News Scrapbook 1962-1964


Westmont Worries CW Boss I SDC yes First-Hall Swe p

8-8 Re••ord Toreros to Tackle Rugged L.A. Five Th" University of San Diego will take an 8- t·i.cord Into Frfdt!y's basketball clash with the n1ggecl reewny Five from Los AngeleA State after splitting in lest w•ekPn11; Cal Pol • Pomona toumament Tipoff tlm for the contei,t will b• II p.m. at rnio gym. Fr hman team• from the I WO A{hoo~ will open t hf' e,enlng al 6 p.m AAW hi" squad drop 11 ~"a•on

NON-CONFERENCE ACTION Or Foe OfAztecs Tonight an icgn ~tate will rr umr non-rnnfrrrnrr ha kethall ac- tion tonight with a i:anrn against Orang State Jn Peterson Gvm. USD T kl Frc hman trams from thr ac es two collrgrs \\Iii tang,e in the :;,,15 prPlim. Long Beach AzlPc coach (;eorgp Z1cgen• fuss said hr would 1Jpen with the saml' fi vr that started . Z1rgrnh1 s said_ he is rspe• pared to u D's 6~. Howe\"<'T 1c1aur, pleased with the play Lnng ncnch ba lo I to such of \\ !Ills. who has wrested the teams a~ Trxas Wrstcrn Tu!- starting crnt,- job from Bob 1''1, Oklahoma Stat , Creighton Mackey and Bay or. In the Whitt1rr game Willis Lcd by Junior coll"ge Ali- played the ke~ -.sell. did not Aml'rk n John I,arnlcoat, 6,ci commit a foul, !rd all . coren; from Rlvcrsirle the 49r1 will with 21 pomts and had 10 re. al o start John Rambo, 6-7. bound,. t the othi•r forward post, Lyn The Aztecs an• now 6 for llodge. 6 I at centN; and Al the season and Orange .:-tate \ lndf ldt 6 , and Forre t also I -6 including a 71-64 Lind, 6.0, at guards. Barni. VIC'tor.i, hrre ovrr 'mversll:, coat Is a\f'ragln, li points a of San D;cgo. The Aztecs sram while Rllmbo. a sev, n. edged l' D on thr Torrro foot high jumpPr from Long Court h:, one point earlier th1 · R ach Cit, Co lege, is scor- sea on Ing 111 a 11 4 cllp anrl J!odgr Orani::e Slate has one of the follows wi h an 11.7 averagr. roa t's firnst cagers in 6-2 Phil Woolpert uncovned a guard Leonard Guinn. who 1 ophomore fin rrrf'nt SD and scorrd 36 Tue. ria" n ht tourney and he show!'d so "h n his team Jot t' cal mueh prom1 e on the hoard Polv of Pomona . and In hooting hat he'll open "HI' is capable o! makin" tonil:ht He'll he joinrd by th all-coast team " said Zieg, lorwards la1k Teismann and cn!u . '·He reminds you or < •tiff A hford and guards Ly. Tom Pin:dns who once played monrl W1lliams and 'Mark Ya, for its. only he's a better out- vnr ky. sidr shooter than Tony. And qhfnrd currently leads the he has a running mate, Rieb 1'oreros In shoot ng \\ ith 222 Robinson (" 11 who Is an. point~ for a 1 5 a\f•ragE' Ya. other good one." vor ky has 126 pc n s a Other Orange tate gtarters c!lp hllP T I n n will be Ja1mP Bara 6- ,, Kit \ 1 I "Tl~ arr hi og 9 6 and John~ton 6-4) and R x \ ance p mt p r g me, ti' pee 16-7), g1v ng t a $light tively. eigh• a

Ca l Western and San Dl- rgo City College, enjoying tremendous basketball sea- ~ons, will be out of town for est this werk in hopes of nilding to their victory col- umns. Coa h Bob Klopprnburg or thr. We terners is derply concerned about tomorrow night's meeting with West- mont in spite of his quin- tet's 16-2 s<'ason ~late. ''Westmont b<'at Fresno State and it hasn't lost at home in six r,ames, • the Cal W<'~te• n ,•,:,a<'h said. fli~ \''<'~ rners wil] be w1·ak.-nP1 too hy the Joss of 'orwanl Arid} Pierce out 'or tne a,nn with tu'. hcn:ulo 1i; l the kir!nrys. Andy led tlw team in re- bounds with 216 and was

portant against Westmont," the coach said "We'll also have Lem Lemons available for the position." Klop1>enburg will takp 10 players with him for four games through next Mon- day. Guard Tony Nicita, a soi,homore from the junior varsity squad, has been added to the traveling clan. Actually, the Westerners will be away for five games before making their next appearance at h, 'Tie against Chapman :::-eb. 8. Cal West- ern will be at Pomona Wednesda) night against Cai Pol:,, thC'n h1•ad for Da,. is a~d a Saturday night m<'Ptmg with the Cat Ag. gi<'S.

c-impaign, will s first half of the '.letropoli- tan Conferenc-r if they get by Long Beach City College there Friday night. They raisrd their slate to 6-0 Sat- urday night with an easy, 80-65 victory over Bakers- field in the San Dirgo High gym. University of Snn Diego, ~:8 'for the season following 1,s.consoJatJon nctorv in the Cal Poly Invitational Tour- namPnt in Pcmona Satur- day night, will 1-o t Los An• gt'!(• . 'ta IP F 1d,i) night and Cal Poly c' • an Luis Obispo Salm day night The Tore1 o~ turnPd aside Oc!'1d1•nta , 81,o7, in the con- solation finals as Cliff Ash- ford seorrd :.12 points. ----~ !'p the

7fJ•6~ 1lec1 10n to Nevada Southern In their first game of the Cat Poly Po m o n a tourney last l•'rlday. Ahead by three points u1 the first half, thP •ror!'ro" offense frll apart III the :

Sauuday, the Toreros will remain homP for a bout with anoth"r C! ll!ornta Collegiate Athletic ssoclation fiva in th " Mustang~ Of Cal Poly !San Lui~ Ob IR pol Un:e 111•0 Vil! hf, at 8 p.m pi- •ceded by a 6 p.m. luR~I• bi,tween th" 'l'orero yearlinirs aad th San D1eg-o Na rnl Training The Los Angele, St• t b ablo., 11-7 fo1· the season. will meet st. Mary•~ College tonight. Currently on a alx- wtn streak Coach Bill Sharman•~ A n g- e I en o s will feature one of th~ finest ba~kcourt men on the \Vesl Coa t In fi-10 guard Caldwell The j u n Io r athlete icored 24 point, in helping the Dlablo. lake the meamu·e of San Dlego SIRte Ill •t Frida_v, 111-84 Other Starters

lilo1)Pl'II• aggrega-

• 'ext )londay ~urg will_ lead ht

·coring to Jim




against Chicu


IIefner with 225 points. KlopJ)enburi,r would start Chari hinted

there before bringing \\\sterner. home the next day The We tern r,. will be the


. lay-



enterta ned


6 5


field who P:erce s position


College Feb. 7 b fore C'iapman t It here.



"He's strong on

, 18-4 for the

::-bo_a_r_d_s_a_n_d_t:-:-h_a-=t,..w::=i,;m:..•~__:~e Kni h


WOOLPERT VS. SHARMAN USD Five Awaits iery LA. State By ,JOHNNY McDONALD Los Angeles Sta-,·s baskeballers, who receive. an A for aggressiveness. will converge on the Universitv of San Die"o hardwood tonig t to tackle the Toreros. · " Tipoff 'o I! c clash will be o'clock. The freshmen clubs they performed under pro!es- will open 'he h::ht'~ frstivitics sional rules whic)) Included at 6. the 24-second shooting rule . The basketball Meeting- will They'll be playing college be the first fm C'oachcs Phil rules tonight but off San Di- Woolpert o! l:SD and Bill ego State·s experience there Sharman o! the D1ablos since could he some excitement. j


USD Plays Host rr o Three Teams



SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Y Friday, Jan. 31, 1961

The isccond annual Unlver• ity of San Diego Invitational ba8ketball tournament hlgh- llghts cage actlon on the local front this weekend w i t h Coach Phil Woolpert's To• r ros playing host to Orange State, Los Angeles Paciflc, and Navy PhlbPac Friday and Saturday at USD gym. The T-0reros, tHI in season j>lay, will -play Los Angeles Pacific at 9 Friday while Or• ange State and PhlbPac will mix In the 7 p.m. opener. Winners will play for the tourney tit! ~aturtlay at 9 preceded by 7_ p m. match between Fr ay'a losers. For Woo '1,) charges, thla marks their t home con- test in seven games. The To- reros had one bout llll!t week, ing to UC Santa Barbara, 69-113, Saturday on the Gaucho court. Forward Cliff Ashford con- tinued to pace the Toreros, making good on six of eight ilhots from the :floor and six of six from the free throw line for 18 points. Ashford currently leads the Toreros With an 18.3 average. The taller Gauchos out-re- bounded the San Diegans, 45-35. Averaging 6-7 on the front ltne, Santa had 1B 36-28 halft me advantage. Other top USD ~core s were c ter Larry Moyer, 12 point!, and guard Mark Yavorsky, 10. Yavoraky i~ a1ieragtng 10.6 olnta !or the season while oyer has a 6.5 verage. Ot er etarters, forward Mark rr i8lllann and guard Lvmond lllams, have 9.5 and 8 6 per me averages respectively. Orange 6-4 fdr the eason While Pacl!lc Is 2-10 ~d ibPac, th defending lour- n Y champion, has 4-10 ml\rk USD Mids a 78-73 de• cl on over Or nge State this season. The decl~ton In th t I n a I of the S I e r r a 11 ~her f,ode tourney two weeks ago In Bishop. --~---J 1-9

Basketball SPORTS Woo/pert, Sharman Renew Old Rivalry Basketball coaches P h i I It will be the first mect- ~·.oolpert of U:1iversity of $anjii:tg of Woolpert and ~harman 1ego and Bill Sharman of smcr they handled quintets Los Angeles State College willlin the old Ame.rican Ba~kct- match wits for thr first time ball League. in a long spell tonight when USD has an 8-8 re,·ord fot their learns tangle at usn at th!' season, while the Diablns 8. Frr~hll'••n will ·:ir al 6.

the two handled clubs in the old A m e r I ca n Professional Basketball League V\'oolpert guided the : n Francisco Saints and Sharman, the one- time standout guard with the Boston Ccltirs coached the Los Angeles Jets. m at his re- spective sch We t Coast in 5-10 guard Ca dwell Black. The junior athlete scored 24 points in helping the Diablos beat San Diego StatP, 91-84, in a rough contMt last Friday night at Peterson !U'm- Other starters for Los An- geles State will be guard Keo Renaud, center Ste,·e Merta and forwards Clarcn~e Wilson and Dick Ba1ion. The Toreros, who arr shoot, in gat a 40 pC'r rent clip, will br headed b~ Cliff Ashford, the impressi\·e 6-3 sophomore forward with a 19.1 scoring average. Mark Yavor:;ky, an- other sophomore at a guard _,. spot, is next with 10.6 points per game. OTHER STARTERS Rounding out the starting unit will be fo1ward M a r k Teismann (9.3 points), guard Lymond Williams f9.2J and center Pl'lil Price (4.31. Price, a 6-7 sophomore, has been imprO\ ing each timC' out., Price picked up 14 points in ri~ last game and acC'nunted for :µ rehouncls in the Cai Pol_ tourney. This will hr the second meeting between the two dubs. USD lost to LA State, 134,7:5. four ~·rars ago wh!'n f-3 / Each coach a building pro a undertaken

are 11-7, with a , in :stri•ak of six going for them. Stopping L- A. St ate' s sensational guarrl Caldwell Black. will hr the biggest task the Toreros tar<'. In a game again~! San Diego State Col:ege last W<'<'k, l·lack tallied 24 points tn pac-,, the Diablos. The Toreros' hottf'SI '>


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