News Scrapbook 1962-1964

tSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1964 Captur_. Tour11e;'·

j Torero Cagers Score Four Wins in Row Take a school deep in athletic obscurity and add to It a coach with a reputation of building championship tea111s and ere could very well be a new star on the Southern Califomia rts horizon. When University of San Diego basketball coach PHU Woolpert took over he reins r.,:>----------------4 of the Toreros In 1961, he commented thnl It would take at. l t three ) ears be- fore U D ould achieve any reasonable success In basket- ball. The Toreros had gained the tourney finals with a 715- 66 win over ·acra.mento State, Led by fi-11 guard Mark Yavori;ky, the San

Toreros Set For Annual Hoop Event nher ity (Jf ,·an Diei:-(J' ha kethal)ez wllt pla;; host ror lh cond annua I Invi- tational Tournament Fnrlav and ·aturclay. · Op ntng defonse or lts tl- tlr. In thr 7 p m opener Fri clay will he PhihPac Orange !';tatr. will oppose the hoop !Pr tzom coro- na lo. Lo Ani:elr~ Pacific and l SD v. ill s q u a i, e ofl al 9 Lo er v. 111 mel' Sa•ur

USD Frosh· Due to Play Two Games Coach John Cunningham's freshman basketball t e am from the University or San Diego returns to hardwood action next \\>'eek with games against California. Electrical Works Monday and St. Aug- u.stlne High Tuesday. The Torero fro h, 6-2 tor the season, will be :;ceking their second w' of the ~ea- son over Cal,. •o. Cunning- ham' squad .Jefeated the local AAU power, 74 - 71 In overtime, earlier this season. e Calewo mat'Ch will be h at USD gym starting at 8 pm. while the contest with St. Augustine, considered one of_ the area's top prep teams, Will start at 7 p.m. at St. Augustine gym, In their last outing, De- ceomber 17, the TQrero year- lirtgs took the measure of the San Diego Naval Training Center, 64-48. The colletians have been idle since then. Alan Fay, a 6-15 forward, currently leads the frosh with 122 points for a 17.( average. Dave Goldsbeny follows with 77 points and an 11 point average. Other aver- ages: Larry Gaddy, 10-4; John < Emerson, 0.6; Barry Fay, 8.4; Bob Rosene, 3.4; and Steve Wojdowski 1 8.3. I-~

Diegans sped to a 15-pinnt advantage in the second half then won going away, Yavorsky scored 18 points against the Capital City team while teammates Mark Tels- mann and Cliff Ashford tal- lied 17 a.nd 15 points, respec- tively. Lymon d Williams scored nine and Larry Moyer had eight points. The Toreros had a 38-33 halftime lead. In the finals against the Titans, USO lead 35-34 at the half then picked up eight straight points before the Ora.ngemen made their final a.ttempt to pull out the game. With the score, 74-73, in favor of the Toreros, USD forward Matt Malerich two quick jump shots to give W oolpert's team the five- point winning advantage Ashford was high man with 26 points while Teismann scored 17. Moyer followed with 12 and Williams had 11. Yavorsky and , fa'erir.h each counted six points to round out the scoring. After nine games, ,\shford leads the Toreros in scoring with 165 points for an 18.3 average, Yavorsky 1s averag- ing 10.7 points, WOl!ams 9.3, Teismann, 9.9; Male11ch and Moyer, 5.9 ; Tony Binder, 5.6; Rich Verlasky 1.6; and Phil Price, 1.5,

\V oolpert had followed the same building program while at the University of San Francisco dunng the fifties. In three year's time, USF had taken over the national collegiate spotlight and for over two years was undefeat- ed. Their 60-game win streak la still a natlonal record and for two years they were the top team In the natioIL But in Woolpert's first sea- son e:t USF, the Dons com- piled a 6-20 record: Last year, In his first sea- son with the Toreros, Wool- pert had a 6-19 record. Thls term, alter only nine games, the T01eros have nearly equalled la ·t season's win record with a 5-4 mark. The Toreros are hoping to up their win record to six aturday at Santa Barbara where they will meet the Uni~ vers1tv of California (Santa. Barbara) In an 8 p.m. con- test. Woolpert's squad will take a four-game win streak Into Saturday's t ussle after de- fea.ting Orange State, 78-73, in the finals of the Sierra. • !other Lode Classic Jast Sat• urday at Bishop. ThP In gave USD its first tou•'I!ament title in its his- tory and the first victory over Orange State in beven attempts. /-:Z



~'!,~,t;~~~,~rs Gun for 14th Win Toni ht :;'. 1 ~ 1 ~ ,( 1 '!1, sto/ ~~bodi ;/;~w;nfn~~h~a Ca~lyle. a n ct Santa_ lonica CC here af. g of~~; c'a~a~~e:the cohnd1kl1on -".Whitworth ni:p;J tr~~~· teer!! d~spo~i~g ol Grossmont ,·ersity of California at San- " 11 ein as et- , 7l III r , o r.,e. ti.!-, 1 2 ta Barbara, 69-33, Saturday ,,a record tltis sea ·on th- 't . an rar ier game on G ct D . night. Clifford Ashford \\'as It · - · P nplrheader card t ,uar 1 c k Dowling . now stands at l:l-2 fol- Point Loma Th . a talli<'ct 18 points to high man for USO with IS. ~':'.\\mi:: Saturda.v night's 7:l- held a 42-33. ectg! ;~l~nt°es the I 1 Ict' 11 trng of Occidental in mission. In thr first c nlert- had 17 for the Griffins /~ ''\Grm. Tl1P Western- there, CW Frosh witl c~ Unh·crsity of San .Dieao ,:crsity of the Am<'ricas, a /; WI h,v for _No. 14 at SriuthwPstern. 61 _: 11 as 1 ft\ rPt11rns 110 1; 11, llC'Xt week<'~d Mexico City School, 124-71 ' ·} 111 lorng t agamst Whit- Woodson scored 'l'J • JC to host its annual invi·ta laSl night in Kava! Trauing ''JI on the sam . -· · 1· - Center gym C I H And, p· . e coui t. .·an DJf""O Cit,· • wnal tournament. Orange . ar unter points· as Ie;Vce ctanncd Jr; \>JI! take a~ 12-4 Plaz~k>Jl,•;:r State, Los Angeles Pacific sc_orcd 29 points for the · ' es er n led r ·d ' a1 ,1 PmbP I wmners, but the losers' Sam from start to finish. Steve c' n ay mg11t" ',lc11 po J' tnrrrl ac a so arc en- Brown, who hf["O/\ per cent onferenre opent•r '.! ir . . . - of 11· h _,.,v ~ JP l ur<'ros bow<'d 10 ,. •n,·_ 15 s ots, bagged game L honors with 46.


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