News Scrapbook 1962-1964

u 86-84

T USD Plays Final Game EVENING TRIBUNI! Dispalch FULLERTON - University of San Diego and Orange State will meet for the fourth time thi season here tonight as the Toreros wmd up their bas- krthall srason.


efea. btclal to The San Olt10 Union LONG BEACH John Ram- ho high jumped 6-9 3 , in ttw Long B<'ach llC'lays In 1hr nf1ernoon, thrn <'ame bat'k hrrr la~t night to score 421 points and !Pad Long Beach State lo an 86-84 basketball victory over Unil·ersity at San Diego. Rambo, a 6-7 1·c·n1er, thus <'Stabllshed a 491', scQring rt>C• ord, The schoo1'.· prevlou record was 39 points. The 49rrs roncludrd their baskt>tball season with an 8-16 record with tht> victory. USO trallPd at halftime, 45-30, but W<'nt in1 o a full-court press after intermission and Ptched a 67-67 tie wi1h l'ighl minutes to g:o: After thi.~, no mart> than two points sl'paratcrl t h <' teams until just 19 sPr0111is re- ma ln<'d, whPn Gary Jones' layup lif1Pd tlw home te11m into an 8-1-80 advantage. Ly- mond Williams counterPd for th<' Ton•ros but two foul shots by Dave Brown with tour see- onds lrf doomc>d USD to a 13th loss In 25 gamrs. USO (14) G F p T Lonw Beach ,1';, ~16~ J ; 1; ~~~fJ. { j lf ~~/~~onn J j i ,, ~~Jtio 1} 1i ! .c~ As/ifard 6 • J 16 Wlndf•ldt 5 2 4 12 J~:r~~i~ & °2 3 ~ij)g~r,a 1 i ! 1 Hines O o o Jackson o J 1 J Hfflsel 2 O O -4 Totals 28 21 ll 14 Totals 19 2a n S6 ur8'~~• acor.,_ Long Stach Sta1e -45, USO Frosh (U) Long Stach Stott Fov 1f f r J Frosh C6')G F p T Emerson 5 -4 U Yanai J o 1 2 i~~3tberv i 3 1 8 1~ f 3 ~) : J X ! J ,l Rosent o 2 2 2 Heelv o o 2 o Totals 26 13 20 65 GT1,~fi 0 2l 1~ 12 1,l 8 !:,~l~t~%",e- stf~ih 3 ~so Frosh 38, Long




a 24 ©


NE .7 Sons of St: Patrick Present .Medallion To Bishop Buddy Consul General of Ireland Urges Closer Ties Between 2 Countries The Society of the Friendly_ Son~ of St. Patrick of ~an Diego last night presented its ftrst annual Medal110n of Merit Award to the Most Rev. Ch_arle~ F. Buddy, bishop of the San J?iego RoII_lan C~~ollc _D10cese_. . The medallion cites the bishop for his contr1but1on to the welfare, culture and_ honor of his community and the United States of America." Presentation was made at the 11th annual banquet of the local chapter in the p 1m Roo of the U.S. high schools, lJO_ new ch~rch- a m es medical climes, hospitals, Grant ~otel by Lawrenc~ re'creational centers, reflect A. Sulhvan, chapter presi- the forward march and gen- dent. . ulne charity of wonderfully Speaker of the evemng, dedicated priests and people. Charles V. Whelan, _conSul 12 ::llillion Donated general of Ireland m San ,. . d Francisco, told the San Diego It may surprise you-an Irish gathering that "our two I think you ought to know- countries must build a new that the Catholics and n o n- two-way bridge between Ire• Catholics of this jurisdiction land and the United St_ates, donated over $12 million, in across which people and ideas . would pass." \different drives, for the um- Dec re a in g emigration verslty. from Ireland - o n I Y 3,000 "In the interest of justice emigrants last year - is re• and, indeed, to re-emphasiz_e ducing personal family eon- our appreciation. we owe 1t tacts between Irish and Amer- to our generous people to re- icans, and there is danger fute a vicious calumny whis- that the close informed rela• pered throughout the United tionship between the two coun- States. tries may fade,_ or become "Contrary to these false- corrupted by m1s~nder st 8: nd · hoods the Diocese of San Di- ing,_ misinterpretation,_ or JUS t ego ~nd the University of. plam ignorance, he said. San Diego are in sound f1- trengthening Cited nancial condition. Our finan- Some strengthening of the cial status rests on facts, as- ' bond between the two people sembled by a comprehensive SAN DIEGO, CALIFDIINIA >' \\'I'd., .Jar. 18, 1964 EVENING TRIBLJ

USO holds a 2-1 edge on 'their hosts. The Toreros must win tonight to even their ·late at 13-13, but evC"n if they lose they are assured of their ·ec- ond best c amp a i g n. The school's best mark is 14-11, set in the 1957-58 season. Cliff Ashford still leads the TorC"ros in scoring with 434 points and a 17.~ aYcrage. Mark Ya\Orsky has a 10.3 a,- eragc, v.hlle Lymond wn. Iiams and Mark Teismann have averaged 10.2. 3-5

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.son 01"10 Union staff Pncto

·u1 Dwgo Rep. Ed V. Izac and Mrs. from ~on. the R!'v. Carroll of 1 newlJ ordained priests. ing.

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CATHEDRAL RITES Bishop Ordains 16 To Priesthood I\ J)I( K R0\\:111\. • Do t thou know them to b worthy•" " far a human frailtl a 11 ow s to know, I know anrl I testify that th y are worthy of the charge of tb1s nf!we • "Thanks b to Gori ' This l'xchangc m Lalin hetwl'er> a bishop or the Catholtc < hurch anrl an a1chd1•acon ye terday e1 in motion a Cl\ lee that would marry 16 men to the Catholic Church ''for all et rnlt~, a cording to the order of Melch1sedech." The 16 rmmarlan from the Immacula e Heart Semi- nary at the 'mvrr I> of • an Dwgo, wer nrct ined to the J)rle t'1oort in olrmn cmom<.>s at St Jo, ph , Cathe• dral. Conducted By Bishop Furey Th 90-~lnute ordination en 1cc was conrlucterl by the 1'o t Rev. ~•r 'lCI .r Furey, apostolic administrator of the ·an Dl«•go D1oce P. Following the onJmat1on, almost 1.000 worshipers filed to the front of th catherlral lo be hie sect by the new priest In shmmg white vestmt>nt · Among those ordained was the Rev. Carroll Andre Izac, n of former Drmocratlo R!'p. Ed V. Izac, who served • an Die o In 'ongress from 1()37 to 194i Assigned To Capital Diocese Father faac will be a 1gned to the diocese o! Wash- ln.t:ton, DC, Y.h rc- his parents live. Two San D·cgans nnd a Brawkj resident also were ordained They are the Rev. nthony Garcia and the Rev. John Warn r of a Diego and the Re,. 1-·rancis Fawcett o! Brawley A < mner for ff'latives and friends of thr new priC"sts was held at the seminary following the ·erv1ce. mhe candid tes tor priC'sthood filed into the cathedral as th1' choir and the bi hop chanted the Litany of the ·amts, calling 11pon thl' beatified o! the church to intercede for the e deacons tnat they might have grace and strength. Thi' candidates then lay prone, signifying humility and obedlenrr The bishop prayed for the canrlidates and laid h1 hand on the h ad of each The bishop then anointed the hand of each candidate with holy oil At the moment thC' bishop places his hand upon the head of the cand,date. he become: a priest. However, each must touch the chaJicr held by the bishop before he can celebrate Ma s All But 2 Staying In Area All hut two or the new priests will bl! assigned to pan he 'l 'he ·an Diego Dwcese. 0th rs ordained ,, er£ the R!'vs. Edmund Andre of Chicago; En,ard Brockhau · of La Jolla; Robert DePont c( Hawa11; al Dolan of 1mnesota: Frederick Florecik of C'h cago lichael Higgins oI Ireland, Charles O'Connor of San Franci co; George Oller of San Fernando: Justin Pi Ciotta, stu

THE SAN DIEGO UNION Sun., 1'lar. 8, 196'1 CD GS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORN_IA__ USO Scores 1st Baseball Vi~tory, 5-3 Special to The San Diego Union ORANGE - Batterymates John Pearce and Fran Vogel p~ced the University of San Diego to· its first baseball win of the season here yesterday afternoon, a 5-3 10-inning vic- tory over Chapman College. Pearce, a junior lefthander scattered four hits and struck out eight in hurling the Tor- eros to their first win in four starts. Vogel's 410-foot, two- run triple in the 10th chased home the two deciding runs. The loss was the first of the season for Chapman, which had won five straight. A scheduled second game was rained out. M~g,man &°J i (a)~0 ,,rgeCa~~fv. Vogel; Bortle, Ferrente

has come, he said. from the growth in the fields of tour• ism and economic affairs. Whelan said this new rela- tionship is opening ur op1ior- tunities which may work to the mutual advantage of both countries. "We need to un- derstand each other better, to prepare and affect a pro- gram of interests that would work into the future and for generations to come," he said. Rousing Applause A rousing hand of applause greeted Whelan's statement that Ireland is receiving no foreign aid from the United States or from any other gov- ernment, but is in fact giving aid to the newly emerging na- tions of the world. Whelan recalled that th e builders of the West included a good percentage of Irish- men. Many streets in San Francisco are n a m e d for Irishmen, he said. More than 6,000 San Die- gans were born in Ireland or their fathers were born there, Whelan said. Bishop Speaks In accepting the chapter's first Medallion of Merit, Bish- op Buddy said:

USD Nine Faces Utah Tomorrow The University of San Di- ego starts a busy baseball week tomorrow when It plays -host to the University of Utah at MCRD's Beeson Field. The • game starts at 3 o'clock. • The Toreros will play six games in sev<>n days. So far, John Cunningham's club has dropped five of the first six encounters. USD will meet Utah on the same field Wednesdav a n d meets Pepperdme Coilege at Westgale Park Tliursda)>. The • local club will meet Cali!or- Jlia State (Los Angeles) in a doubleheader there Saturday and will face Loyola at Bee- son Field next Sunday. 3-t:S-


E...--.GA~IE,.T TOLD-'.)lrs. Estelle Stras,,Jer announces the engagement of her daughter, Victory Jane, to Parmely Ma:rtin Daniels, son of Mr. and l\lrs. Parmely C. Daniels of Arlington, Va. Jifiss Stra sler wa graduat~ from Cathedral Girls' High School and is attending the l nlverslty of ~n Diego for Wom- m where . he will be graduate hi fal. n , Dail.leis received Bachelor of Arts degree from Colby <'-0llegl' In Maine. He ;ened a.s a. ·avy officer aboard thl' USS G,•orge Clymer and ,he LSS Win ton. After a June wedding, the couphi \\ill make heir home 1n Virginia. Mr. Daniels will attend Georgetrmn Jenta! School. -----'"-'"-----~ 3-6

"Thfs happy occasion per- mits me to thank the non- Catholic and Catholic citizens of these four southern coun- ties (San Diego, Imperial, , Riverside, and San Bernar- dino) who have so generous- ly supported this diocese for the last Z7 years. "These sterling people of 11 faiths are the real found- ers o.f the University of San D_i~o. They are the ones to bThonored. "Our 94 elementary and

Reception To Honor Bishop

The 111ost Rev. Francis J Furrey, apostolic admimstra• tor for the Diocese of San Diego, will be honored Sun- day at a reception and tea to be given by Alcala Guild of the University of San Diego College for ~fen. The event will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Knights of Columbus Librar · on campus. Mrs. John O'Donnell of La Jolla is chairman for the event. The Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, president of the university, will present an Ill· formal talk and answer ques• hons about the college for men. Hostesses will include • lmes. Dom1mc DeP1etn of Point Loma, Harold Dermody of Pacific Beach, 1. Hillatd Cox of La Jolla, Ernest 'Io• ,·ani and John Wilpert of Clairemont and Alban Gies• ing, Joseph Hie!, William Murphy, Margurette Sherry and Paul Vesco. Mrs. Frank O'Connor of Clairemont. guild pre 1dent, has invited all former mem bers of the guild to attend



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