News Scrapbook 1962-1964
• I Gam ace
T oreros Duel San Fernando Five Tonight Special to The San Diego Union NORTHRIDGE of San Diego will try 1n get haC'k on 1hr' winning side of the l<'dger tonight when Jt o JI po s e ~an .Fernando State's ba~ketball team, TipoU Is set for 8. 1:i. Th<' 1wo freshman ~quads will pla) in the 6 o'clock preliminary. ThP 'foreros, who own a 6•7 rrrord. h:l\'r droppNI two in The Matadors' 1 rc-ord ThP Pni , r 1t
-Son Diego Union Stoff Photo
during the first half of last night's game with USD on the Toreros' court. Referee Don Smith looks on.
Long Beach State College forward Al Windfeldt (51) leans out of bounds in an attempt to keep the ball in play
CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME 49ers Subdue Toreros B~~~~y!r~~st~,~~~~ 5 '-rh~o~o~?!,,,i;,, \ t'niveri;ity of San Dil'go ry tor good measure. prowrl that charity really Strangely enough,, it was /-?-./ straight points and a shorl Mark Teisman at 1 :25, Lar- from the field in an 86-71 win over the Toreros in the time later had a 10-point ry Moyer ~<17, Ashford and finally Toriy Binder al 1:51. The Long Beach combo o! 6-5 John Barnicoat and 6-7 John Rambo rang up 25 and 24 points, respectively, but Barnicoat had 17 at the charity line and Rambo 14. The 49crs madP 46 o! 57 fr1>e th rows and, only 40 points from the',• field but \llf'y had little l.ime for shooting field 'uoals a n d put down 20 of t9 attPmpts ·ior 41 per cent. USD managrdf morl' bas- l<<'ls, 26 ot 7:l shots for 36 per c·cnt, but th<' 4!lcr frl'e throws took th'I' rr toll with th!' visitors opi-ning the sec- ond half by t!tll}'ing their :fir~t 10 pointR fr6iJ1 the char. it)· line. Price, who~e fijll' work on thP boards in 1j1e prrvious game carnPd him a starting for USO job Jai;t n I g h t, picked up fnur fouls in the first half Mid could never gC't started with that handi- cap. ' USD {71) Lon• Btach St. (86) GFPT C.FPT Wil'ms 1 3 9 Hodg!' 2 5 -4 9 shford 10 8 S 28 Rambo 5 u 2 24 av'skY 3 0 4 & Barnic't A 17 3 25 Tt'"lsmon 2 2 S 6 Knopp o J s 3 Price a 2 5 1 Jones 2 2 3 6 Molerlch 3 2 2 8 Windfett 2 2 2 6 V"rlosky 1 0 0 2 Roeland 5 J 2 13 Jackson o o 1 o Brum'el OO I O Mover O .c 5 4 Kullbrra D O I 0 Blndf'r 3 I S 7 ltJ~\fme 2 !c 1 cir~ 7 'LoJ;ta~toch20 ~. 21 38/, USO JJ Loot each JV (70) USO Frosh (75) GFPT GFPT jg! 1 & a~~;on ,3,~ 5 n Woodson 2 O 2 "Woidowskl 1 O 3 2 Hottger 0 4. l F , 3 5 11 Gleason J • 21 I 1 3 17 Yanai '/ 0 O ,4 0 O 1 O Mills 1 5 7 2 0 2 4 ~~~r;cno ! I Bruck~ 3 5 , 11 Hanke 0 0 1 0 Totals '1.5 20 21 10 Totals 151! 22 7S ~!..!.._~re: LBJV 33, USO Fros~ U~I) gym. spread at 73-63. Ninr of Long he wild game resembled. Beach's final 13 points were a 10-man tag team wrPst. trc-e throws, naturally, as it ling match much more than won going away. Clift Ashford, the formrr San Diego City C o 11 e g e product, kept USD In con- rxhibition basketball ;im \\ iU1 a total of 58 fouls be- ir~ called, 36 against USD anrl 22 against the •19ers. : , \a.• lhP fivr foul routr and Fi\'c- Toreros departed the night tPntion most of Western Bags 8th Straight Pierce Sparkles with 18 points in the first halt and added JO more for onP Long Beach player byi a 28-point total before toul- thP s;imp mann<' w'1h a · in iJ.ll...a;,;3- pf! in tl<> trchnical fo1,1l being ca I rl In 67-57 Conquest Of Whitworth '5' Cal WP.·tern's sizzling has. kPthall team ,-taved on the wm pat~ last night, chalking up its eighth straight with a 67 57 triumph over Whitworth College m Golden Gym. I In a preliminary tilt, Cal W stem's Frosh topped Palo. Verde College, 70 53, for their fourth win In six games. Oth- er contests saw Marine Corps Rectuit Depot trounce Naval Training Center, 101-60, a n d Calewo top University of San Diego Freshmen, 65-60, at USD. Andy Pierce, a 6-4 forward from Arizona, paced the West- erners to their 14th victory in 16 tilts by scoring 22 points and picking off 14 rebounds. . Joves Up in Race PicrcP ·s hot night left him nl~· 14 pomts behind J i m Hefr,rr In the battle for team· scormg honors. '.Hefner h a s 227 to PiPl'CP s 213. C;;I WPstern was off to a . 1 m: start to grab a 9-1 ad- " bu• Whitworth roared tr mahl' t 12-12 before allrd by only 33-30 at half- !'. Whitworth knott!'d the ·e t\\ ice, 34-all and 36-all, me srcond half. Leading by 64-55 with 4:1ll t the contest, Cal West- nt into a stall. nothPr Big Sprel' '11arines gained the 100 01 the ninth time with ffort against the Blue- Fourteen Devildogs t rners got go in g HoWP\·rr, Whitworth th l k l SATURDAY NIGHT GAMES Aztecs Win Big; USD,MCRD Lose San Diego State managed the only weekend victory among local major basketball forces as the Aztecs downed Orange State, 94-64, Saturday night in a non-conference clash at Peterson Gym. University of San Diego fell points came in the p o i n t hefore Long Beach State, 86- splurge. Orange Slate's 6-2 71, but not before they man- guard, Leonard G r i m m aged to pave the way with topped the field with 23 points. their ov,n overeagerness on SDS hosts Los Angeles State defense. · Friday night. MCRD found th" ;;-oing The Torcro-49rrs gamP saw rough at Pomona whcr,:- 1he 58 fouls called, including 36 Mannes suffered a fl5-7o s,et- against USD. Five Toreros hack at the hands o! Pasa- were benched with fouls. rlrna College In the consola- T' . tion round of the Cal Poly of ne gam_e wa~ close until P . . .the fmal six mmutes when omona Inv1tahonal Tourna- Long Beach 11 d f ment pu e away rom · a 63-61 advantage with a 1(}: The Azt~cs _W-6) produced point binge. Nine of its last one of their fmcr season ef. 13 points were free throws. forts b~fore 1,260 fans when USD's Cliff Ashford led all Al Catlm, Jack Shawcroft and scorers with 28 ,points. The Bob Mackey sparked a 30- Toreros travel to· San Fer- point spree in the final eight nando tomorrow minutes. l\ 1C · . , RD got off slowly and C3:t1m, the club s second saw Pasadena continue to wi. le:3-dmg scorer, made 1 ! points den its lead. Art Hunter led with Shawcroft totalmg 16, the· locals, who meet Palo- Lar~y Meek had 13 ,and Larr • mar Saturday,,\\ ith 19 points Willis 12. Mackc-y s r n B. Love hit 22 for Pasadena. • coring column and of them ta!Hed in dou- I gur" . It wa~ the Ma- , 11th triumph in 18 11.. / - 7
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