News Scrapbook 1962-1964


TOURNEY TALK Coaches Express Playoff Optimism

Knights Seek Sixth Aft r Rallying for Tri



<'rond ~traight champi-

Cllflord Ashford scored 23

:n hip. Cerritos Is 5-1. po nts for USD and Lymond In other games last night, Williams and Phil P r I c " Unlvrrslty or San Diego added 14 each.•John Hughes bowed, • 70-li5, , to ~e~ad~ s<'ored 17 and Silas St PP 15 outhem In the Cal o " od to pace the evadan Pomona Invitational an

'J',,urna1111 nt timr I~ morl' than a month away, b u t tcm nament talk addrd spice to rstrrday's 1 nion-Trib- une b a s k et b a 11 writers' lunch<'On at Kink's Inn. Cal \\Tc•stPrn hopes to makr th" National Assoria- tion o! Intercollegiate Ath- letics playoffs for the sec- ond straight year. A berth in the National Collegiate Athletic Association College- divislon comp<'tition Is with- in reach o! San Diego State Collrgt> The We terncrs, winner~ or 10 In a row, end a two- week layoff tonight in San- ta Barbara against West- mont, their leading rival in the> , 'AT A

UniJersity of 8an Diego entertains L.A. State Fri- day, and c·oach Phil Wool- pert believ<>s the Toreros <'an win "if we put both halves of our game togeth- er, offense and defense." Woolpert complimented Clifford Ashford, Lymond Wllliams, Phil Price n d Mike Jackson for their play In the Cal Poly of Pomona tournament over the week• end, in which USO t o o k third place. "The Nevada Southern coach told mP. Cal Western was the finest defensive t e a m they had met this year," said Wool1;>crt. "We did nothing to hurt that image (a 70-65 lossl ." Coach Charlie Hampton credited "a real good team , <'ffort" for San Diego City College's key victory over Cerritos Friday, then he singled out Elburt Miller, Joe Mathews, John W i ]- Iiams, Ron Kroepel, Conrad Seymour, Dick Dowling and Nick Alessio !or special commendation. "For the first. time this year," he said, "we came up with a real fine defensive effort. Miller played h I s finest game. He's learning to play defense and he's passing off well. He got the key rebounds and the big shots. He did this all night. Consistently he has done it in the big games. · Now 6-0 in thl" Metropoli- tan Conference, the Knights play al Long Beach Friday, and Hampton said, "They scare me to death. They're the leading offensive team in the conference. We beat the leading defensive club, now we'll have to see tl we can beat the top offensive club."

hihPa defeated Miramar aval Air .Statton, 82-61, on the wir,ners' tloor, l'SD pla) O('('idenlnl, !17• 7 lo er to Cal Pol}, tomgl t t 7 m the eonsolat 10n ga mr The Tme1·, led, 31 28, at the halt but fell hehinrl, 60- 50 midway throu h th P<'- ond half and ne, er caught up

Gro~smont • ·oufh. western, t-...o Eastern ~c · [f'rence teams, werr idle last night. 'l he:, 'II mE'e\ at 9 tom ht folio-... ing a \He . triri; me t bC'tween th chools at 7 In a11other ~ame Iar,ne Corps Recruit n pot vts1ts Palomar. fl n rt


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eway jump the ,vlnnlng point tor the KHlghts, who trailed, 59-55, with a little more than two minute remaining. Elburt l\ltl\er connc ted with 1 42 Jell but the Knight!\ ti 11 trailed. 59-S7, at th ~ 1 ' 19 mark whrn Cerritos Gary tcCoy was fouled 1cCoy, who had hit on I con cutlve free throws ml sed, and thl' Knights got the ball to Joe Matthews, ho th1cw in b ket from the d1> for a .59 dead. lo k with 5~ seconds re- m mmg. McCoy mis~ed an other free ttirow with .51 C t anrl SD C fed Al for th ame clincher. hot provided


Nevada Southern Nips USO, 70-65 POMO, "A Nevada.· uthf'rn fast broke for a 1ive-mmut"' tretch late in the garne la~t night tn defeat University o! an Diego, 70-65, in thr f1rst rounr! of the Cal Poly of Po- ona Invitational baskN'> lour ey here SD'~ Torero~ will fac =~-___,....,,,,........__...,,,~:-:== cidental, lo~er to Cal Poly mght, in tonight's ronsoiat , / game at 7 o'clock.

m the toward

John Hughes with 17 ;>oints and Silas Stepp with 15 paced Nevada Southern against the Toreros, whose attack wa · spearheaded by Cliff A•htord With 23. The game was ni and tuck up until only eight minute re- mained, then Ne\"ada ~outh- ern surged with it.· ta t break j to jump ahead, 60-50. and that wa~ thP game. The defeat left the Toreros with a 7-R over-a II mark USO (UI C: F T Ntv. Sovth~nFf',!'l T WJllioms 1111 6 2 14 St!"'PD 6 J 1 15 " 1 i 1: ! i ,6 T~~monn , 2 5 , Topp~r , 3 3 11 As:hf:'.!rd , S , 23 Caneva, 1 o 2 2 f ~Jkt:,~a V '8 J j R~=an i i 1 J ~Otl!!rk 1 0 3 2 Hugh~! 6 S '1 17 M~i:/i~ g V 6 Oovlu a o To~als 25 15 21 ,s Totals :ZS ,t 1S 70 Haltt,m• score USO 31, No. H.

. Coach Dick Pegler, whose ry Meek in Friday's oss o Marine Corps Recruit De-

pot team ",~tarted back on

a hitting streak" last week, can clinch 'the 11th Naval n.ando Valley State Saturday. District title tonight with a ''If we'd had another man win over PhibPac. Pegler of 1\,!eek s strength," he said, said the game was shifted "tt might have made a dif- from Point Loma High to frrcnc<. They scored 16 Cal Western's Golden Gym points on tip-ins It was a because "we enjoy playing mean , tough game. They de- there _ also PhlbPac hasn't served it. They have b i g, won there tt is year " strong kids, who bounce you , around under the boards. The refereeing was good.

You ve got to beat a team on the floor, adjust c!,nd re- act."

USO, Orange State _In Tourney Finals Rr .,om,· '\ .)lcDON.\T.D 111, rrs t.; ol San 111 ego e) ht po111ts helo,, A•h'orcl', 11nd O ani:<· .·tall'. 111ging,averagf'. ftne s e l o n ltr;~inn :Jj!~~•cr~ux in) the To rro outs '01'('(1 l'ar·ifl( ~flr,~. i i 1 ,~ }~~~·: 'l ? i 2 l 11.2 lo lf'a\'{' th!' flr,r,r at Ital( YovorskY 6 0 0 12 Git, • J ! ll 11ml' , Ith a IO ·4 lr:icl C";',',',,' J 8 [ Horo,r OO 1 0 In I 1r econrl half l 'I) 2 o 2 • han, IN the llu lion r 1,1', P"" 1 6 1 ,1 T 1 1 1 , 11 ,, , 0 Totah ll , 16 2 o a 1 ,, and mo\prJ Olll lo A. ')J • .,r If'!' Holt11miit 1 core uso,o 1,.A Pacific A anrl li'lll"t ll h(l 11 h11I r lw', i Orancu S~t.-FUlt T Ph1IPac ::JO>F P T l' .. D f'Ot 1n lhf' Jl" '" ~~~\fron i 1 ~ 1 i lat k Tf'ismann I ,, ro 11 Vane, I t - l FOid • • 8 • , Roo's n 10 s 2 2S Bornt:i 3 Jt point. to pac-f' 1hr I nrP1 n.. Guinn 7 n J 25·Toson R 1 l' (>tlirr usn pPr!orml'r. h1tling ¥ 8 I w;;;~• 7 I j in rlouhlP ftJ:lll'PR \\rte L,>- ~;!',;~',, : g ; w~~r , g g · inoml WilliAms with l l, l:,rn ~~:!.'g~J g g \ g Tovln, o 2 o Ya,o k with I;! '"' ( 1,rr Tola" JO ll 111, Tolol, 21 14 13 ,. A,hford \\llh 10. Thi \\a. p~~"!ltm• core O•onge Stale "· Ph•b-

THE SOUTHEltN CROSS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1964 S.-•ore 7th l\rir, T oreros to. Play In Cal Poly Meet The University of San Diego w,11 attempt to et o\'er the ..'500 mark this weekend when Coach Phil w·oolJ)l'rt'a cager~ travel to Pomona lo take part In the annual Cal Polv CAH- PER tournament. · The Toreros, 97-89 winners over San l<'ernalldo Valley

State Tuesday, will take a 7-7 sea.son mark Into their tour- ney opener Friday against N"evada Southern. Tipoff time I •. 8;30 p.m. The host Broncos will meet Occidental Col, ge at 7 p.m. and Long B ch State. Winners v. U battle for the champion hip .·at11rday at 8:30 p.11 . _prec·N!Pd b,· a {'011- so) lion match bet1~•Prn to- morrow's loserp;_ Five Toreros l11t rn double figure~ Tuesday as the San Die ans returned to !he win tra I after dropping succes sn•e <:onte>lti; to Orange State and Long Beach l;late. Sophomore guard Mark Ya- vorsky topped all Toreros \\ ith 21 point~ While another oph Matt J\falerich follov.ed With 19. Forward Mark Teis- mann and guard Lymond Wi!- ltams each , ored 13 • nd Cliff Ashford hit for ten po nts. ThP Matado1·s had a 55-~0 11lft1me adl'anl.age over ,;sn I? wound up losing their enth game in 1/i starts this a on. StP,'e Gren, wa high r the Jo. ers w1th Ii points The Torero we, e guilty of 26 personal fouls, v.ith bolh Teismann anrl Ashford foul- ing out, to lhe Matadors' 25. Last week In losing to Long Bearh in San D11,go, trso had

36 vlolat10n.s called while the beach five comm1tterl but 22. Long Beach had nveragerl 26.5 going into In weekend's match. Ahead by 11.. hm 3~-33 half- time m 11 r gin , the Forty ;\liners counled on 20 Torero fouls in the second half to in- rrPase their lead and win, 86- 71. Ashford tallied 28 point~ before being sldl'IillE'd on foul~ ,nth three minutes remainmg Ill the game. For the \\Inner•, .John Rambo scored 25 Jind John Barnicoat had 24 The Toreros out~cored the Forty Niners from the floor, 26-20, but were unable to cope with the officiating as Long Reach picked up 16 tree throw~ of 58 attempts while USD madp good on only 19 of 27. Ashford ls leading th~ To- 1·eros In scoring "ith an 18.6 average over the 14 games. Yavorsky has an 11.1 aver- Rge, Tcismann. 9.11; Williams,' 9.1. and J\faler1ch, 6.4. \ 00Jpe1 t is expected lo rt shfor· and Teisp1ann at fon..·ards, Yavorsky and team captam Williams at guards and a not1t~1· opho- more Phil Pm e, 6-7, at cPn- ter


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