News Scrapbook 1962-1964

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\IRPORT GATHERL"\"G - Prir,b and lay throug-hout the diocese were at Lindbergh Field si Wet>k to \\f>kome :\lost Rev. Fraud~ J. J<'urey, new Coadjutur Bishop. l'art ur the cron·d is shown here. In center , left to right, Bbhop Furey, Itt. Rev. !U,gr. Jamrs P. O'~hea, editor of The Southern Cross; the Must newrl'nd RIRhop, :'\lost Jtev. John J. Krol, Arehbishop or l'ltil:.u:MI1hia., and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Trlvi~onno, pat;tor ot Our Lady of the Rosary parish. cepti nsH il Coadjutor 1,500 Witness Impressive Rites In lmmaculata

Most Rev. Francis J. Furey has taken up his duties aa Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego wlth warm words of welcome at liturgical and civic receptions still ring. ing In his ears, Priests, Religious, and the faithful turned out In lmprel!• slve numbers last Thursday to welcome the former Auxlliary Bishop of Philadelphia to his new duties as Coadjutor Bishop and apostolic administrator of the diocese. More than 1,500 witnessed the colorful ceremony o! litur- gical reception in the Immaculata on the University of San Diego campus, and aome 5,000 of the faithful in the diocese joined In the civic reception the same night In the Alcala Bowl on the campus. Luncheon Sponsored by Priests 'l'hat afternoon, pne.sts o! the diocese sponsored a lunch• eon In Hotel del Coronado honoring His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, who presided a.t the liturgical reception, and Bishop Furey. Serious thoughts and humor were mixed freely at the luncheon. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthe\v Thompson, pastor of St. Edward's parish, Corona, served as master of ceremonies. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis C. Ott, pastor of Blessed Sacrament parish, spoke for the priests of the diocese, and Rt. Rev. Michael Byrne repre• seated the priests In making a presentation to Bishop Furey. Rev. Emmett Michaels represented military cha.plains in making a. presentation. Archbishops John J. Krol of Philadelphia and Thomas A; Connolly of Seattle, Archabbot Be>naventure Knaebel of St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana, and 18 Bishops joined n the liturgical reception in the Immaculata. Sense of Security, Stability Noted ''There is a sense of security and stability in the appoint• ment of Bishop Furey," the Most Reverend Ordinary said in his sermon during the Solemn Pontifical High Mass cele- brated by Bishop Furey. Speaking at the close of the liturgical reception, Bishop Furey sald, "If ever a Bishop deserved a helping hand in the performance of his many and arduous tasks, that Bishop is the esteemed first Ordinary of the Diocese of San Diego. Under his able, untiring and inspiring leadership the growth of this jurisdiction has been phenomenal." Military escorts accompanied Cardinal McIntyre and Bishop Furey in the procession Into the Irnmaculata. Military Escort Members Named With Cardinal McIntyre were Rear Adm, Frederick J, Harlflnger, USN; Col. H . J. Woessner, USMC; Capt. A. J. Henry, USN, and Col. E. G. Kurdziel, USMC. With Bishop Furey were Capt. W. B. Hirst, Jr., USN; Capt. L. E. Hubbell, USN; Capt. J. S. Bowen, USN, and Col. R. A. Campbell, USMC, A military color guard, chaplains from local naval bases, and Knights of St. Gregory gave a colorful touch to the pro• cession. Among the guests were Mayor Charles Dall of San Diego, Frank Gibson of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. State Sen. Jack Schrade, and State Assemblyman E. Richard· Barnes. • • • • • •

ALCALA PROCESSION-The JUost R.iverend Bishop fs s.ien in procession preceding JUost Rev. Francis J. Furey, new Coadjutor Bishop, into the Immaculata or the ceremony of liturgical reception last Thursday. Bis Eminence James

Francis Oardlllal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, •~ seen in b~kground. Navy officers formed guard of honor for His Eminence and Bishop Furey. More tban 1,500 were in the lmmaculata for the liturgical reception.

• • • Here's 'Tip 1 On Numbers, But Don't Bet Do you play the numbers game? Most Re,·. Francis J. I<'urey doesn"t suggest you do - but he did cite numbers in a C h a r I e s an d Francis ? • V e 1' C C h Buddy and Furey? Five each. The Charcery zip code? 92110- and the sap,e numbers in his Ph1ladelph1a Zlp code only in

/Bisho~ -~urey Lauded by

Great ~:r~s Revosnh".". • • Cardinal Praises

Courage of OrdinarylPope Paul

A man of "great courage, great spiritual stamina . . " The speaker was IDs Eminence James Francis Cardinal .McIntyre. The occasion was the banquet in honor of Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, Coadjutor Bishop of San Diego. And the reference was to San Diego's first Bishop, Rev. Charles F. Buddy.

Most Rev. Francis J . .l<'urey takes up his duties as Coadju- tor Bishop with the highest credentials he could present -the praise of His Holiness Pope Paul VI. In an apostolic Jetter, the Holy Father said, ''\Ve have chosen a person of outstand• ing qualities to fill the office of Coadjutor of San Diego," Archbishop John J. Krol of Philadelphia revealed in a talk here. Such a high compliment from the Vicar of Christ con- firms the great praises earn- ed by Bishop Furey for his accomplishments throughout his priestly career. • • •

Recalling the vision that in• spired the University of San Diego and commending the c o u r a g e that provided it, Cardinal McIntyre told the 600 Bishops and priests pres- ent that the Holy See had recognized the "great works" of San Diego's founding Bis- hop, especially the achieve- ment represented by the dio- cesan university. "A great institution and one that will become greater with the passage of time," His Eminence said. Cardinal McIntyre said Bis- hop Buddy "had met the chal- lenge the new diocese pre• sented 26 years ago" and his great works had won the gratitude and admiration of all. .I · The needs of the

are still great, the Cardinal said, and the problems are still there. It is for this rea- son, he added, that the Holy See has sent here Bish op Furey to assist the Ordinary. "If ever a Bishop deserves a helping hand in the per- formance of his many and arduous tasks, that Bishop is the esteemed first Ordinary of the Diocese of San Diego. "Under his able, untiring and inspiring leadership, the growth of this jurisdiction has been phen om en al," Bishop Furey said.

• • • Tributes Paid Bishop In Spontaneous Acts If the Most Reverend Ordinary of San Diego did not real- ize during the past 26 years the warm esteem in which he is held by the priests and faithful of the diocese, he learned It in breathtaking fashion on more than one occasion last week. Standing ovations were given him at the Hotel del Coro- nado luncheon honoring James Francis Cardinal McIntyre and Most Rev. Francis J. Furey. Each mention of his name drew resounding applause and a number of times priests and laymen stood in heartfelt tribute. His Excellency also 1·ecei,·ed standing tributes from the faithful du1rng lhe civic reception at Alcala Pa1·k. Tht) v.c,e unfui;;tttable eJ>.pi-ess1ono o! Jove and estce1rt.

('l\'JO_ ICEC!-,l'TIO. ·-somn 5,000 faithful l'rowded the Alrala Bowl on the Universlt • an D1e1:o campuo; la,t Thnr,day nJi;ht to \\elcome :\Io,t Rev .Franri, J I•ure . nrw c~ad W'"' 11/'lwp. rll(hl. With Bi,lwJ• Fur,•~· are thP :'lfo,t ReYnt>n;t Bi,hop ,.,:ntn }~d , en· Re>,· . 1:1". )m1al(I I'. ~)o\h•, B1,1to11•~ "i.f"(•r,·tar_\. Ht. ltP,, :\J,:,:r. J•runl,iin v '1-iurd diO,•t·!:l·u; clin•c:tor ol J he ~uc•tt•I.} Jor tlu· P,-opag,ttion oJ (ht, J'a1lh, \\th thti aua~tt:r ol ~~,·t·ium.Lie!-2

LUNOHEON_ FETE-Ptiests of the diocese honored ms Eminenc.i James Francl-; Oardinal ,1clntyrt>, left, and :Uos~ Rev. Francis J. Furey! new Coadjutor Bhhop, at 8 Iuneheon in Hott>) del Coronado, last Thursday after the htur,;.;al rec..11tlon for Bhho 1 , Furey. Hi,; J"min- "(""" and the :\lost Re\ erencl Bishup, right, are shon n ,Join in I:' in the al'plau,e fotr libltup I· w-ey BAI the new <:oa.dJutor prepare, to apeak at the luncheon.

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