News Scrapbook 1962-1964


USD Five Beats Col State, 66-64 SpecMJI 1o TM Ja" D1e90 Union HAYWARD, 'alif ·an Oiego last night staved otr a closing ral- ly by California Stat" College to win a hectic, (i6, 4 victory at thp .Foothills High gym. Cliff Ashford of Tht> winnt>rs !Pd all scorers wttlt :.!4 points. Lymond Williams scorrcl J1 a. thP visitors c 1alkrcl 11p their third win in ~P\ r-n outinrr~ USO (U) Col $fate c,Cl . The University of

'Hoop Scoop' Topic At Luncheon Session

and Andy Pierce !or spe- cial commendation. Carl Benton, filling in for Ziegl'nfu s, predicted the Aztec will wm the close. one a long as lhPy have ,Tack Shawcro[t. "He's the kind that alway· makes the big play for you," said Ben- ton. John Cunningham, bub- bing for W o o I p e r t, had praise for the 'Toreros, who droppPd an 87-85 decision to Lo yo I a In Los Angele's Saturday. He said the young USD squad, made up en• tlrely ol sophomores and juniors, has "a tremendous basketball future." Coach Charlie Hampton said hi· San Diego City Col- lege tar, Elburt Miller, needs only Improve his de- f1>nslve work to be a com- p! •le basketball p I a y e r. Miller set a tournament scoring record ot 129 points as the Knights took conso- lation honors in the Chaffey meet over the weekend. He was named to the all-tour- nament team "llf' can drive, be ("all hoot well from the outside nnd he plays the. game the way you like to see it played," said Hamnton I-!/

GFPT '1 5 4 9 • 1.t 9 , ? 1 10 5 a 5 t ; , f g 3 1~ ,

GFPT • 6 3 1.4: R:odoer 133 7MCOanitl '- Wenn!han 1& i 2t t 1 ~W1ns I i t h°Jg~~v ? O ,

Wllllorn~ Yo...,or~y Mov~r T~ismort Ashford Pric~ MO!f'rlch


Totals Calilornia ~-~---------- /. J 2 • Tl II '6Totols :::i:, 12 22 ,4 Halftime s.corr USO 36,

Whll.. ("amp,tlgnln,: <'ompetitlon at the lol'al level, Al L e w i , • ti W tern athletic direc- tor, nld th •re are firm p I an s for upgrading the ri allty of the Westerners' tourney. Lewi wa. reprl'sentlng <'<•A<'h Bob Kloppenburg, who w11s on the road with th b kPthall lPam. George Zlegenfu s of San D i P g o State College and P h 11 Woolp rt or Univer lty or S n Dl1>go also Wl're ab- 11ent Th Aztec. are in the • Ildwc t and Woolpert was rcstin an ailing b ck. J. wl pral.ed the We,t ernl'r ' championship T) er• lormanc In the Pomona Clas tc over the weekend. Ile singled ou Jim Hefner for In n•a 1•d

Torero Soph Star Wins Starting Role i:: phomore guard Mark Yavorsky has won himself a start• ing position on the University of San Diego basketball team. "We just can's keep him out of the line-up," commented Co•ch Phil Woolpert following the Loyola University re-match which •aw the Toreros drop a squeaker to the Lions. 87-85, Salm•lay at Loyala.

Ya•:01•ky, who prepperl at • I. Au;:-usline High, has ho -n steady improvrn,ent o,·,, the four games this sea• m •nrl Raturda!)I potted 28 o l• lo par, the Toreros. l h• first-year varS1ty play• •r mane. ;;;-oor! on nine of 16 I t• fr'lm th~ field and 10 f I from th• free throw 1 0 to !car! all scorers for the e ·cmn~. \\"oolpert commented that a Long Bearh State coach, routing the game, revealed tc, h1 n that he had taken oles on Yavorsky at the tart of the contest but had to tip them up as the game rogressed and as Yavorsky oecame hotter in his shooting. Mark will definitely start guard," JS aid \'\Toolpert fonday. The Toreros ate presently tl a four-day rnad trip lhrough •·orthern California here they played San Jose ate 111st night and \,ill play , anta Clara tooi~ht. The San "An~ ,~,ill tvind up their aturrlay night at lfay• r! against CaJifomia Stale (formerly Alameda.

tion, h-yi11g lo !ind the 1 ight combination. "This ti,am could b~at any- borty on the schrdule," added the veteran mentor. •·once they jell and put a :i;am• to- gether, thry"II he okay. Right now they·re making .,opho· more mistakes, but they·re learning." Yavor"/-~ , and t~am cap- tain Ly11tw1iJ Wilhams are ex• peeled to~ start at guards for tonight's fray with the Bron· cos. Cliff Ashford. who gar• nered 26 p o i n t s for the Toreros Saturday, and Mark Teisjllann will work at the forward positions while Wool- pert wm have to pick from centers Larry Moyer. Matt . talerich. Phil Price and Tony Binder for the other front co1,1t position. P1ice played ln his first game Satu, day and im- pressed Woolpert consider- ably with his .i-ebounding. The former San Diego High ath• lete is a. 6-6 sophomore anr! player! on th, u::;n frosh lr'l.m last Year along w1lh Ya,·nrsky, · '"He may ha,·e Just earnecl a ~pot nn th• ,tarttn;; team," said \\'oolpert. Binder, who pmnt~ ai:-ains t~amnta teB .M epch hR ve not b· n con.

CW, Toreros Fe st On Tourney Fare TherP's going to be some interesting college baskct- bitll in San Diego this win- ter, especially when Univer- sity ot San Diego and Cal We5tern me!'t In their two- game, home-a n d-h o m e series. This !act was emphasized over the weekend when the Westerners won their .third tournament In less than a month and USO also snar£'d a tourney championship. Cal Wrstern ran its record to 11-2, best basketball start, the Westerners ever have had, when it held of! Ne- vada S o u th e r n, 44-41, Saturday night in the Las Vegas Convention Center to win the Las Vegas Classic. USD upped its record to 5-

USO Frosh Face Rest , C'oa h John C mn111gh11m•• l nlver t \" of San D1ei:o frc hnrnn b..ketbaii I • • m \\ II r~ t lint,! .l11n11a1 l' 6 wh,n it ,nept, Californut J<;Jectriral Wnrk• ff:ALF:'>\(J) r,f lhe ur, Tea~u•, in th rern11lch at l RO ,=-ym Th• Tnr•r{l 'fa Im,• 1·rar,• perl 11 1> th~ Hl6,1 part of their •rherlul, Tue rlav R~AIMt th• Naval T1alnin1; c,nter Cunninghan,• fntre tnnk • ·2 re co rd into th• XTC match after drnpping their cond game or the ~eason 11 turday to the Loyola fro h by 11 6 •59 count. The Torero had pre,·iou.;;ly beaten the yon,. 63-13, ear- llrr this season. <:unningh m's frosh cage,·• al. o hold 1,i ove, San Diego State, Cale¾ o and Astronau- tic llnd haw, a lo. s to South. we lern Colle~e. C,u e11t1 parin,:- the Tot·• e10, 111 • or1n Is 6-. forward A an r' :; ' tlh l 5 point• an,e, fo a 17 .~

·mr :o~ement over last week." aa1d Woolpert. "But w,'re ~till it month away. We're •till fn a shakedown s1tua-



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