News Scrapbook 1962-1964
q a-13
SAN D!EGD, CA.LI F,OR:IA a t.. F eb, 16, 1961
. . Television
LA JOLLA LINES Fish and Fowl to Perform At Scripps Hospital Party
unable to pay thrir hospi- tal bills. The auxiliary also provides extra equipment for the hospital as It I need- ed, and part of these pro- ceeds will help to establish a medical library,
By GERTRUDE GILPIN IVENING TRIIUNE 51alf Writer First benefit evening at Sea World will be u n d e r auspices of Scripps :II mor- 1al Hospital Auxiliary a n d promises to be one of the m o s t festiv<' parties of sp1•ingtime. ThP. dale is April 8. Two shows will be p r e- sented at Sea World in Mis- sion Bay Park. at 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. They will include porpoise, seal and penguin acts In the underwater thea- ter and a whale and por- poise show in the lagoon, with stadium a!'commodat- ing 1,100 ·pectators. Touris 'cheduled T h e r e will be t o u r s through the Reef Building where the S a '.:\falds will wim with the water cn•a- turPs; viewing of 16 tanks with 9'2 species of f is h; visits o the casting pool to ee fish striking at a rub- ber hook. Another attraction will be thc Japan<'se V i 1- lage with its pearl cxhih1• tion and Japane c girl div- ers harvesting oysters m a gla. s-walled tank. Many patrons will Include dinner in the evening's pro- gram, although it will be OP• tional At thc Bahia, cock- tails will he served at 5 :30 1md dinnrr al 6, while at the Catamaran the hours will be 6:30 and 7. , 'prve a, Chairman The three-decker B a h I a Belle will transport dinner guests from both hotels to Sea World and back agam after the show. I Mrs. John J. Wells, wife of a physician, has accepted chairmanship of the g a 1 a affair. Active in S c r i p p s Style Show To Benefit Orchestra A ~·ed party is the La carpet, black tie being plann(•d by Jolla Auxil!ary,
Concert Series Bids Prepared
Invitations to the summer concert series of the Musi- cal Arts Society o1 La Jolla will go into the mall March 14. Members of the commit- tee tor the dinner April 18 honoring the new conductor, Milton Katims, and .\I r s. Katims were entertained at luncheon yesterday at The Honker by the dinner chair- man, Mrs. William Hall Tip- IIastlngs, Early E. W. Dun- can, Francis M. S m I t h, Frank Kockrit.z, Theodore ope, Norman Massey and Leslie E. Harri~. pctt.
OLGA LA.'HCHUK • 1111 nt at , .n. College for Women 'Beauty of Week' Title Won by Girl Junior in College Delights In Heritage of Ukraine
)IRS. ,JOHN .J. wt;LLS Chairman of b!'nPfit Attending were M m e s. ----------'---il'""'!II Everett Hailes, A. B 1 a i r Auxiliary for several :1- a shP also is national cre- tary of Associatcrl AlumnaP of the Sacred Heart and
president of the local alum- nae. a member of the boarrl of University or San Diego Au iliary and of USD loth- l'r. • Club; a member of the Women's Committl'c. Sa Diego Symphony Orchestr Association. She has served as c•hair man for two major halls, Scripps Auxiliary' s Candle- light Ball and Academy Club's Easler Ball. and was queen of the Mardi Gras Ba 11 in 1960. A native San Francis!'an, she attended St. l\lary o! Wasatch in Salt Lake City, the University of Utah and Duchesne College of t h e Sacred Heart in Omaha. Named to Assist Mrs. John P. Murray will be cochairman for the eve- ning at Sea World. ' Other committee leaders are Mrs. Carl A. Trees and !\lrs. Clyde S. Rights, invi- tations; J\lrs. Niles Ch a P· man, printing; Mrs. Roy Galen Slack, hostesses ; "\Irs. Richard Tullis, treasurer; ~rs. H. Franklin McChes- ney and l\Irs. Charles F. Wright, publicity; Mrs. James Whisenand and Mrs. Jlfax Hau ·er, reservalious; Jllrs. Robert E, Paige, ad- viser. Proceed~ will a u g m e n t funds used to assist patients ickman Resigns Post (Continued from Page 1) working with the officials of this growing university, espe- cially satisfying has been my association with the entire Law School faculty. "I have accepted my new position onty because !t will provide me with an Increased opportunity to ibe of service to the organized bar of the nation." Professor Sinclitico was b o r n 1n Lawrence, Mass., May 23, 1915. He is married and has four children. He received his A.B. degree from Holy Cross College In 1936 and his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1939, He also has attended summer courses at Harvard, Sinclitlco served as associ- ate professor at St. Louis University School of Law and at Duquesne U n iv e r a i t y School of Law before joining the faculty at the Unlverslty of San Diego School of Law In 1960. He hal been acting reg\a- trar, assistant to the an; and faculty advlse,r to Ju Law Review.
of the chapel at the University of San Diego, which the bishop helped establish as a Catholic facility.
CATHOLIC LEADER - The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of San Diego's diocese, stands in front Bishop Buddy Devotes B •1d • Ch I e to UI ,ng urc L •,
ing a fifth book, which wilJ be another collection of his ser- mons, addresses and articles. His fourth book, "For TheM Also," was a 486 • page re• ~~~e8aoic:~licdoctrinepub- Bishop Buddy said he still
, lned
of tnrlian- 1on San Di i:o x
t11k ml people on tour of lhl' It h,-Jps pav m, Ion. tollrge tuition ' Her I s t e I lnd aneltN! r1ommated her for the Beau t of the Wr k honor !1 La hchuk aid her family ha a Holy • up- Jl r rvery hri tmas EH to eontl'lue their kranian h !tag · Ing ( rol ' er e tradlt on I Ukrainian di hes ancl sing C'hr1 tmas <' a r n I ~. ' ·he aid The fanlly Ba tcr (U~- om are more elaborate "rhe day' be for,- Ea. Irr wr fill a basket with all the food we will need for Ea•l• Pt Day," he atd. "It in- rludr homemade b r e II d anrl Ukra1man ~ausage. We take it to c·hurch lo be hi ed, then cat only from thr ha,ket Ea ter day " ' These traditions h e I p rlraw our 1amily together," 11he aid. •,Ju t for run' 11. s La. hchuk al o doc~ l rainian folk d a n c e "ju t !or fun.·• 'Tve danced lot mall groups and at college," she aid. "I wear a brightly col- orer! co~tume and a wreath or flower on my head." The pretty co!'d is . h) bout her good looks and would rather concentrate on mner hrauty ')lore Impol'lant' ''After you know a wom- "" for a few week ;i,ou forget whcth"r he is beau, ttful," she said 'Then hi-r eh racier and JI.{' nality b com •ortant "
The • lost Rev Charles F. Buddy, bi ·hop of the San Diego Catholic diocese and only two g e n e r a t i o n s re- moved from Cavan County, Ireland, has_ much more . In common with St. Patrick than just the green sod of Ireland. Like the early missionary and saint, Bishop Buddy has devoted his life to building the church. La st night - St. Patrick's Day - the 77-year-old bish-1 op received a Medallion of Merit Award. citing him as a distinguished California cit- izen of Irish ancestry, from Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of San Diego. Honored at Banquet It was presented at the or- ganization's annual banquet at the U. S. Grant Hotel. The medallion pays t r i b u t e to Bishop Buddy for his contri- bution to the welfare, culture and honor of San Diego and the United States. 21-Year Rule Under Bishop Buddy's Z7- year jurisdiction, the four- c o u n t y, 35,000-square-mile San Diego Catholic diocese bas ripened to abundance. Since he became bishop in 1936, the diocese-larger than Ireland itself-has gained 267 priests, 173 parishes, 78 pa- rochial schools, a university, three hospitals and a Cath- olic day nursery and recrea- tional center. And the spiritual leader's nock has grown from 80,000 to nearly 400,000. School Top Achievement Of all his accomplishments here, the bishop considers schools to be the most im- portant. "Most of the success of the church has been around edu- cation," Bishop Buddy said. "This Is important because the schools are where the children first learn." He said there are nearly 40,000 Cath- olic children now attending parochial schools in the dio- (Cont. on Pag11 -8, Col. 1)
1 ai:d we have. 17 ,,chaplams In takes morning and afternoon One of his missionary ef• walks, mostly around the beau-
Continued from. A-7)
and 130 000 m pub!Jc m11Jtary service.
cese h ' 1 sc 00 S
re1·1g· 1 ous
t 'k. g a 1n
0 instruction alter school hours. forts, the dioc~se s Crusade l!ful Umvers1ty of San Die o Univer ·ity Is Growing for Souls. he said, has brought hilltop campus. an estimated 57 000 converts "All in all. I walk about five Crowning the diocese's ~d- to the church since it was miles a day," he said. ucational facilities, he said, started in 1951. "And I can be a bit morC' Is the University ~f San Di- "The Catholic Church has of a pastor to my people. now ego, which opened its College the unhappy ~eputation of be- that Bishop Francis J. Furey, :!or Women in_1952_and a c 01 ·.ing clannish," he said. "In the coadjutor bishop of San lege for men m 1954 and now the yearly crusade we have Diego, takes care of the desk has an enrollment of 1,815' lay couples go to their neigh- work." students. hors in the block and invite Often, he said, he now can "Half of the students and them to church and instruc- hear confessions, bapUze, give faculty of the University of tion lectures." sermons and arrange spiritu- San Diego School of Law are He said the Crusade has al retreats. non-Catholics," the bis ho P now spread to about 39 dio- "This is my first love said. ''We've never draYm ceses throughout the world. taking care of my peoples' lines as to creed here and feel The bishop said he is writ- souls," he said.
W om P n's Co m m it- ire of San Di
that the university promotes the 1alth in Catholics and un- derstanding in non-Catholics. Born in St. Joseph, Mo., Bishop Buddy attended St. Benedict's College and St. Mary's College in Kansas and also studied philosophy and theology at the North Ameri- can College at Rome. He was ordained in 1914 in Rome's Cathedral of St. John La.tern. He returned to his native city where he rose to rector- ship of St. Joseph• s Cathedral. He had served there as an al- tar boy before entering the priesthood. to 1936, he was diocesan director of the Soci- ety for the Propagation of the Faith and during the depres- sion founded St. Vincent's Ca1- eteria and Lodging quarters for the destitute in St. Joseph. He was appointed bishop by Pope Pius XI when the San Diego Diocese was formed in 1936. Spread the Faith During World War II, he supervised Catholic military chaplains as vicar delegate of the Southwest military area. He also has established two 11eminaries in San Diego Coun- ty. And like St. Patrick. Bishop Buddy's primary spiritual in• terest has been to spread the faith. "Missionary work is the main objective of the church. and I like to think mine has been a missionary diocese," he said. "Th e re are five priest~ from the diocese In Mexico ii.nil ~Ix In South America From 1922
' Hickman
- .......
Sinclitico Gen. George w·. Hickm
J1 . \' t., has resigned as acting dean of the University of Saft Diego's School of Law, effective at the close l)f tlle"'prrsent cbolastic year, The resignation waR announced by Most RPv. Frnnc1s .J, Furey. Apostolic Administrator ahd president of lhe Uniwr- sity of San Diego. ------ --
Genera I Hickman ha• been acting d e a n of th e Law School for the past year. He bas given generously of his t!me and talents and has en- deared him~elf to everyone at the university, Bishop Furey said. "We make this announce- ment w i th the deepest re• gret," Bishop Furey said. "General Hickman's g e n i a I presence and thorough knowl- edg·e of the Jaw wlll be sore- ly missed. At the. same time, we congratulate him on hav- mg been assigned lo lhe per- manent staff of lhe Ameri• can Bar A,soclat1on Center in Chicago. ''While we a, e sorrv lo see him leave, we !eel that the honor that has come lo him ls shared in part by the uni- versity which he has served so well and capably." At the same time, Bishop Furey announced the appoint- ment of Professor Joseph A Slncliticn, Jr., a~ dean of lhe Sc-hool of Law, effe<·li,·,, npon the rlepa1 tn e of Gener a I Hickman nexl June.
MISS SCARBOROUGH Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scarborough of Chula Vista announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Donald F. Enos, son of Lt. A. F. Enos, USN. ret., and Mrs. Enos of C h u I a Vista. News of the betroth- al was revealed to c 1 o s e friends at a party yester- day in the Scarborough home. The bride-elect is a graduate of Academy of Our Lady of Peace and is student at Univ · y of an 1e o o le e for Wom- en. er fiance was gradu- a ted from Hilltop H i g h School and from San Diego State, where he is working for a secondary teaching credential and a master's degree. A December wed- ding is planned. .d- - /{p
"It Is with reluctance that I tender my 1·e ignatlon from the faculty a dm!nistra- It haa been a rewarding experience (Continued on Page 3) • • tion of the Law era! Hickman aid.
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