News Scrapbook 1962-1964
r': NEIL - :•MORGAN : For the Grossmont automobile deal- er, who's accustomed enough to income tax prob- lems and auditors - but at a six-figure level - it came as a shock this weekend to learn that his milk- man is currently undergoing a federal income tax audit. BORDER CITY: Gen. Abelardo Rodriguez, t h e former president or Mexico and frequent visitor to his ranch near Enscnada, heads soon to Mayo's for eye surgery.... Every pack of Newport cigarettes sold in Mexico carries the name of Tijuana's Sirak Baloyan. His cigarette factory (on Av. Quintana Roo in Tijuana) is a licensee of Lorillard Co. Our city's Shelby Currie, a 20-year veteran or the Foreign Service, leads a. double life; but he can't seem to escape U.S. immigration officers. In a bleak little wooden building a.t the border, he spends several hours each week in contract- ing for Mexican farm labor for upstate growers. The rei.t of the week l1e's with the H. D. Reed firm in investments and estate planning at the Lafayette Hotel - a few doors away from the downtown offices of .S. Immigration. When Tijuanans go out night-clubbing on Saturday night, they steer clear of the rinkydink saloons of Avenida Revolucion, the city's main street. You'll see the Tijuana mink-and-sable set at the smart Flamingo Club on the Ensenada road, where_ top Mexican night club acts are booked.... President Adolfo Lopez Mateos concluded a conference with Mayor Frank Curran with a gentle Latin understate- ment: "I hope you and your governor will not treat our people along the border too badly."... Labor union troubles arc plaguing Major Hurtado as he undertakes to resume operation of his Plaza Monu- mental bullrin~.... Back at the Coronet restaurant, Tijuana's version of "21": Joe Venegas, one of the border city's senior maitre d'hotels. Sophistication is setting i11. More and more, the old MARRIAGES AND DIVORCES signs in the border city are giving way to MARRIAGE COUN- SELOR. Along with jai alai and racetrack touts, the_ en- trances to Tijuana now offer shills for denta_l ofhc1;s. They flick price cards into your car, offermg pam- Jess extractions for $2 and up, complete plates for S80 and up. English Spoken, Written ~uarante~, Op_en Sunday, and Free Park_ing.... Ca_hente wont miss out in the new re-routmg of traffic at the border. Beneath the Tijuana River bridge, as Tijuana-bound motorists fan out over the dry river bottom, a new sign says RACETRACK, and points in both directions COLUMNIST'S CAROUSEL: Bishop Buddy, the be- loved bishop of the local Roman Catholic ~iocese wears cerise socks.. _; . Robert--msmger, e 1sta ranclier, sel upthat community's first payrol_I in 1927, and he's been growing avocados there ever smce. Among the handsome Navy couples: Lt. Douglas Mann, USNR, who resued two men in an Amphibi?us Base accident on Feb. 5, and his pert blonde wife, a former Pasadena girl. ... Some San Di~go ~ight_ fans are driving over to El Centro for tomgh~ s Liston- Clay fight to beat the local $10 theater TV price. There was at least one true a.mphibia.n a.~ tile Amphibious Annivers:iry Ball on Sat_urday mght: an office in dress umform who fell mto the pool at a pre-ball party at Coronado's Villa Cap~i, but returned 40 minutes later in the same umform, thorou~hly dried (at an automatic laundry) and pressed. At the Grant Hotel during the weekend: Jerry Walsh, who was named Handicapped American of the Year in 1963.... Arthur Adams broug_ht back a brass mail slot from Hong Kong that has his name engraved in Chinese. So far, of course, he hasn't had a Chinese mailman. But he's hoping.... Best excuse of the new week for that extra drink. comes from one of the San Diego Yacht Club skippers. If he hadn't been prevailed upon to pour one last round of martinis the other afternoon, he wouldn't have learned in time that his cat was Jocked in the boat's ice box.... The local Welsh stage their 72nd an- nual celebration of St. David's Day on March 6 al Brooklyn Heights Presbyterian Church. The annual Gymanfa Ganu is next _Sunda_y afternoon at St. :qa- vid's Episcopal Church m Clairemont, complete with singing and (light) drinking. . . . Andrew Hom. pre- viewed his South Bay restaurant on Sunday W!th a modest claim that it is the world's largest Chmese restaurant. For the opening, a stack of coins was put high on a pantry shelf: a C~inese gesture of hope that profits will stack up that high. MEMO FRO~I OUR l\lAN FRIDAY: Dear N.M.- No final word yet on whether San Diegans can deduct their sewe1· taxes on federal returns. Henry Knowles, local IRS man, took wording of the local ordinance yesterday and dispatched it to Los Ange!es for a regional ruling. At stake for m9s~ San P!egans: a $36 deduction. So far, only conflictmg op1mons. CROSSTOW
nary at the University of San Diego; the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of ~atholic Dioce~e of San Diego; and James G. Caterma, club president. Bishop Buddy spoke to club at Iunchen. '
TOP-LEVJ~l, CONFAB-Discussing the activities of the Father Sena Club at luncheon arc, from left, Frank Waczek, past president; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wil- liam A. B rgin, head of Immaculate Heart Semi-
Bishop Buddy Hits Notions On Granting Annulments Th Mo ·t Rev. Charles F. a woman was forced to marry they didn't have 11 canon 'Ruddy, bL hop ol the Catholic at the point of a shotgun by law)'.er." . Diocese of San Diego, ha. her father. This marriage was BI s_h op Buddy said the the H o ly Immaculate II~art Se~inary type of marriage," he said. \Mother al_so .~eJect her son, at the Univer. 1ty nf San 01- However, the church does Jesus ChuSL . etlo, he :aid: rf'cognize a marriage when "People aslt how Ch r Is t want to take this op- two non-Catholics are united c~uld have been horn of _Mary portunity to correct a false by a justice of the peace. without,~an. I~ was a miracle notion that ii you have money 'Remember that the church of God. he s~ud. V . d you can gf't an annulment. does not grant any divorces, ~nt_ention 01ce The church only grants an an- only annulments and on J y He said some ~athol!c schol• nulment ii the marriage was when the marrfage was in.. ars contend Christ would hav_e invalid in the first placr " valid for some reason in the, come to earth anyway e~en _if . first place," he said. !there had not been sm m Two-Court Action Legal Advice Urged order to fulfill God 's plan for He ·aid his comments were He advised anyone wanting lthe world. the result of an article in a to determine if they could get "But others think He came national news maga,inl! about an annulment to employ a only !or our salvation," he an annulment granter! to two canon lawyer. lsaid. wealthy person . "Too many people get ad- In addition to members of Bishop Buddy :;aid that of vice from tthe corner grocery- the Father Serra Club, stu- 121 annulment cases which man. And they try to get an dent priests of the seminary came before the Rota (the annulment without any evi- were present to hear Bishop papal court In Rome which dence. ' he said. ·u dy s talk. has the final . ay on annul- He . aid one wealthy cou le Bishop Buddy helped found mentsl la t year half were from Lo;; AngPles trif'd to g the Father Serra Club a pcopl who were poor an annulment "but we r atholic businessmen'• organ- He said annulment• -ere wasting their limP beca c i,rn.tion. 20 ears ago. ~ranted in 64 ,·asrs. ln order for an annulment to be g1dntrd it has to be approved by two ('ourt~ of the Catholic church r tirizcd what he called a false notion that the church annulled, he ~aid. .. . Catholic church has been cnt• in some quarters tor icized only pant• annulmf'nt to o annulment Is n e rd e d Its bellef ii: the assumption wealthy per on . when a Catholic marries a ?f the V1~gm :','lary (the lift- Sp<'nklng before a lunrhron non-Catholic before a me ling nl thr Father Serra of thl' pl'acc. justice mg of her mt? heaven). _ But he _said tho~e who re- Club Jn the en !NeriA of the "We do not recognize this Ject the idea of
Cal Western R_isks Clean Home Record
tourney at Kansas City. _!lfil;) completed its home campaign last night with an 82-79 win over LaSalle University of Mexico City. I It was their 11th win in 23 tilts. The Toreros had f i v e players in double figures as they led all the way. Mark Teismann showed the way with 19 points, one more than Cliff Ashford. However, Alfonso Sanehez of the losers was high man with 21. After invading Go Iden Gym Thursday 1 night, the Toreros t r a v e I to Long Beach State's gym Satur- day night. Summary. 1-5
Cal Western will risk its clean home slate when it entertains O r a n g e State College's basketball team at 8:15 tonight in Golden Gym. The Westerners h a v e rolled up 16 straight wins al home this season. They'll / wind up their regular sea- son Thursday night against University of San Diegg. Saturday rugntwill see Cal W e s t e r n taking on Westmont College of Santa Barbara in the neutral Po- mona college gym in an NAIA District Three play- off game. Redlands will op- pose the winner in a best two out of three series to decide a berth in the NAIA
"Fir~t it goes lo the court or the diocese where the two people live. This is called the Court of the First Instance. The case then goes to an ap- peal court," he said. "It both the Cout t of the First Instance and the appeal court approve the annulmen then the an- nulment I granted. If one dis. agreed then it has to go to Rome for final disposition." Evidence Hequir<'d Bishop Buddy said the ma- jority o f a n n u I m e n t s are granted "because there wa a private contract (agree- menll before marriage not to have children .. volved have to prove that volved have to prove thao there was such a contract agreement "and this is not easy because the court rules only on the evidence pre- sented... To give an exa)'Tlple of the evidence needed Bishop Bud• dy related one case. "Five days before the mar- riage the bride wrote the bridegroom a Jetter telling him she didn't want to have 1rny children. But thf' prospec- tive husband went ahead with the marriage anyway,.. he aid. In the trial bl'lore the hcurch court the Jetter was submitted as evidence. "Also intimates of the wife testified that she told them she didn't want any chil- dren... he said. Lower ourt Overruled The lower court refused an annulment but was overruled by the appeal court and the papal court. Other rea ons for g ting an annulment are th t he marriage w a s caused by torce, fear or coercion. "There was one ea e where
Confab Resembles Ex-Aztec Reunion The Union . Tl'ibune bas- ketball writers' luncheon meetinb yesterday looked ruin their chances for NCAA college
berth. Hampton, whose Knights ean wrap up the Metropoli- tan Conference champion- ship this weekend, called this season "a frustrating one." "In the majority of our games we've been behind at the half, but have come back to win," said hamp- ton. He praised Elburt Mil- ler for his "great second half" Friday night against Cerritos and Saturday night against Bakersfield. Miller scored 22 poinb in the sec- ond half against Cerritos and turned in a great de- fensive game against Bak- ersfield. Nick A 1 e s s i o and Ron Kroepel also came In for commendation ") Hampton. "We jelled'' was the way coach Bob Kloppenburg de- scribed Cal Western's suc- cessful season. The West- erners have earned a berth in the NAIA playoffs. "We've 1 ,layed our best the last five games," said Kloppenburg. "Our 95-58 win over Arizona State of Flagstaff last week was our best game. . . . Jim Hef- ner's been the key to our ball club. He holds us to- gether.'' Phil Woolpert, University of San Diego coach, said his Toreros "are getting eloser to the concept of what we want."-P.C.
like a reunion of former San Diego !: .1te Coll, .·e basket. I ball piayers and co a c h George Ziegenfuss w e n t nostalgic. ''Looking around the room here makes me think I could put togethe. a pret- ty fair team,'' said the vet- eran Aztec hoop mentor. "In the front line, I could start N o e l Mickelsen (Grossmont College coach) Bud Milke (Castle Park High coach), and Bill Gilles. pie CM 1, n t e Vista High coach) and at guards, Jim Poole (Kearny High coach) and Dick Maureau (Mar Vista High coach). Jim Sams (C r a w f o r d High coach) could be my sixth man. "None of them looks too bald or paunchy to get out there and play." Ziegenfuss added t h a t Charlie Hampton (San Di- ego City College coach), an- other Aztec alumnus, could coach the team. Ziegenfuss s a I d this year's San Diego S t a t e team ''came up a little bit short." "We couldn't quite get the ball in the hole at the right time," Ziggy 9ommented. "It was that way In four key games and last week- end's Los Angeles State game was one of them." The Aztecs bowed, 89-82, to
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