News Scrapbook 1962-1964


USD Close Victor /L-'§ As Ashford Hot Clllf Ashford's 24 points pacrd nlverslty of San Dl- rgo to a 66-64 victory over Cahfornl Stat Collrgc In Hayward aturday night. an Diego lty Collcg M 1~ players go iil on tlie _coring act at Diego High gym, Elburt Miller led the a t t a c th 21 points. and Gro mont College both po tccl vlctorir. . Gros mont ra d San Diego State Frosh. 82-62.



An ,xhibit of p1untfngg !I.lid drawmgs by Al Woerner and Darryl MilRap I scheduled tor the month of January In Uni- versity of San Diego' gen- era) library, Mrs. Nell Young, director of exhibits, hu an- nounced, The achedul~: r o n d a, y through Thursday, 9 to 9; Friday, 9 to II and urday, 10 to 2. /. I

Winning Enjo}!able Toreros C T,hey Can Any Hoop Riva Winning has caught t h e fancy of coach Phil Wocil- pert's University o! San DI- ego basketball team this sea- son. It's something the To- reros haven't been exposed to much In the past. USO recently won tour of five games ln the North and WooJpcrt was ln a jovial mood as he _spoke at the Union-Trib. une basketball writers' lunch- eon in Kings Inn yesterday. A 78-73 win' over O r a n g e State in the finals of the Sier- ra Mother Lode Tournament in Bishop Saturday gave the Toreros a 5-4 record for the year, their best at this stage of the campaign in a long time. Feeling of Winning Prevails "\Ve have the feeling of win. ning," said Woolpert, "and the kids feel they can beat anybody on their schedule, which I do, too. "Cliff Ashford, L y m o n d Williams and Mark Teismann did real good jobs for us. Teismann·s father drove out from Cincinnati,and was with us four days. He's never seen Mark lose, so I offered him a partial scl)olarship. · "To a drgree, I thought we accepted the spirit of Christ- mas· too much. You're sup- posed to be giving, w h I c h we did. We had Santa Clara by 1.5 points and we had to come from behind In the last minute to win. We IC'd C a I State bY,.13 and we beat 'em by two, hut overall I'm very pleased." Jfawallan Coach Talk~ Other coaches who spoke were George !Zigg ) Ziegen- fuss of San Diego State Col- lege, Bob Kloppenburg of Cal Western and Red Rocha whose L"nivcrsity ot Hawaii team came here to pla • Cal Western and Marine Corps Recruit Depot.

Sam 'Thomns scored 21 and Bill Biggs hit 22 for the vic;.- tors.

The Knights pounded Na- val Training Cent r, lOt,-51,

Loyola Beats USD, 87-85, In Last Seconds

The Ian Diet• Un,on


S \ Unh·er~lty of • an Diego suftered its lourth defeat In five game~ as San J e te riddled the Tore- 5-41, here last ni 6 ht in th lit t o! the San Dlegans' tno-n me !Northern California road trip. USO jumped off to an eight- point lead but San Jose quick- ly applied a ·trong press and mo, ('d Into a commanding d\antage and stayed ahead the remalndC'r ot the cen est. ('lilt A~htord collect


Cal Western defeated Ne. vada ·Southern, 41-41, Satur- day for the Las Vegas Classic with "the finest effort I've ever had at Cai Western," said Kloppenburg:. "I think Nevada Southern is one of the top independents in the National Collrgiate Ath- letic A~sociation," he s a J d, "but we made them play our game We set the tempo of the game. The game was very well officiated in the 1 i rs t h a I f, hut in the s e c o n d half. . " Hefner GPt~ Prai~e Kloppenburg praised guard Jim Hefner, named the tour. namcnt'~ most valuable play. er, and J:orward John Carlyle, v.ho "is- the first player I've s e_e n make al!-tournarqent strictly on his defensive abil- ity." ''This i~ the best s ta rt we've had," he said, "and the reason for this is o u r in- terior defense. '('he big kid (6-foot, 8,inch Steve Crowell) and (Andy) Pierce are doing tremendous joQs inside. Con. sequently we tan do a little gambling outside with o u r small, quick guards." The Westerners have th e best college record in town with 11 wins and two losses. Aztecs Have Troubles Ziegenfuss, whose c I II b hit a seasonal low in a 48-46 Joss to Redlands Saturday, is "hav. ing the most diificulty putting the ball th1'm11h the hoop." "Ta l:e e a, ay our ! as t breaks and ,\ J·d be shooting 20 per cent a ;;a1n_e," he said. "At the start o fie Year I fig- ured after 10 games we'd be 7-3. We're 5-5 and as we start conference play I :c'an't say I'm optimistic. FrPsno His Choice

EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DllQO, CALl•ORNIA 1 1-· 'fh11n1., JJ<>c. 19, 106."l C• SPOI?.TS ... General an Jose ushes

USD Seeks To Square Hoop Mark s,oc1a1 ta IVENINO TRIIUNII BISHOP - University of San Diego hopes to even Jts season basketball record at 4 ·4 When it opposes Sacra- mento State In the opening round of the Sierra Mother Lode tournament here tp- nlght at Bishop High, The guard - rich Toreros Will be favored over Sacra- mento's Hornets, one of the few teams they beat last Year, USO tripped Sacra- men o, 66-64, in Anaheim's Rri1\. Kring!~ Klassic ,last seaso11. 'The S t a t e rs are somewhat weaker this sea- son, -hile the San Diegans are , astly improvrd. Aprn, coach Phil Wool- pe1·t 11! can on his sharp- sllootlng "uards, Clifford Ashford, l\lark Yavorsky and Lymono llliams, to set the pace. A.s rd ls the Torer- os' lea in scorer With 124 Points in seven games, a 17,7 ave ,ge. Yavorsky is hit- ting at a •10.3 average and wmram 9.1. It USD Wins tonight, it

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"I figured Fresno would win the championship (California Collegiate Athletic Associa- tion) at the start of the year and that we'd fight Jt out for second With L. A tate. "Right now I'd pick Fres. no, With L. A. Stat(! second and Long Beach third, then us_ We play Long Beach State here Friday and they have a 6-7 center (John Rambo) who has high-jumped ~even feet and a boy namecl (John) Bar. ~!coat, who ls doing a good Job and avetaging 19 points a game for them. They have a terrible record, but look at the teams they've played." . I I

probably, wm face Orange State, a team 1t has never beaten, tdrnorrow for the ti- tle. Oran~e has conquered USO Sil'!: times In the last th rt'e SfiUons. This MIi • be the fir t col. leg basketball ever pJaved In Bishop, a town- 400 miles north of San Diego in the eastern Sierras. 1=:-:---_..;.:..:....:...=-=::.:_,,,,_....,___

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