News Scrapbook 1962-1964
THE SAN DIEGO UNION T HE AT ER FRIDAY )TORNING, FEBRUARl'." 28, 196-1 ·11 a 13 Students To Stage Play Students of the University to Cry Again," by Robert Mei- of San Diego will stage a one•/ er, a junior at the college. act play at 3 p.m. Weclnes- All phase~ of the produc day in the College Theater. tion will be d_one by th~ stu- Thc Coll 1,..,e for Women is de~ts as a rwoJe"t of01e_pla~• . ., . wright wo k hop wluch 1s un producmg thr play m cooper- rler the direction of Kathleen at inn with the Collc::ie f o r Brophy, tht'atcr a1 ls instruc • !en. The play is "I Dream 'or
USD SnapsWestern Home Win Streak Un verslty of • an Diego had The Toreros stalled out the ts up and downs on the bas- remaining time. Teismann's krtball floor this i;eason, but two _fr ce throws iced the cake the Tor •ros counted th e i r . Williams_ follo':Ved Ash!ord n c today after in the scormg with 16 points. easo a uc s . . . Hefner Jed the Westerners, r..v rslng an earlier dec1s1on h t th NAIA 1 ff. In a surpri ing, 62-59 over- w O <' 11 er e . P a)'.o s llm victory over crosstown next wc_ek, with 18 points. rival, al Western, in Golden Summaries: gym I •st night. USO cm G F p T Col Weslornc(l!Jp T Th Torcros snapped t h C WIiiiams 4 8 4 16 Deon I OO 2 V{,, terners' 17.. game h o m c i~i~~rs,cJ 1 i 11 t 1: wlnnlng streak as thpy evened I~t'~'r'itn j 1t j ltE;~~~t'm a f I 1 lh£'1r own Sl'ason record at t-::J~ky g g l &k.~~ff.:rd 11 i 12·12 Cal \\ e tern has a 21-7 Jackson 1 o o 2Woodson , o • s mark ~~I~rlh & f gcorlvle .c 2 2 8 l U hlord led t h e To- Totot~ollli~.'~lJr~!~'1° 1 .:V.,t.~'2}! Us~ I" ro ' revenge win. He ~opped UsoEs~? of regulation-Col Western 51, the team in scoring, With 19, uso Frosh 01) col western Frosh '67> and It was h1 basket with 37 c F PT . c F PT econd to go which ·ent the ~~~iow,kl 8 3 S~g~~••• 1 8 game into overtime. It tied z.~~d~n j i 1 rnt~~t" l f 1~ th core at 51-51. g~~dbury g J 1m~';l:i~J 0" r J j 1; The W tcrners he I d a Zupan OO1 0 Nic,ta 2 2 2 6 brie! lead ln the over time ~g:_~: J l T 8 i i 3 but a jump shot by Mark Teis- ~.;'~J~" J & T mann and a pair of ! r e e T~'~,1,~,m• 1~~:~~ 1Ttt,~tiern }5 ,gl 03\'. throws by A ·hford sent t h e uso Frosh 11 Torero ahead 55-5.3. Jim Hef- ner tied the !'Ore for t h e We temcr with two f r e e throw Th Toreros took a
SAN Dil!CO, CALll'ORNIA Friday, Peb. 28, 1964
Law School Dean Plans to Leave USD Bishop Names Successor To Maj. Gen. George Hickman MaJ, Gen. George W. Hickman Jr., USA, ret., acting dean of the University of San Diego's School of Law, will resign in June to become a permanent staff mem- ber of the American Bar Association in Chicago, the Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, chancellor of the uni• versity, announced today. Joseph A. Sinclitico Jr., former acting registrar,
EVENING TRIBUNE IAN Dil!GO, CALIFORNIA Wed., J•,.I). 26, 1964 h-7 Western, Redlands Series Set Everything is ju t dandy with Cal Western Univ1•rslty' baskrtball team today The Westerner~. who de- featPd Or an g e Stal(', 77-65, last night, wrre named to face Redlands University next week for the National Associ- ation of Intercollegiate· Ath- letics' district 3 championship. The winner of the best-of. three series at Pomona Col- lege Will qualify for the NAIA tournament in Kansas City next month, The series starts Tuesda,v and will be played on successive nights. USO Foe Tomorrow The Westemers, who now have a 23-6 record, elose their regular season t o m o r r o w night in Golden Gym against University of San D i e go, which they defeated, 73-67, earlier this month, Cal Western originally had been scheduled to play West- mont in a preliminary playoff game, but district 3 commit- tee members overruled this yesterday because of West- mont's refusal to play a dis- trict game with Pasadena, Saturday. Crowell Sets Pa<>e Cal Western and Westmont each posted a 7-2 record in section competition, but West- mont had the poorer overall record, 16-9 Center St e v e Crowell
assistant to the dean and faculty advisor to the uni- versity's Law Review, will become dean after Hlck- man 's departure, Bishop Furey said. Volume 1 of the Law Re- view came off the presses this month, the university an- nounced Wednesday. Maj. Gen. Hickman called it "an ambitious undrrtaking'' for a relatively small and new law school. The law school was es- tablished in 1954 primarily as a night school. Maj. Gen. Hickman, 2026 Sea View Avr., Del Mar, is a 1926 graduate of West Point, He lat& graduated from Har- "ard Law S~hool under an f Army education !l,l'O)?ram. He began teacmn~ iit t)le Univer- sity of San D g ·n 1961 after retiring from fre .\ my on Dec. 31, 1960. He i a father
5 55 lend with 2:30 left on Lymond Wllllam · fi(']d goal and II free throw by Ashford
Mental Ai Group Plans for Training s h s n OJ Recovery Inc. leaders from le five western states will meet , next WP,P.kend at the Univer- el sity ot San Diego fo a train- wi ing co rse conducted by Mrs. nc Trea ure Rice of Detroit, M, Mrs. Rice Is president of the board o! directors of Re- • covery Inc., a nationwide or. 1~• ganization teaching a self. a help method of attaining men- a~ tal health. ~s All training meetings will c: be held in the Science Build- _ ing 'on the university campus, said Mrs. Betty Keniston, 4754 Santa Cruz Ave., Ocean Beach, West Coast regional leader.
Going to Chicago
of three daugi, crs, He is a member trict of Columb1,
I he Dis- American, :\lassachusetts and ml'rican, Pennsylvania Bar Associa- Federal and Sup qne Court of the United States Bar As- tions, is a native of La w- sociations. rence, Mass. He is ma,rried Sinclitico, 11 mrn:1bcr of the and has four children.
iscorrd 21 points last night as ,.coach Bob Kloppenburg's ath- etes won their 17th game without a loss at home this season. Le m u e I Lemons added 17 points and Dick Woodson 14, Summary: Cal Western {77) Orange State (45) GFPT GFPT Corlvle 1 2 4 4 oHawrd 2 4 O 8 ~~o;lf f O l 1~ 8~1l~lri" J 18 ! 2j Hfl'fner 4 o 4 8 Robinson 5 2 J 12 Joerndt 3 3 3 9 Holliday 2 1 2 5 Woodson 7 O 3 14 Johnston 4 O 1 8 Cuninghn, 2 O 2 4 Stewert 1 2 O 4 Totals JS 7 21 77 Totals 23 19 9 ,s Halftime score: Cal Western .{O, Orange 6tote 29.
Meetings will be held at 8 p.m. Friday; 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m. and 3 , p. m. Sunday RecovPry Inc, was founded in 1937 by the late Dr. Abra- ham Low while he was direc. tor o{ the Psychiatric Insti- l lute at the University of Illi- nois. He saw a need for a seU- 1 help method ot dealing with mental illness and for pre- venting nervous patients from becoming hospital cases. He developed a technique in 1 which patients are trained to recognize that their physical symptoms-caused by nerves - are distressing but not dan- gerous and are u s u a I I y caused by temper. He taught his patients to r re c o g n i ze their temper- either directed at people, or 1 · obJects around them, or at e thcmselvl's as undesirable 1 • Then he taught lhrm how to it control it. it Recovery is nondenomina- n tlonal and nonprofit. It is sup- d ported through small annual memberships and voluntary contrih11• 1 ons. More than 500 groups meet ct in 3., states and Canada. The n, West Cnasl Region is rom, prised of California, Or<'gon, ·e- Wasrin;-;ton, Ari:zona and CnJ. ·e orarlo. •r M rs. Ke n I s t on said 20 e groups OpPrate In the San Diego area. Information can hr obtained by writing Recov- [ Pry Inc.. P.O. Box 17,, San Diego 92112. i!
USD Publishes First Law Review
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