News Scrapbook 1962-1964

People ,n Sports ew

b for lie replace

Danny O'Con- n nell, who was made a Sen- 1 1 ator coach l ,,· e:. t \ irgima basketball star, \Hlo rai'led lreshman ba k tball 1.;oach at the Um ·er~tl) of H1chmoncl SE,. \TOH Kl:.. • ''Ill U Kl:.\TI. G 1Hep- ·. Y.I sail the Stale Department ha e dorsed a proposed Senat resolut10n to seek the 1' Winter Olympic Games the U. S., probably at L Placid,.·. Y. c;Au: c.uu;•1 1.

JOI!. CL'.\, I. GIL\.\I, for- mer USF ba eball and ba ketball tar was named head basebat: eoach at the Um• \Cl' llY of an Die o L F"

,10 I

JDDI) (1, \ltK of Scoll, nd scl an unofficial lap record of L35.3 for the t11 o-mile Jonte Carlo cm:Utt. Graham Hill and Ritchie Gintller also had g od Lp mark , \\bile it \I as announced that Phil Hill and Giancarlo Baghetti would not ha,e their car• ready to race in ·• Prix I.



New coaching job


Two USD Hurlers Halt Miramar, 2-1 The University of San Diego baseball _team edged Miramar Na val Air Station, 2 1, vest(>r. day at Robb Field. . . Torero pitchers Mike Hem- mg-er a_nd Pat Barry ~rattered four Miramar hit~ and fanned 12. Singl<>s by Ron Cadi and Bill C_Ju_cas brought home the de- c-idmg USD runs in thp bottom 01 . th e !'

First Marked By USO Student Phlhp Scott Gavin, 21, a. biology major at the Univer• lty o! S,in Diego's College ror . \ten became the college'• first student to be accepted a:, a. et dent in a.n a.ccredlted medical chool GnV\n son or Mr and :Mrs l'hll E ,,.,-tn, 11 • 6 Garnet v nue :r elf e Beach w i 11 ltend the n verslty of Mar- quette Med c:i.1 School In Mil• ,, e.uke \\ 1 , next Ji all. He \\111 re ve ht. Bachelor of rts degr from USD m J • e The 11.nnoun ement w a e made lothy by the Rev. Philip I'. 1urray, head or the col- d pe.rtment of Science a.nd , le.theme.tics. Gavin I a 1959 graduate of t ugusllne High Schoo_:__ I ;.11-1.,:; lcge

Orange St. Nine Beats USD, 4-1 $pedal to The San Diego Union Pat Barry and Tom Goddard combined to pitch a three-hitter for Uni- versity of San Diego here yes- terday but they were betrayed by five error which gave Orange State e. 4-1 baseball victory The Toreros' only run came in the eighth Inning when John Pearce doubled home Ed Green, who had singled. USD plays Loyola ot Los Angeles today at Beeson Field in San Diego, starting at 1 p.m. USO . 000 000 011)...1 , 5 OranH Slate lOI 101 tOX-4 3 1 Barry, Goddard (&) and Baumgarten. Voge! 171; Barnett and Holl. FULLERTON -

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USD TO GET $8,000 UNDER AEC PROGRAM TRIBUNE WASHINGTON Bureau COPLEY NEWS Service WASHINGTON - T h e Atomic Energy Commission has approved an $8,000 edu- cational assistance grant for the University or San Diego. The Department of life sciences at the university will use the money to pur- e ha s e laboratory equip- ment, an AEC spokesman said. The grant was made under an AEC program to aid college • level nuclear education.


ine Tops

I C-W, Toreros - :Meet Today Cal Western University goes afte: its 17th baseball victory agamst only four defeats when the Westerners take on u n 1_ vers1ty of San Diego for th second, time this season a~ MCRD s Beeson Field at 3 I p.m. today. _Cal Western won the pre- vious meeting, 16.2. USD Is 9-11 for the season. Te r r y Lov~ leads the Cal Western battmg at p~esent With a .368 average which includes 21 hits in 57 trips and 18 run batted in. s

Miramar, 5-3 Th Unlver It) of ::;an Di- ego s ba all t(>am cored a 5- v1cto1) O\ e1· tht the , lira- mar • ava Air Station team )f' teu ai; i a gam played •t ~lire.mar John Pearce Pat Bari; and !Tom Cf)ddard cl v1ded th USD l'T'OU d clL•tl in t'1e S(>V. en-Inning conte t an Dan Wilh(>Jm Jed thl' T rno attack ~vith thrr,, hits 001 IOI 1-5 000 IO'l 1)...3

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