News Scrapbook 1962-1964

..,,lier,, pre,ldrnt: n~v. Jo ph Topping, founder and chaplain; ""'· \nn }:llralJt'th ·onu-rs, ,Ire pre•ldent; Mr • John :lleyt"r , re,·onllnK ,eeretary, and l\lrs.. tlehael Clark, corre pondlng ,l'<'rrlary. :llr.. Ben O. Rlthln, trra urer, Is not pktured.

r . ell 1: Tak Office s Pr ident fn,. Walter R llen1 wna tailed u pr sldent of th Ladt of U1e Jmmacutata at the r ent • cond annual In• atall&tlon and awarda dinner 1n the Lark Ca!cterla on the University ot san DI go campus. Rt. R v. a r. WIiiiam n rgln, rector ot lmmaculnte Heart S mlnary and pastor of e Imm culata parish, ottl- clated. 0th oftlcers Install are 11"11. Ann Ellzab th Somera, vice pr Id nt; tr•. John teyen,, recording secretary: 11"11. Ucha 1 Clark, corres- ponding ae ·retary, and 111"11. B n 0. Rabln, tr urer. tsgr. B e r g I n presented :t.tra. Don D' gostlno, retiring pr id nt, with a statue ot the Ble ed VI r g In Mary. lfll. D'Agost!no, who eerved two yean,, wu th charter presi- dent ot the group. 1111. v· Ag Uno presented a $l00 check to Rev. Joseph Topping. founder and chap- lain o! the group, completing th original $4,000 goal In two years. -=,=,------·~-

and his partner, Steve, ponder a chess move. Others are, left t? r~ght, '\lej:indro Rustrian, Carol Cierny, :.1arky Hlggms, V1ck1 Vaughn, Yolanda Gutierrez and Eduardo Gaja. Student:-; also danced at party.

YOUR ~IO\~peratio:1 Amigo boys and girls and their Pomt Loma High hosts go indoors for a hou ·e party in the home of Steve Lustig at 3541 Hugo St. Enrique Chavez, kneeling in foreground,

Amigos Continue Party, Tour Pace By DO • COLE!\fA. • l Later, instruction was glven l!VENINO TRIBUNE Educat;•• Wrltwr ln how to sail. A couple o! Weekend ral1;..dld!1 t damp- amigos got a face full o! ~r 1Pen--age pints m Opera- spray on the windy bay. on Amigo . Saturday night, amigos and The friend hip oµt>ratlon their host attend<'d dances rolled along as u~ual to keep throughout 1he beach arf' A pace wl~h e\e~t cheduled large number attended· a f~r the 2S 1exi~an boys and dance at the Ocean Beach g!rl during their two week- Recreation Hall visit here. To De 1 ,art 'atnrday Blessed Sacrament Catholic They began their final week Church sent bu e S u n d a y here today and will depart mormng to Point Loma High Saturday night. to take amigos and hosts to Operation Amigo is spon- church at 5700 El Cajon Blvd. sored by the city Board of Brunch wa~ served at the Education through the coop- church. eration of the Evening Trib- Reception Held une and The San DiPgo Union . unday afternoon, a ·ecep. The Mexican students who t!on was given amigos and are !rum schools In and hosts by Steve Lustig, Point near Mexico City are guests: Loma High senior, in his par• of Point Loma High SchooJ!ent's home at 3541 Hugo St. students. I Steve was Associated Stu. Bus Tour Taken dents president last ye11r. The amigos toured the city Amigos and hosts played today as guests of the news• chess, danced, and ate and papers. ate a table-load o! food. Chartered buses picked up Amigos last night spent the the students at Point Loma evenings with their host fami- High , and a , tour began of lies. General Atomic on Torrey __:::-;--- - -- Pines Mesa, Scripps Institu- tion of Oceanography, the ]lniver.!i.lil'...5!.f San Die o mu-

4 S.D. Delegations To Attend Model U.N. Four San Diego higher in- 1State ; !rom the University stitutions will send delega-1of San Diego's College for . Women, Italy, and USD's Col- tlons to ~e.13th annual :Mod~l lege for Men, Yemen. Umted :-.lat10ns of the Pacific The 'Model United Nations West April 24-27 at San Jo e was founded at Stanford Uni- State College. versity in 1950. ext month's Students from California meeting will include 1,100 del- Western University will reprc- egatc from 108 colleges and ent New Zealand; from San universities in 11 w est e r n Diego State the Un it e d states.


nicipal courts, Serra Muse- um. and Cabrillo Lighthouse. The big outdoor event for amigos over the weekend was a visit to Mission Bay Park as guests of the Mission Bay Yacht Club. Attend Dances Commodore Ross Harris welcomed the amigos aboard. They were served a buffet lunch and then all went for a bay cruise.

Aztec, USD Nines Collide Today .·an Diego State and U n i. versity of San Diego baseball lf'ams meet for the second time todav on the Aztec dia- mond at 3 p.m. The Aztecs scored a 6-2 victon· o\·er the Toreros last Tuesday Larry Kramer will hp the State starting pitcher w h i J e :\like Heminge1 is schrouled t o go for USD.

1/USD Auxiliary 1 Breakfast Set iln Coronado A hunt break!Mt buttet will be sponsored by the Uni- versity of ~an Diego Auxili- ary at 10 :30 a.m. this Tuea- day, }, rch 12, In the lnter- naUonal Room o! Hotel de! Coronado. Card games will be played a!ter the breakfast. Mrs. Ada Smyle has been named chairman of the event by Mrs. John Athalde, presi- dent. The donation Is i2.7l5 a person. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Joel Rene, 274-15008; Mrs. Gerald McMahon, 223 . 6941; Mrs. George McClenahnn. 4159-21517 or Mrs. Vincent Bacino 442' 6660. ' • Recently welcomed as new members of t h e auxiliary were Mmes. !Joseph Bennett William McKenzie and C i Smith Sha.nnon. • aro 3- 7- (.,3

Ml{ l~A \ 'f Planning tn ma~ p t h e i r home at 114 :Wl'nlo St. are .\f r and Mrs. Ru sf'll Jami's Cravens who WPr marnPrl a_t 11 a .m April 20 in \Ii,. •ton San D1egn de Alrala Thr hricte. thr formrr Don: na k'.11) Rridvolct. ls lhr daughl<'r or Mr and .\1rs. Donald F . Rodvold of Spring Vallry :'\Yrs Elizabeth Lau- l'r ot 560.1 Cumberland ·t. 1 the mother of lhl' bride- groom Thi' bride . tud1ed at S 11 n Diego Stall' 1'hr bride- groom will he graduated in June from Univl'r ity or San Dtl'go

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