News Scrapbook 1962-1964

00 a-oin in €olorful Mary's


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GREAT DJ 'PLAY OF FAITH-A section of the huge crowd that fillf'd to owrflowlng the Alcala. Theater on the Unlver- lty of San Diego campus Is shown during the Mary's Bour de,·otlons 1n..,t Sunday. •un , priests, students, and faithful

from throughout the dlo<·e,e joined in thP in~piring rite . Fourth Degree Knight~ of Colurnbu, In their colorful uniform may be seen lining both sides ot the <'enter al,IP, while at left are a large group of nuns. t oss $4 Yearly Thursday, May 10, 1962

SOLEM, 1O. IENT-Ann Fri<'k of the Acad<'my of Our Lady of Peaee I• N>n In one ot the solemn highlights of the Mary's Hour devotions as she prepare to place a crown on the statue of the BlelS!led Mother last Sunday. • • • • r • Alcala Campus Rites Attract Ov ..... .... lowCrowd the example and help of the Mother oJl God, Father James Ludwig told 7,000 participants in the first ann Mary's Hour hel t l;lunday in the Diocese of San Diego. "Our Lady hu the world's despair • , • Her way Is a simple one all • • • She did not preach; ah worked no !Jll.,.;i.1"1-." hatever she did waa done entirely for ·• e e,;•n111re ector of sodallties said. Numbers exceeded accommodations for the Marian devo- tion In the Alcala. Theater on University of San Diego's campus. More than 1,000 persons viewed the colorful Beene from the balconies and classrooms of the men's college and the law school. Hundreds lltood In the aisles of the 11pacious quadrangle. Tho brlllla.ntly garbed St. Augustine High School Band led to the pl of spiritual exercises a parade of uniformed students from the schools, colleges, and seminaries of the diocese, lay del ations of the parishes in the four counties, interpa.rochlal sociP.ties of men and women, several units of Boy Scou and Gh1 Scou , nuns of more than 20 congrega- tiollll, and priests from every corner of the jurisdiction. Knights Escort Bishop to Throne Knights of Columbus in the black and white dress of the Fourth Degree and Knights of St. Gregory in the green and white uniforms of their papal rank escorted the Most Reverend Bishop to his throne on the stage. Also on the stage Wll.ll a. flower-decked altar and Marian Shrine. The purple of prelates, the blue and gold of the band, American and pa.pal flags lent color to the picture. The canopied ensemble presented a scene of liturgical splendor. Noting the fitness of Alcala Park for the first annual Mary's Hour, Father Ludwig said: "It is held here in the shadow of our diocesan seminaries dedicated to the Immacu- late Heart of Mary ..• Perhaps even more significant is the exquisite l that domlna.tes this campus-The Immacu• lata-frol!l ·hich Our Lady so graciously presides over this hill." Msgr. Hurd Directs Devotions His Excellency presided at the exercises. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Franklin F. Hurd, diocesan director of the Propagation of the Faith and organizer of Mary's Hour, directed the devotions from the stage. More than 350 uniformed members of the Catholic High School Choir sang familiar hymns in honor of God's Mother and the hymns of Benediction. A highlight of the eventful occasion was the living rosary. More than 100 children of the schools came in couples to the microphone to recite the decades of Mary's prayer. And 7,000 voices gave aouliul response. Ann Frick Crowns Statue :AJ-tn Frick, a senior e.t Our Lady of Peace Academy, placed a crown on the head of Our LadY's statue while the choir sang the hymn "0 ctisslma." When the Bishop p aced hls crozier at the feet of Our Lady's statue, hls signi(icaht gesture proclaimed the consecra- tion of his diocese t.o the Immaculate Heart of Mary. His Excellency was celebrant of Solemn Benediotion of the Blessed Sacrament. The Bishop was assisted by Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Malachy O'Sullivan, pastor of St. Vincent's parish, a.s deacon, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Gallagher, pastor of St. Rita's parish, as subdeacon. Very Rev. Msgr, Donald F'. Doxie, Bishop's secretary, was master of ceremonies. Two Judges Attend Bishop Superior Court Judge William P. Mahedy and Municipal Court Judge Roy Fitzgerald attended the Bi hop at the throne. Chaplains were Rev. Patrick O'Carroll, CSSp, Holy Ghost Fathers' superior in Riverside, and Very Rev. C. J. Danaher, OS~~ of St. Atlg!.rntine High School, -itis Excellency brought the solemn occa11ion to a close With the bestowal or the papal blessing,



Volume XLVIV,

Entered u ~cond Clan Matter at the Postoftlce of San Diego under the Act ot March 3, 1879



T c ::\1:ost Reverend Bishop p1 esided at the fwst all-uni- versity embly staged in the College for Women's Theater an Df. ego last urs ay. S t u d en t s from all the Sl:hools on the campus attend• ed the assembly at which the heads of all the schools progress repo and told of plans for the e. With Very Rev. Msgr. Don• aid F. Doxie, Bishop's secre- tary, serving a.-; master of ceremonies, speakers included Mother Frances Danz, presi- o.ent of the College for Wom- en; Rev. John Dickie, Uni- versity High School principal; Very Rev. John P. Cadden, president of the College for Men; Very Rev. Martin Mc- Manus, dean of the School of Law, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wil- liam A. Bergin, rector of Im- maculate Heart Seminary. The Most Reverend Bishop voiced his pleasure at the "outstanding p r-o g I es s and beautiful outlook" of e uni- VeJ.'Rity. . "There have been struggles and trials," His Excellency said, "but you are fulfilling the important mi~sion of edu- cation."


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