bulls will be from Garfias. Huerta ha the reputation of being an outstanding matador but has failed to do much in Tijuana in the past three sea• sons. Pedres failed to show any- thing in his first appearance at Monumental two weeks ago. Bravo is expected to perform in his usual suicidal manner. The corrida will begin at 4 p.m. Some men work hard and save their money so their sons won't have the problems that made men out of their fatht>t;s. judg

In their la t sh gam , the Torcros \\on four and dropped t \'O game lJ D beat Pa. adena Coll g 23-6, and Azusa College, :?1- Tht>y lx>at Lo)ola Uni\ r- lt)' 3-0. an Diego tate Colll'ge bent the Torero, 9-6, in the third meeting of the two team.. USD and Cal-We tern Dniver lty ;pllt h\o game , Cul-Western Jo. ing one, 5-4, and winning another, 6-3. Tom Solter · and Tim Leyden Jed in batting again:t Pa dena. Leyden had his bl•:t day at hit- ting \\ith t vo triples and a dou- ble. Second ba. eman olter- had four hits, including a triple. Pitcher Pat Barry, a frt>shman, pickl'd up his fifth win again t Azusa. He has one loss on his pitching record. Curtis Hart eol- lectl'd four hits and catcher Rudy Rudzinski slammed in two home runs. in that same game. Against Loyola University, Tom Goddard pitched a shutout, striking out eight Loyola play- ers. Hart batted in two runs with a six inning home run. The Toreros have beaten the Lions four times and lost twice in thrl'e years. San Diego State beat the Tor- eros in spite of a long home run by Terry Lorenz and two hits by John Baumgarten. A five-run rally by the Aztecs in Hie seventh inning finished USD. Pitcher Mike Heminger gets the win of 5-4 over Cal-Western. Batting Statlsti.cs: ab r h hr rbl pct. Shields 11 6 5 0 ! Rudz!Mkl 85 31 32 4 24 Sollers 92 30 34 1 1~ Jfnrt 89 22 32 2 26 Lorenz 86 18 27 2 23 I • "'errnra 42 19 13 1 10 Farrl:'11 100 26 30 3 24 Bnumg1trlen 75 16 21 3 12 \\iii bur 44 14 12 0 10 Goddard 70 8 16 1 13 Cedy 69 15 15 1 11 L<'yden 62 13 14 0 9 Barry 20 2 4 0 2 Heminger 22 3 2 0 0 .465 .376 .370 .359 .314 .309 .300 .2 0 .272 .228 PALM GLEN CAR WASH Open 7 Days a Week Weekdays 9-5 p.m.; Sundays 9-3 p.m. Pick-Up & Delivery for Polishing 845 Moren• Blvd. CY 5-8295 DANNY'S GAS MARKET Morena Blvd. at Linda Vista Rd. CY b-0221 "Gas for Less" * COMMERCIAL PRI NTI NG * PUBLICATIONS * ANNOUNCEMENTS KEN EINOLANDER CHEVRON STATION 6645 Linda Vista Road San Diego, Calif. Phone BR 8-7020

PHIL WOOLPERT, ne athletic director and basketball coach at USD, talks over some o his athletic plans with Fr. John P. Cadden, president of the Colleg for Men.

Athletics Dir To University

tor Gives Report f San Diego Men

by COA PHIL WOOLPERT The Director of Athlcli~nd fied great interest in attending ba ketball coach at this u Lver- USD, it is quite easy for the ath- sity has b~en on and off c_. pus letic director to predict a fine sinl'e April 9. During th1 er- frosh season because they will iod of time he has been ost be tutored by a fine young impn>ssed with the campus the coach, John Cunningham, late weather, those fa<'Ulty and tu- of St. Augustine High School dent body members he has act, and the University of San Fran- lhc food prices, the size of 1 he cisco. house in which he is living, pus In addition to the basketball the overall area which calls t• program, we intend to continue elf San Diego. The quest n the fine baseball tradition al- obviously arisci:; as to what tis ready established under the as- has to do with the athletic pr · lute direction of Mike Morrow. nosis for the University of S As indicated above, we hope to Di.ego. play many of these contests on You students quite possib our own campus. have heard a number of ru We also are planning to em- ori:; concerning what is planne bark upon intercollegiate pro- for the future of our athletic an grams in tennis, golf and swim• h ic I education program ming. These activities will be here. ost of them probabl chedulcd competitively with havl' grain of truth in them, ther institutions and, as in all ~o 1n is column the attempt ur sports, we will approach the will ffo made to clarify, or scotch ompetition with sportsmanlike •om of them, by a man who is inning as our chief goal. quit appy, to date, in hi. en- While on the subject of inter- vironment. llegiate play, the athletic de• Ftr · , it should be pointcrl. out, rtment would certainly be in- His cellency, Bishop Charles ·ested in investigating the stu- F. u d d y, and very Rev. nt body reaction to instituting ,Yohn. P. Cadden are the guid- ssible programs in cross-coun- ng 1ights behind any of these I and soccer during the fall plans; the director of athletics s ester. The rnntingency in- acts mert>ly as their agent. Thus, v ved most importantly is a you students of logic classes c ugh student body interest a,re well aware, the director of b from a participation as ntl:lletic-s has already prepared w as a spectator point of view. I alibi should problems arise. Ifei ugh interest is evidenced With that premise established, i ne or both of these activities, quite confidently the following t athletic department will cer- ojection is advanc-ed as to t nly lt>nd its support and en- what is planned for intercolleg-

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One of the rare pictures of the goring of Antonio Ordonez on April 29 at Plaza Monumental bull ring in Tijauna, Mex. (Photo courtesy of Jack Moorhead.) LOVEDAY'S ATHLETI C SUPPLI ES- BOWLI NG SUPPLI ES BE 4-4677 224 5th

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