News Scrapbook 1962-1964


Scientist amed o College Faculty Appointment of a new pro- land, where he worked with t or to the science faculty Professor F. S. Dalnton on ot the College for • Icn, Um- the radiation chemistry of v ty of San Diego, wa water and aqueous solutions. announced by Very R v. John In 1960, he was appointed to Paul Cadden, president. Don- the faculty of l\lcMaster Uni- ald B. P terson, of South verslty, Hamilton, Ontario, Bend, Ind., has been named Canada, serving as assistant a, stant pro! r of ch m- professor of chcmlstry from try, tarting In S pt mber. 1960-61. Dr. Pete on has had con- He Is a member of the Id rable achl verncnts In re- American A. soctatlon for the an:h as Well as qualifying Advancement of Science, the xpertence In te chlni;- ac- Radiation Research Society, cording to Dr. John P .. fc- and Sigma Xi. He received Dermott, chairman of th hls Bachelor ot Science de- Departrnent ot Cheml try. grec In chemistry from Penn- For tho t three years, sylvania University in 1954, Pr, Peterson has b n as o- He attended Carnegie Insti- ciated with the Radiation tute of Tt.-chnology from 1954- Laboratory at the t!nivenity 5 where he obtained the de- ot Notre Dame as a re eareh grces of Master of Science ectentl.,t. He has been con- !Llld Doctor ot Philosophy In ducting research In photo- Ch !lllstry. chemistry and r a d I a t I on Dr. Peterson ls 32 years old. J cheml try and has published He was born In Erle, Pa. / • papers In a number of sclen-1 f tl[~.j°i.:n was awarded to Stage doctoral Fellowship. by State Convent·1on NaU<>nal Sc ence Founda- ln 19 and ag In permitted hi to SJ>i,.Plll"i1!1P. at the nl- Leeds, Leeds, Eng- etate convention of the bian Squire.'! will be the University ot San campus this Friday and ay, May 22 and 23.

Profs Feted By Students At College The Associated S tu d en t Body of the University ot San Diego College for Men presented the annual awards to members of the faculty at a dinner given for the faculty ILlld their wives in the Lark dining room last Monday. Voted upon by the students some time ago, the professors to receive honors included Charles R. Walsh, professor &nd chairman of the Depart- ment ot English, who died May 9. Trophies were presentect to other faculty members who, In the opinion of the students, were the most proficient In their field Of teaching. The p rotes so rs who received awards were Rev. William Shipley, chairman Of the Di- vision of Arts and Sciences; John P. McDermott, chair- man of the Department of Chemistry; and John T. Mar- tinelli, 3.'lsist!Lllt professor of b n admin tration, who o received an additional bute as the faculty mem- ber contnbuting the mo t outstanding senice to the student body. - -.:....-=-- -~-

Cu-cle 905 of Chula Vista and Circle 876 of Linda V1Sta '\\ill b host ci rel es. Registration '\\ill begin at 6 tonight (Thursday), and a state officers' meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in El Ccrtez Hotel. Highlight of the convention Will be the banquet Friday night. Av,'ards '\\ill be made_ T I be a ance after et. osing se on "111 be p.m. Saturday.

Aid Namea By CoUege Very Rev. John Paul Cad- den, president of the College for Men, University of San Diego, announced this week the appointment Of William E. Salesses as acting chair- man of the Department of Education and acting director ot the Student Teaching Pro- gram. A public school teacher and administrator tor the last 15 years, Salesses has been as- sociated With the city schools of San Bernardino from 1955 to the present as a teacher and counselor. He holds a B.A, degree in Philosophy from St. Paul Seminary, an :!\.f.A. degree in the Social Fowidations of Education t r om Claremont Graduate School and University Center and is currently enrolled the d o c t o r a. I program at Claremont. In addition to life member- ship in the National Educa- tion Association, Salesses is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, California Teachers Associa- tion, San Bernardino-River- side C o u n t y Association of Teachers of Foreign Lan- guages, San Bernardino Coun- ty Council of Teachers of English, San B e r n a r d i n o Music Educators Association California Counseling a n d Guidance Association an d has served this past year as president-elect of the San Bernardino GUidance Associa- tion, . I a o a Fourth Degree "night of Columbus and a member of the Lions Club and American Legion. Salesses' position at the

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