News Scrapbook 1962-1964


USD Cagers Due For Weekend est n vN· lty of San 1ego's ba ke ball team v.111 take a

34-Game Schedule Set for T orero Nine

State was one of the T9rero ' better hooting games as they hit for 54 per nt in the first halt. But the D1ablos counted on 59 per cent o! their at- tempts. Four Toreros gained game h nors with 14 points each. Bes Id es Ash!ord and Wil• Iiams, sophomor center Phil Price and another soph, Mark Yavorsky, also picked up 14. Saturday's wm over the .'an Lu1a team was paced by sophomore forward Matt Malerlch w h o B C o re d 17 points. Ashford tallied 14 encl Yavorsky 13 while Pr Ice scored nme points. Outstand- ing work by reserves :Mike Jackson and Larry Moyer aided In the win, Each had eight points, all coming in the late going to keep the Torcros ah ea d. San Diego wa. behind, 34-26, at half time Woolpert's squad ha had rea onable success at the free throw line r e c e n t I y . The 't'oreros scored 20 of 25 at- tempts against the Dlablos and 26 of 31 a a nst Cal Poly (SLO) The veteran cage mentor bas been starting four sopho- mores in recent games, guard Ys,·or ky, forwards Malerich and Ashford and center Price. Williams, Is the only Junior to b r ea k Into the lineup. There are no senior on the 11-man team.

Coach John Cunningham's University o! San Diego base- baU team will play a 3·1•game achedule this spring, It waa 1.ru1ounced this week. The T o r e r o baseballera, who \vll! be under Cunning- ham's reins for the first time after being led for five year,i by retired head coach Mike Morrow, opened practice at Robb Field Monday in prep- a r a.ti o n for their season opener Saturday, l<'ebruary 29, against Long BC'nch State t the Forty Nlners' field Included on the schedule Are games with such out- gtandmg opponents a.s 1963 .national inte1Tolleglate cham- pion Unh·ers1ty of Southern California, UCLA, University ot Utah, Loyola, Pepperdine and area foes, San Dkgo State and Cal Western. Returning for an o th r, r season \\ 1th 'he Toreros are veteran Pat Bany and .John Pea.i c , bo h r t hos, rn 1rlu-

ers Ed Green and Ron Cady, catchers John Baumgarten and Fran Vogel and outfield- ers Fred \Vilhelm and' Tom Ferrara. Cunningham has also been looking at a host or Incom- ing prospect~. Complete l 9 6 4 1chedule: Feb. 29, at Long Beach Slale (2); Mar, 6, at USC; Mar. 7, at Chapman College (2); Mar. 10, Cal Western; Mar. 11, San Diego City College; Mar. 16, Utah; Mar.18, Utah; Mar. 19, Pcpperdine; Mar. 21, at Los Angeles State ( 2): Mar 22, Loyola; Mar. 31, at San Diego State. Apr. a, at l't. Mugu; .Apr. 4 at San Fernando ~late; Apt·, 10, at Pepperdine; Apr • 11, at Whittler (2); Apr. 14, at Cal Western; Apr. 17, Pt. Mugu; A prll 18, at UCLA; Apr 21, Sn n n i ego Stnte; .May 2 Westmont: May 3, at Loyola (~); May 5, Cal Wesl• e n.

much-d served re t this week- end after u n d er ta k Ing a ru ge

PSYCHOLOGIST: T_O SPEAK ON HYPNOTISM Dr. ;\Iaxine Gunderson, professor of psychology at the University of San Diego, ill discus "The M a n y Fae ts of Sugge tion, In. eluding Hypnotism" at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the .Mercy-Guadalupe Clinic at Mercy Hospital. Her talk Is part of a ~erie of weekly lectures at t h e clinic on child develooment and beha\101 o mission is charged ,


ASHFORD SPARKS 62-59 WIN Toreros Surprise CW In Overtime By JOH!'.'NY )lcDO, "ALD The University of San Diego, headed by floorman Cliff Ash- court string at 'l.7 victories last night by beating the West- ford and Lymond Williams, snapped Cal Western's erners, 62-59, in an overtime basketball game at Golden Gym,

Before a screaming crowd of 1,500, the Toreros battled back in regulation Tilay with Ashford's shots sending the game into the extra session. Ashford's jump shot with 37 seconds to go made it 51-51 at the end of regulation play. ASHFORD HITS 19 Ashford, a former standout performer at San Diego City College, scored 19 points while Williams contributed 16. The Westerners shot ahead in the overtime on Dick Wood- son's tip but a jump shot by Mark Teismann and a pair of free throws by Ashford put USD on top, 55-53. Jim Hefner, high-pointer for Cal Western with 18, knotted the count with a pair of free throws hut Williams' jump shot and one of two free throws by Ashford made it 58-53 with 2:30 to go. Phil Woolpert in s tructed his Torerors to stall and they did this effectively until Westerner Ashley Joerndt fouled Teismann w it h 35 seconds to go. Teismann canned both free throws and that put the game out of reach. USO NOW 12-12 This was the Westerners' seventh loss in 31 contests while USD evened its sea- son record at 12-12. It was only the third time in 10 meetings that USD has been able to knock off Bob Klop- penburg·s Point Lomans. The Westerners led through most of the first half. How. ever, fouls interrupted the continuity. liSD had leads of 25-24 and 27-26 but the West- erners left the floor leading, 28-27. However. three Toreros had three fouls and Cal West- crn's big man, Steve Crowell (6-8) was saddled with four. In the second half, the score see-sawed but USO gained s om e momentum when Crowell fouled out with 11:20 to go and Lem Lemons was sidelined with five per- sonals with 6 :41. USO (61) Col Wstern (Sf) Willioms 4G: f 1!;~~~dt j i Yovorski 2 l 2 5 Hefner J 12 5 18 Price O 1 4 1C'nningh'm 2 o 3 4 Teismonn 4 6 4 14 Crowell o ? S 2 Ashford 4 11 4 19 Lemons 1 J 5 5 Verlasky O O I OMoyffeld J O - 2 O O I OWoodson -4 o, 8 Kulberg J ff I Carlyle 4 2 2 8 i\l'alerich O O 1 O Totals 17 ?8 i3 62 Totals 19 21 29 59 Halftime srore-car Wesf~r 28, USO UsoEs7? of regulallon-Co/ Western 51, USO Frosh 'l'~ PC~I Western Frtsi ~!} Fay 4 o 5 8 Michaels .c 2 2 10 Wodlowskl O O 4 0 Adair O O -4 O ij~(j~~n g lj :t~~ps : l r lQ Gaddy o 2 l 2 WIiiiamson 9 1 l 19 GO/d~bury J 4 J 10 Sheridon J 0 I 2 Zupan OO 1 0 Nlc:ifo 2 2 2 6 Dunkip l I 5 3 Kearney o 2 2 2 Rosene O 1 4 1 Price o s 1 5 Dahlen l l 1 J Total$ 12 14 23 38 ~~?~fs 2s°1f ?t 6} Halftlme score-Col Western Frpsh JI USO Frosh ll

J__ - J..

Law School Dean Resigning At USD The dean of the School of The Most Rev. Francis J. L'.1-w at the Un_iversity of ~an Furey, president and chancel- Diego has res1gn_ed effecti':'e !or of the university, an- at the end of this academic . . year, it was announced yester- nounced the res_1gnat1on of day.


Thur,. FPh. n, J[l(il }' a- SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA



SPORTS General USD Out to Spoil Westerners' Record Cai Western, looking ahead wards. Phil Price at center o next week's NAIA pla} and Lymond Williams and . . :VTark Yavorsky at guards. ,Ifs with Rcdla nd s, wlll n~k The Westerners will open with I~ perfoct home record to- Lem Lemons and John Carlyle _ight . aga)nst Gni· < rsit of at forwards, ~tevc Crowell at j dn DIPgo m Go!il<'n ,:yn1. center and Jim Hefner and ThE' rcmat<.h between the Ash Jocrndt at guards. crosstown rivals will start at Thrre Boys' Club teams 8. The Westerners beat the al. 0 will play The Uairemont "I_'orer~s on the 1!,SD court car- midgets m, ct the Linda Vista Iler th·s season, 13-67. midgets m the preliminary The Westerners open NAIA game halftime and the Claire- dlstnct 3 play aga;n~t Reel- mont juniors face the William lands Tuesday In a best of J. Oakes juniors in the varsity three game series at Pomo- game halftime. na. Th 0 winner qualifil'S for------------- a berth in the nationals at Kan as C:l,y. Cooch Bob Kloppenhurg's team has won 17 straight games on its home 11oor. Thf' Wc~tcrncrs boast <' season mark of 23 win. against si~ Jc,gses.

Gen. George W. II1ckman, Jr., USA, ret. Hickman has been dean sirn•e April, 196.J. BiRhop Furey said the art- ing registrar, Joseph A. ::iin- clitico, Jr.. will replace Hick- man in June. "We make the announce- ment of Gen. Hickman's re. tirement with deepest rPgret," Bishop Furey said. "His gen- ial presence and thorough knowledge of the law will be sorely missed." Hickman said he has ac- cepted a position as manager of committee services with the American Bar Association in Chirago. He has been at the I university since February, l!')f,1_ "It has been i\ rrwarcling experience," Hickman Haid, "working With the officials of this growing university; espp. cially satisfying has been my association with the entire law school faculty." Sinclitico, 49, is married and has four children. He received his bachelor of arts degree from Holy Cross College inl 1936 and his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1939.

mm, 11.12 for the sea on. has won two in a row. The Tor ros will start Mark Teis- mann and Cliff Ashford at for-<

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