News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Westerners Win

enced onl' n1g!lls of Uw sPason as the) battered Arizona S t a t e oJ ~'lagsta rr, 95-58, in Golde Gym. It was sweet rev<'ng,, for the Wl'st,•rn,•rs since, th,•~ dropped an 81-65 decision to the Arizonans earlier in the campaign By fattening thC'ir r,,cor to 21-6, the WC'sterners k<•pt their home slate clean-15-, for the sea on. cor<' Op<'nini: fC'w minutes, then wlwn it hit a cold strealc the home quin- lat went far out in front tr· stay, Two straight baskets ancl a frC' throw by Jocrnd• started the avalanche. The We ternC'rs hit on 33 of 70 rrom the field for 47 pc.r_ c·ent, much better than the 3!'\ per C<'nt the losers registered. Cal Western 's Frosh rolled over San Diego Slate Frosh, 70-52, in the opener. Comcbac.'k"I Wastctl 7 with l :26 remaining in the s Torer s decided to go into a stall, but 6-5 Paul Scranton batted a pass into the air. That enabled Buddy Reich to sink the go-ahc d basket. He also added two free throws. Reich, Smith Hot Inabihty to tam e Reich and Lou Smith brought the Toreros' downfall. USD.Jed by four points wilb four minutes remaining and by three with 3:25 lpft, Rrich and Smith s c o ,r e d 27 points between them, but Scranton paced the visitors with 16. Cliff Ashford bagged 17 for U Cal Poly now l1as a 19-4 sea- son record, compared to USD's !l-12 slate. Summ?ries Cal Western 05) - Arir:. Stat, (58) GFPT GFPT Carlvlr 6 1 3 13 Boyd 1 2 4 A Lemor.a 3 7 3 13 Nast, " A 3 12 Crowell 1 1 3 3 Jacobs 3 3 4 9 Joerndt 5 5 3 15 Acker 2 3 2 7 Hefner 6 5 1 l7 Jenkins 3 2 5 ti ;X~fr~1a I 1 / a 6 C'nrnoham 2 -4 1 8Hay 3 2 o 8 Dean o o 3 o Chapel 1 1 3 3 W'liomson o 1 1 1 Hoag 1 o 1 2 Mlchaels l O 2 2 Totals 33 29 23 95 Totals 20 II 27 58 Halftimt score-col Western 47, Ari• zona State 24. SOS Frosh (52) Cal Western (70) GFPT GFPT Adams 5 6 3 16 Mfchaels 7 8 2 22 Drakl!" 2 1 3 5 Razufls 4 A 4 12 Ferguson O 2 3 2Myler 1 O 3 2 Callender S 6 A 16 W'lfamson 8 3 3 19 Nichols 1 1 l 3 Nlcita O 2 4 2 ~~~ster g t g ~~f::~ney l i O'Hare 1 2 o , Dohlon O 2 1 2 Lfo~~r~irg 1f 'li 1: .5i Totals 25 20 25 70 Halftim1 Score: CWJo, sos 31. Col Poly [68b F PT USO (671 G F PT t h e ' contest. Al that point cos. Coad~ Phll Woolpcrt' J stageou1n•e <'om,•bark~ lads to _ IC'ad, the last time by fi5-64

FETED AT LUXCHEOX-Jlost Rev. Francis J. Fur4'y, Apo•tollc Administrator, wa · feted recently at a luncheon tn ·t. Jo ph•~ Cathl.'

Bishop Furey At Cathedral Most Rev. Francis J. Fu- rey, Apostolic Administrator, celebrated J\I ass last Friday in St. Joseph's Cathedral for the student bodies of Cathed- ral Girls' High School and St. J'oaeph's Grammar School. He later addressed the high 111chool students on the Ecu- menical Council. After the Dialogue Mass, Bishop Furey and the senior clasll were luncheon guests or the Right Rev. Msgr. George M. Rice, rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral, ln the Cathedral cafeteria. Entertainment both in the cafeteria and in the auditor• ium Included a Scottish dance by Kathleen Connolly, a re- cent arr Iv a I at Cathedral from Scotland, and a Mexi- can dance by Silvia Gonzales· aelectlona on the accordion Stephanie Smith a]\d on the 'Violin by Millicent Phillips; a chorlc reading y seven seniors, Donna Sta ton. Syl- via Warren, Dia e Craig, Barbara Picco, R e Mag- giora, Patricia Ta , and Joan Szymanski d song numbers by a freshman group and by Cathedral Glr 1 .s' High S hool Glee Club. )lcla, A~ presi- t, rnted a splrl ual tt> ls E c .t:y. ;;L - "J-0 TV Program Set The Rev. Philip P. Murray of the University of San Diego, College for Men will be guest speaker on the pro- gram, ''Let There Be Light," on Channel 8, KFMB-TV, at 10 a.m. this Sunday, Febru- ary 16. :\lusic for the pro- gram \\'lll be furni. hed by the College Glee Club under the direction of Rev. J. V. Sul- livan.

wnlr~ he eolle ·led while on a private Pea<:c Corp· mi ·sion last .·ummcr.

USD Girds for Battle With Cal Wes.tern The University of San Diego takes & blief r spite from the basketbaJI wars this weekend to prepare for it~ cro town bat- tle with Cal Western Unive1-sity Friday, Febl'Uary 14, •t USO Gym. The TOr4'roa 9-10 for lhl' sea on, will b~ me ting the

SENIOR TELLS TASKS Africans Emerge With Student Help lh II. JI. MILl,l·,ti

St. Therese Devotions Set During Lent t Rev. Cnartes F. Bud- dy, Bl hop or San Diego, will offer the Lenten Meditation at devotions at St. Therese church at 7 :30 p.m. Thurs- .day, February 20, It wa,i an- nounced by Rev. \\ llliam A Kratt pastor. The Lenten se1~es or de- votions will begin et 7 :30 to- night (Thursday), with Rev. J . .-\:itlcent Sullivan of the faculty of the UnlversitY, of San Diego's College !Qr ::\ien, opening tlie Lenten talks en- titled, "Psycho•omatlc In- tegrity." With tl:e exception of Februarv 20, when Bishop Buddy will ·speak. Father Sul- livan will conduct these week- ly Lenten Devotion•. , 'o\'ena. devotions In honor of St. Therese ot the ChUd J esu~ will be a part of each Thursday evening's program as well as Benediction of the Ble. sed Sacrament and a per- sonal blessing with a relic of St. Therese. Stations or the Cro s are cheduled for Tuesday after- noon.~ of Lent at 2:40 and Fri- day evenings of Lent at 7:30. st. There church Is lo- cated at the intersection of Wanng and , ·avajo R.oad In the Allied Gardens Del Cerro Districts of San D ,gt>.

Westerners in the f1r~t of two contests this term. The next game will be held al the West- terner ' Golden Gym Feb- ruary 28. The two a1ea hool. ha,·e played eight ga.mes since 1960 with the Westerners holding a 6-2 advantage over the Toreros. LMt Season, the two l4'&ms plit In a pair of games with Cal Western laking a 72-57 decision in their tirit meeting and Coach Phil Woolpert's f!\'e captunng their next go, 67-52. The Westerners dominated U1e series the fir t two sea- sons. The Toreros won their first game over the Wester- nerll in 1962 by a 64 -63 mar- gin and dropped tl1e next en• counter, 86-50. Coach Bob Kloppenburg'" 1963-64 edition ls compiling its best record in the school's history and are 18-6 after de- feating Chapman Co I I e g e, 70-62, at Golden Gym Satm·- day night. Guards Jim Herner and Ashe .Joerndt spark the West- erner attack along with 6-8 center Steve Crowell and for- wards John Carlyle and Charles Mavfield or Lem Lemons. • The Westerners were dealt a serious blow two weeks ago with the loss due to Illness of leading re b o u n d er Andy Pierce who is out for the ,~a- son. The Toreros ap4' expected to ,·oung basketball squad will attempt to get back on the victory trail after dropping a heart-breaking 68-67 decision to heavily favored Cal Poly of Pomona Monday at USD 12 season record into Satur- day"s (February 22) fray with Orange State College at USD Gym. USO and the Titans have split in two games thus far this' sea.son. both meetings c om in g m champion;'hip rounds. of tournament play. The Toreros topped Orange, 78-73, in the finals of the Sierra llfothel' Lode tourney and dropped a 71-64 decisio~ In their annual USD InVi- tational. The Titans hold a com- manding 6-1 edge in the series b e t w e e n the two schools. Coach Alex Omalev·s crew Will be ,sprarheaded by guards Bob Clayton and Rich R-Obin- son, center Rex Vance and ro,,,,. rds Kit John~ton and Len Guinn. The Titans dropped " close Gym. The Toreros will take a 9-

start tl'am captain Lyn1ond William and :.\1ark Yavorsky at guards, Phil Price at cen- ter and 1alt • falerich and <'Jiff A ord at forwards. All but Williams, a Jllruor, an ·ophomo1es. Ashford ls still maintaining his tt"am •coring lead With 340 points over the 19 games tor a 17.9 average. Yavorsky Is the only other Torero to hit in double tlgur'es with a 10.5 8\'erage, although Williams Is nearing the 10-polnt mark wilh a 9.7 average. Williams scored 16 points to lead the Toreros in their 90-49 loss to powerful Cai Poly ot Pomona last week at Pomona. The defeat wa.~ the San Di- egans' worst o! the season as the Broncos put forth an out- standing shooting and re- bounding effort. Cal Poly shot at a 47 per rent clip and outreboundcd the Toreros, 47-25. San Diego had one of its coldest nights on the floor with a 31 per cent field goal mark. Ashford WM held to •even points, his Reason Individual game low. The Tore1·os split against Los Angeles State and Cal Poly of San Luis Obispo last weekend, dropping an 83-72 decision to Los A11geles and coming back the next nig-ht to trim the Mustangs, 80-71. 87-86 encounter lo Cha1,ma11 Saturday in thPlr outing. Torero coaeh Phil Woolpert " exp,·cted to slart Lymond \\'1lliams and .\fark Yavorsky at guards, PhH Price at cen- ter and Mark Teisma.nn and Cliff Ashford at forwards. Williams and Teismann are Juniors while the othe1· three are sophomores. Ashford returned to form against the Cal Poly Mu5- tangs With a 17-point output, Averaging over the 19-point mark at mid-sea on, the former San Dil'go Clty Col- lege a<'e had ~een bothered with a groin injury and drop- ped In his point production. The Toreros, who had heen thumped 90-49 by the same Bronco five a week ago at Pomona, nearly pulled out the contest in their second meeting. Leading al halftime, :J3-28. Woolpert·~ forces main- tained a close lPad througn- out mo t of the second half and were ahead 6.~-61 with 1 :06 remaining In the am... The Bron<'o~ stole u,., l.\all and scorpd a ioal t,, go ahead by one.

do "lot do manual labor. WI rn we I ft thry wne \\ illlng to hnk hand ." 'lll"f'rla BooslPtl ro • while workmg

tuncheo dy USD


uxiliary "Sea. World'' will be the theme or & luncheon meeting or the University ot San Diego Auxiliary In the Tiki Hut ot Town and Countr_y Hotel, Mission Valley, thill Tu4'sday, February 18 The social hour \\1ll get undtr way at 11 :30 a.m.. with the luncheon ~cheduled for l~:30 p.m. Tomorrow (Fnday) i, th e deadline for making reserva- Uons. They may be made by calling Mrs. Gerald Mdlahon, 223-6941: Mrs. Emil C. Ghio, 222 .50445 or Mrs. Ronald E . Price, 583-3783.

.·mull Group , elr-l'ted "Cro roads operated on!) in A!ric-a outh of the Sahara Desert. La t year 4,000 col- lC'ge st1,rlrnt applied for the op ration, ancl 300 were ac- cepted•· • Ioumian wa• in , lgeria from June until Sept 1. Work• mg with f1\ e coeds and f1\ r men college tudents unde1 th dll'ect1on ,t an eng_mce1 and I is wife he helped build a hool d1111ng hall at tr( \!llage of Uak1 and a commu mty ce~ter to be u d hy elghl v11lag at UJabholc-Uwessan

oreros to Tackle Orange State Five Univers1tv of San Diego's

3 2 J 8 6 1 1 13 4 o 2 8 S 7 2 17 3 1 3 7 1 0 1 2 O O 2 O ,4 ,4 ,4 11

3 J 3 9Wlllioms 2 0 4 4 Yavorsky 3 o 2 6 Price 2 o 2 -4Ashford 7 O O 1,4 Teismonn 1 0 3 2 Verlosky 3 10 2 16Molf'rich 6 1 3 13 Moy!r

Jomes McKinney Bunch Reed Smith Tolbert Scronton Reich sro~~fr

J\shford's Fiery Pace Sparks USO


2~ 24 U 18 67 Halftime-USO ll, Cal Poly 21.-~ Cal Poly Frosh f411 USDFro,h (5&) GFPT GFPT 7 o J J 1 ! 1 ? ? i Riddle 1 1 l 3 Fay 11 1 3 23 Patrick O 1 1 1 Ferree 3 1 0 1 Yoder 3 0 0 6Goddy 6 0 112 Golden 1 0 G 2Ounlap 0 0 1 0 Strokes 1 o 3 2 Mr.~~• , 3 , ,, Totals 21 1 l.~ Totals 25 6 , 56 Halftime Score: uso 2,, Cal Pofy 1a. 2J 6g Totals

Sophomore forward C 1 I f 1 Ashford leads the University of San Diego ba ketball team in scoring and rebounding with live games left on the SC'hedule. The 1irst of those five will be at USD gym Saturday! night at 8 when Orange State College invadPs. A. hford, who joined the Toreros this season after a successful year at San Diego City College, has scored 366 point~ for a 17.4 average as USO has rompiled a 9-12 ree- ord. He also has snared 169 rehounds. Guard Mark Yavorsky ls the only other Torero averag- in,c: in double figures. He has '2'n points and a 10.8 mean. Fi,::ur!'s. hta ftm fto flm reb pf tp a~, A!!hford 773 117 169 132 169 61 366 17. .ri YavorskY 212 88 72 51 56 52 221 10.B WIiiiam, 15' 73 IS S.t 111 61 200 9.5 Teismol'ln 168 59 90 66 111 n 114 1,8 Malerich 117 SI 29 19 57 3.S 121 5.8 PrlCf 112 .Cl 2.& 16 14 40 91 5.-t Bind~• 69 21 21 15 60 25 57 4.8 Mover U 39 21 17 55 SJ 95 • .S Jacks.on 17 10 J 1 11 7 21 2.3 verlaskv 59 21 31 16 27 U 51 2.11 Kulloero 21 I 17 8 21 1S 2< 1.5 Hrn,el 1 t O O 4 l 2 O. • Team rebounds 158 USO .S2t 1315 JtS !4,5 Ut H2 1443 H.7 Opponents JJS 1ll4 3" 604 fll 427 1531 7J.2 •L~ft Schoc,I

MR . \VALLACE Planning to make t h e I r home In Pacilic Beach are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mi- chael Wallace, who were rn arr 1 e d Feb. 8 in St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. The bride, the for. mer Pamela Frances Price, ls the daughter of 'Mr. and 1\lrs. Carl McClone Price of 3935 Milan St. CWO Thom• as Weyler Wallace, USMC, ret., and Mrs. Wallace of 6101 Del Cerro Blvd. are parents of the bridegroom. After a tr i p to P a 1 m Springs, the newlyweds will be at home at 175S Grand Ave. The bride will be grad- uated in June from Univ~ sity of San Diego ~ge for Women. Her liusband will be graduated in June from Un!Ve ffy of San D I e g o, where he i a m ..m b<>r of Pi Kappa Ep on and pres- ident of the senior class. He plans to enter law school at the university In the fall.

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