News Scrapbook 1962-1964

SPORTS Section


YAVORSKY, MALER/CH STAR US DRally Tops Valley St., 97-89 S,tclal Ta The Son D1HO Union RESl-:D, tark Yavor k, and Iatt Malcrich brought Uo1veri;ity of San Diego frorr •b 'llnrl in the •cond half last night a. the Tore.ios cl !cat I n Fernando Valley State, ll7-ll

The Tor ro , trailing 55."iO 11t lntermi slon, forged a 56-.JJ lead in th opening minute , of tile second half and never trafled thereafter, once lead. mg by •16 point-. Yavorsky 11nd M'alcrlch each . cored 11> nt m tile e c on d.half pree. Yavor ky was the game's leading corer with :?4 points and Malerich added 19. Ly- mond Williams and :\'lark Frelsmann ach contributed 13 points to th winning cause ancl Clitf A hford 10. It was the Torero ' cventh victory in 14 sta1 t and San ·ernanrlo Valley' tenth lo '"tiles. D mak It Cal Poly tournament Pomc,na }'riday night

PRIZF; PREP~oaches Phil Woolper1., left. of USD and Bob Kloppenburg, right, of Cal Western ·hat with Monte \'ista•s. Paul Landis, second from

left, and Steve Rippe of Lincoln, who wen' 1wnwd prep playPrs of week at yesterday's Union-Tribune basketball writers' luncheon. Slory, B-7.

OFF/CIATING QUESTIONED , W olpert Wonders hat's Comin' Off Phil ("'I don't want t.o he 1 a b e 1 e d a contr·ovpr~ial <·oach'' I Woolpert tee!, he is b ring • homered'' 111 home by the vfficia Is. and naturally hP wondns why r!1e llniversit, of ~an D1- We'vP. got our hands full ." said c o a c h Charlie Hampton. "We've bPC'n win- nin:z close games. but we're rnnkin:z tl'lrm rlosr WP'rp

t h (' California Collegiate Athkt1<· Association, and 7.iggy 1s confident the Diab- los ha\'en't forgotten thP t\vo clnsl' games they lost 1ro 1hP Aztees last season "We'rp 1101 going fo ba,•k down trom ',my rough or tough stuff. · said 7,iggy. WP have kids who ean gi>t mean, too. "We're getting better on offense We're no, making ;is many m i s l a k e s and we're running our patterns bE'lte1." San Diego City College also faces a rugged as ign• meni against Cerritos Fri rlay night in San Diego High gym. The two teams ,have ,1.0 1ecords in Metro- : >ohtan Confe Pn<'P la

not pla) ing defense as well as we should. We'll h3V<' to play hPttn than this Fri- day.' Bo h Kloppenburg P x- pressE'd regret that his Cal Westerners were forced to take a two-week ~acation when they had the momen- tum f a JO-game win . tring going for them. The West- erne1s who tapped MCRD. 67-55, lnl!l Tu l,Sday don't return to a lion until next Tursday ga1nst Westmont n S'.an!a B-H'bara. "\ ·~ harl our formance both year against the he said. Noel Mickelsen continued to deplore the lnconsis ent play of his young Gross- mont College team; Joe Brrnnan said his Palomar College club, which has won three straight after a qis- mal start, "is not winning on shooting but on board strength"; Dick Pegler oh- served that MURO has lo. its ability to shoot while re- ceipting for five straight losses-"and this ain't us.''

1•go mPntc,1 rais.ed the ques. 1im• at yesterday's week!. lunchPon of the Union-Trih- 1me ha~kethall writers in Kmg's Inn. and he offered ~ome intPresting statistic~ m support of his sentimen1. In ~even road game~, thP Toreros ha\'e had 144 per• sonal fouls called on them to 145 for lhe opposition. At home, they'\'e been hit with 142 \'iolations while their rivals were caught in only 119 transgre sions. "It's a little unusual · aid Woolpe1 . "We don't play two different games T don't want a home-cour ad- vantage but I want. it so that when we play a.t horn!' we don't get hurt This should br checked out. If we are doing something wrong. different than the of- fidals in this area call for "·e ~ant to know it.'' Woolpert in~isted his 1•om- plaint "specifically" did not r e g a r d , aturda) s game with Long Be~ch St ate, which the 49er· won, 86-71, with a 46·19 edge at th e f r e P • t>!'row line. "Long B e a c h has an excellent team,'' said Woolpert. "They played ell and de- served to wI . · Jt doesn't up," said Joe Frivaldsky, assignment secretary of the San Diego Officials' Association. "The statistics bear out that you have a cause for concern." Frival ·ctsky said the ques- tion would he taken up by the board. "If you'rp doing some• thing wrong, you want to know," said Joe. "If we're wrong. WP want to know. We try throughout the as- oeiation to get e,·erybody to run a baH game the samP way and to have the same interpretation of the rules.'' Coach George Ziegenfuss said he has warned his San Diego State College players to expect a "rough, mean ball game" with Los Ange- les State here Friday. The two are tied for secold in

Mark,. Matt Provide USD Point Punch of

1cros dcfratcd San Valley State Col- 9, hPrc. as l\Iark Ya. ..,..,_.,..,. and '.\fa tt Malcrich led

ct.half rally which OV· a 53-30 deficit at the

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