News Scrapbook 1962-1964
~f Ians 5 Chamber Concerts
j JZlr pre S10 •·la mil con mo It lain lhrr
i:radu t morma USD Honors York As 55 Graduate
T orero Cagers List Junket to Montana The Toreros also play San Detc schedule, Diego Stare College anti Cal by today hy h "ad Western in renewals of their Yori illrrctor Ph II city s<'ric-s. First g a m c is he Ji£ DC'c. 1 at home against l'<'p (her r<'ad tana .TAn. 2 6 and plny Mon- A~~)t"s 1 5~:ri•ri~t x~ ~7c. L~~,i Lgj :incl-, 1ana State C~llPf;C't Montan.a }fa'te,Ang~ts; lSDt10n~2 BJac~onftaf!'"oi~ Lo State Umvcr~1ty and Carroll Dec. is-at Whfllf•r; Dec. 21-23 Col ITarl ,. ll Al I I l I . West.rn Holloov Fostlvol, Jon. 2 01 LD <'g«-i ~O S<" H 1 CU ()( a1 (l Carroll CollPge, Helena, Mfint.; Jon. .C- ttlt"d 1h sn tnvi1ah()na.1, thll Cal ~~n_Mi~gr 0 M;,',Yk~o u;,i~,~st~i1~ 1 .ssg~~ 0 e: day Western llolidav F<'~tlvnl and l'lW la~"-Pali 0 ~ 5 8orri~~~ta~~~~bm-1-~~; man Ace Jon. n at Son DlPoo State; Jon. 2 Jrrsc • for/~~! d~ ~- 11~t zgi~ 01 t~~~)Yr=ei~ ~taif' Printers 9 Santo ljlaro., F•b. 21)-C.hoomon x. x Hem• oom,.s, starting at 8 P.m, _ Fr,:slimon rrint~st h.-gJn ot .S • Q Cnminn •"' U--J i;; 11 me basketball a11J1ounrNl roai-h-a \', oolpi> t. ll'tlC 'l'he Tore1os will 1our Mon- pc>rdin<' . Schc>dulc: 'I11ree tournaments and a the Cal Poly of Pomona Tour- wou trip ver t Montana highlight Uni- nament. of San Diego's 26- addi
Five <·hamber music con- C'<'t t~ will be presented at 10·10 a.m each Frldav rlnr- ln~ July by the Univ"cr. ity of San Diego's Colle1:«> for Womi-n. The concerts, to hf' con- ductC'd by Marjorie Roh- !leisch. Instructor in music, in conjunction with h e r summer school class In the Baroqur and Classic periods, will be In the College Thea- , ter. They are: ,July S: Music by J ea n Philippe Rameau with Fred- erick Baker, flute; Virginia Lingren, soprano; Thomas Bay, cello; and Miss Roh- flelsch. harpsichord. ,July IO: Art of the Quar- t<'t with James G late - brook and Marilyn La w • rence, \ iolin: Selma Kam-
\Iola; and Bay,
\\ilh Henr) Kolar and N'lrk Stamon, violins, and :!\1i s Rohfleisch, piano. ,July 31: A program on Gabriell and his contem- poraries featuring T h e o . dore Grove and a b r a ., s choir.
cello. ,July 17: Art or the Trio with Paul Srvertson, v i o- lin: Larry Laffoon, viola. and Bruce Van Nostrand, crllo. ,Jul~ '!-1: Art of the Sonata
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1.,•,·ture Ri>dtal. : The mu ·ic or Jean Phil- lp11• Rameau will be played and discussed at 0.30 am. Vrlday in the fir t of a si>ries of fly cham bPr music concert ,
! an
o gl\e the commenceml'nt ad- Corps Recruit Depot, w 1 l I Re, Francis .T Furey, coad- commis~ion two of the gra<1- Juror hishop of the R O m a 11 York also will recei~e an uates as ~larlne lieutenants. !Catholic dioce~e of San DiPgo. at 4 p.m.
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The sermon will be dellv-
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Earlier, at calaureate Ma
honorary iloctor of law~ de-
John H
will hP. held ered by Verv Rev
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Dr. Herbert F
nlty o! Maj G"n. B A. Hochmuth, in St. ,Joseph's Cathedral 1t lQuinn presuient o! St. Fn.n:
cellor of
[Rrlne will be celebrated hv
lo s t cis Collegr in EI Cajon
California at San Diego w,IJ commandn o!
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~Ufl , ,J1111e 28, Hlfil SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA
Highlights of the month's fare in art, music and drama-the times, places and paybills.
• University of Califotma, San Diego o~ens a series_ of four film showings with SaturdayNight and Sunday Morning shown at 7an in Sumner Audi- t , npps Institution • aphy. • The Art of the Quartet rs coy- e~ed at 10:30 a.m. in aUniversity of San D_1ego, College for Women's lecture re- cital.
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