News Scrapbook 1962-1964

FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1962



Baran Reviews Basketball Team •·we Jacked adequate bcnlc~t h d when we 0 :,:~~ ' ' rebounding ac~ Russ Cravens mid-way throu:" the season, it broke our bac ' said basketball coach Ed Bara?• commenting on the Torero s 6-20 record for the 1961-62 sea-

public opinion Asked ho\\' they felt about the

PiKE Crown Sweetheart Pi Kappa t.psilon crowned College for Women student La- Delle Willett the sweetheart of Pi K E at their first annual Spring Fever dance fay 11 in . lore Hall. This was the first dance put on by the 18 members o t Kappa Epsilon. They hope The fraternity was recognized on campus last semester. Pre- sently it has seven pledges, in- cluding Walt Casey, Tom God- dard, Al Gontang, Joe Kelley, Jim .1avls, Joe Sciarctta and Tom Wallace. They will become members of the fraternity at the end of this semester. Officers for Pi Kappa Epsilon include Dick Bart, president; Tom Mix, vice-president; Tom Schaefer, secretary; and Terry Chapman, treasurer. Fr. Norena College for Men professor, is fra- ternity advisor. New Catalogue Here By June 15 The new catalogue for the 11 bound in ivory ripple and somewhat larger than the present one," should be ready by June 15, Irv• ing W. Parker, dean of admis- sions and records, announced last week. Five thousand copies will be printed. Eight pages of the cata- logue will be devoted to action shots of the campus, including photographs of baseball and basketball games. The catalogue will include the new speech and social science requirements effective next semester. Students will have to take 12 units of history to grad- uate, Six of these units will be History 17A-B, American history, and the other six will be elec- tives. Students will have to take two units in speech. Five new majors will be offer- ed next term, including political science, psychology, biology, chemistry and physics. The catalogue will cover the new tuition and fee rates. A flat fee of $325 will be charged per semester for 11-7 units. Each ad- ditional unit will cost $25. The ASB fee for each student will be reduced from $25 to $15. Stu- dents living on campus must also board. The room and board rate per semester will be $430. acadrmie year 1962-63,

••ue_ tras




redacion de este periodico por . u !nteres en continuar la pub- licacion, medio tan importante $.lUdents (mostly eniors), and de communkaclon en la uni- a few faculty members express- ,er idad. Si no da gusto en ver ed these heated views. este entu. ia-mo de ciertos esru- Albert .·attoli: '"This is a typi- diantes en seguir elevando el cal decision showing that in a prestigio y e pirito de esta uni- pri,·ate Institution the stu- , .,rsidad, tambien no. da ver- dents ha,•e o-called rights." guenza al realizar qu no hay Tom Goddard: ~very unfair to suficiente e.fuerzo par parte de to four-year men of the . hool. todos. It should be re-inslituted. This Parece- 1 _tn embar que .ul- timaente los tudiante . tan is something that all men look forward to." poniendo mas interes en el pro- greso de su universidad. Esto Coach Wayne Bourque ·No e · lo que necesitamos pue por Comment." un tiempo no estaba !altando "'- rian Ford: "School . pirit is esplrito de progre. o. built on sound tradition. The Las temas para los articulos . enJ.or class should lead the de este semestre y el siguente school in this respect, but (si no me atropea un tran,•ia) their efforts are In vain if they i;eran varlos y dh-er ificados. have nothing to work with." Dare mucho tiempo a ese tema David Hinajosa: "Ridiculous .•. que e, al mtsmo tiempo impor. utterly ridiculous." tante y peligroso, el avance de! Phil Powers: "They have blasted communismo en el hemisterio one tradition after another. JaUnoamericano. Ademas, tra- tare de las activldades estudl- .. ls just one more In a long antles y temas ideales para "comadrear." Por lo tanto, hare- Mr. Irving Parker: "It's the mos eso mlsmo. greatest thing since bubble te el mes i.festivo'" del ano asl · gum." que preparen. e a cooperar !er- · Bill Hunyady: "It captures the vorosamentc en las actividades C'Olor yellow. Yoww! It des- del calendario social de nuestra scribes the big ya around It; universidad. and it captures the sunburn ow·." No que tengo favoritas, pero la mejor fraternidad en la uni- Dirk Wilbur: "Actually, some of versidad es la Hamada Phi Del- us need the extra week for ta Chi. studying." Nuestra de. pedida cordial a Joe Nevadomsky: "After four todas las personas que no reg- years of hard work and effort, rezaran a Ia universidad el ano they've earned that one week entrantc. for getting together and living Tambien felicitamos todas las it up.'' personas que se graduaran en Ray Burg: HThe unfortunate junlo. Ojala siempre prosperen scheduling of final exams this en Jo que hagan. year must be remedied in the La continuacion del pcriodico years to come. Senior week is "en la universidad" es muy a fine tradition which must be s I g n if i cant e. Sera Jeido supported." en muchas otras universi- Fr. James Ganahl: HSenior Week dades y por muchas otras per- was not cancelled. As a matter sonas. Es imperativo que solo Jo of fact, $400 has been giv- mas representante se publique. en, out of ASB funds to the No solamente es esta Ja respon- seniors for Senior Week activi- sabilidad de la redacion sino ties." que Ja de todos nosotros, puesto Hank Acquare!li: "What a Joke! que es "nucstro periodico." Se No one should talk about tra- les suplica el apoyo de todos y dition in this school. The round conifa en el mismo. about way of cancelling Sen- QUESTION BOX ior Week was very poor tim- ing.'" Jim O'Leary: "I've seen the cancellation of Senior Week

f P . son.


After losing mne of Its first 1

to games, the University of. Sft~ make Spring Fever an annual Diego appeared to have hit dance at the University. 1 stride when it embarked on a

three game streak. The streak included a 64- 63 victory over Cal-Western Un1- vers ihr Then cravens ~uffcred a ' .,. d the severe ankle injury, an team staggered through the rest of the schedule, winning only one more game. . But the campaign had its highlights. Baran said freshman Larry Moyer and junior Cravens would help out next year's club eonsiderably. . "Both men have a fine shoot- ing touch, and, if they w_ork ~n US defensive plays and build P their stamina during the off• season, Coach Phil Woope_rt should be able to use them m his building plans," said Baran. Team captain and play maker John Robbins played his final year at USD in the 1960-62 s~a- son. He rceeived special praise On

n to answer the First or all,

there was the picture of the team with the caption underneath, ''Because of the season record, members ot the team wish to remain anony- mous." This was an outright Ile. Our record was 12 wins, 10 loss- es and one tie, which is far bet- ter than our other varsity teams Second, there was the article by Mr. Juliano. In my opinion, the story was adequately done, but there Is a little more to It than just that. I don't believe I saw llfr. Juliano at one game this year. Therefore, his fact_, are hearsay. One complaint he had was that the administration didn't schedule name colleges (USC, UCLA, Santa Clara, etc. J to lose. Three of the name col- leges we lost to were ranked In the top ten in the nation. USC Is defending Mtional champion. We lost to use, 3-9, UCLA, 2-6 and Santa Clara, 3-4. Can you Imagine what would have resulted had we played USC r CLA In football and E Le s be truthful; all diamond Is the on- In the world wlfo e compete with the e ch ls.

ay 4, the co Alpha Delta Garn prove by Father the B as an 0 gani lion. On . AD · from Loyola

from the coach. "Robbins could probably have played first string for any team on the coast," Baran said. "The statistics he compiled were not as impressive as they could have been because his passing was simply too advanced for the Mike Heminger ,a guard who played only one game but scored nine points, could have played first team all season, Baran said. Heminger aided the team in getting rebounds and in bol- stering the team's spirit. In reviewing the season, Bar- rest o{ the club."

ngeles form

is installation to attend the ·on, September ica and mak ible to becom


A primary obj r next fall is to

rming of an I an commented especially on the ouncil. Now th first contest with Cal-Western our fraternities University. G feels It is "We were down by t6 points at ha]f-time," said Baran, "an hat the fraterniti then we came roaring back t efforts in order win by a point 11. school spirit and Season statistics:

The News, in its final issue before school is out, wishes to learn from its readers which col- umns they would like continued next year. Please check those columns you wish to see in the next is- sues of this paper. Also suggest any other features you mLght want to see in the paper. Turn in this question box to a member of The News before

school in operation since 1957. The dropping of Senior Week follows in logieal order past occurences." Ned Wilson (Senior President): "I was greatly disappointed After all the work that was put Into Senior Week, I feel that the dropping of special exams constitutes a grave let down to us seniors. This tra- dition has been looked for- ward to by the seniors for four years. Now what?'' LINDA VISTA GARAGE OVERHAULS-BRAKES RELINEO- TUNEUPS-TOWING Auto Transmission Repaired & Adjusted 6625 Linda Vista Road, BR 7-1137

ftm pct. rb a


fga. 196 238 166 126 157 112 95 131 61 29

172 8

65 .766 68 .744 26 .703 17 .667 27 ,636 19 .655 16 .600 28 .459 10 .688 9 .563 3 .500 6 .625 0 .000 6 .833 6 .839 2 .600 0 .000 H .660

86 78 37 30 45 29 30 61 26

5 3 7

328 100

20 26 25 26 24 26 28 18 26 13 10

Rus& Cravens Jolin Robbins Bob Tritz Tony C&puto Jerry Halsey Dick Madsen A rt Wica.J Bill Schammel Jim O'Nem Larry Moyer Dave Hindlj Raul Martinez John Rodee Pat Heminger l\ltke Heminger Charles \Vlce.l Mike Sulltvan Ken Kullberg rso Opp

6. !. 4. 3. 8. 4. 3. "'· 6.

171 73 87 77 74 96 117 96 68 23

81 73 61


56 37 51 25 47 20 2( 28 276 269 333 385 .667 .000 .000 .000 3 3 68 60

17 16

3 8

7. o. 1.

26 16 13


8 4 11.1 2 1. 0.8

5 1 2


8 0 6 6 4

3 l 2

June 5. Confetti Rumors FOBB




1 0.0 26 1700 5 .344 484 308 .636 1072 -41. 26 1628 .441 699 432 .618 1179 46. 2 0 0

Omnibus Comment Books Movies Public Opinion ----- Basic Rock Suggestions for new features:


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