News Scrapbook 1962-1964
err iego Wins Salute 195 Years Later __ 1-tal 1n San
ECUMENICAL HUMOR v11tc~-?,1·6~ Rot rians Pee 'Inside' Rome Th ost Rev. Francis .T. a clock" at 9 a.m daily a Furey, a stolic administrator this sometimes was difficu, • of the San Diego Catholic Dio- because of Rome's tram rese, yesterday took the San problems. "San Diego's frc Diego Rotary Chili behind the way traffic is a dream an scenes of the Ecumenical paradise compared to traff. Council ln-Rome. in Rome," he said. "That i In a humorous address at the world's worst." El Cortez Hotel, Bishop Furey Main aim of the Ecumenical said the Vatican spent $8 mil- Council, he said, is "to try lion before the Second Vatican to bring the Catholic Church Councll's ilnaugural session up to date." One suggestion began in October of 1962. The I was to do away with the use um was used for printing I of Latin and another was to and mailing material to the demand less universal con- 2,300 Catholic bishops attend- formity in ritual. mg, for secretarial services "Even Latin sometimes is and for enabling bishops from pronounced differently by needy dioceses to attend. those of different oationali- He credited the late Pope ties " he said. "The French John XXIII with " a lot of I were the worst, the hardest to courage" for convoking the understand. They pronounced <:ouncil. "I don't think anyone Latin words like French."
Volunteers Heading Drive In County for JFK Library
Groups Mark Mission Start At Presidio Hill
On Jul) I, 1769 a Franciscan •athcr arrived al the foot of residio Hill after a l h r e e- monlh march from Loreto. Baja California, to found a mission. O;i that day, 195 years ago. 'ath r Junipero Serra dedicat <'d the first of a ch ·n of mis-, ~wns that w o u I d eventually tretch north to San Francisco. Yesterday, Old Town commc- 'l1oratcd the occasion v.ith a birthday celebration The c\· nt al o marked the 251st hirthda\' f I• athcr Serra . Diary Tells ·wry Excerpts lrom a diary writ- en by Father Serra tell of many hard~h1ps and dangers on the long trail to San Diego. When he arrived, he found dying of scurvy. The men were from an overland eK- pedition which left Loreto ahead of his party. on Sept . 30, and from two ships, the San Antumo 11nd the San Carlo . Hoth ships had set sail to cx- 1Jlurc the coast line before Ser ra's party bC"gan its journc) larch 28. The San ntonio lelt Cape ·an Lucas, Feb . 15 and arnved 111 San Diego Bay on \pril 11 Th San Carlos . ailed from La Paz on Jan . 9 and ~rnvcd h re Apnl 29. Burial Plate Told The 60 soldiers and ailors arc buri d today at the foot of Presidio Hill. beneath a I r e e haded glen known as the Fran- uscan Garden . They are California's f i r s t unknov.n dead . The records bearing their names were lost in the fire which de ·tron d the ftnt mission m 177.5 • The ·unl-a1uwn dead are not forgotten . Each year the citi- ns of Old Town commernor ate Father Serra's arri\'al , flo"• er petals are scattered ovrr th<' om 60 soldiers and sailors dead o
wi hmg to .serve may ch with Coggan at mo de la Costa, La
',l 1 ·Z 1 I Kor ar onducfs String Chamber Class At USO
i/NIOP-' - 3t ~C:,,f, - Concert Slated 1 This Morning
hut Pope John could have done il. He wa a tremendous man of genius." F. , IE SEPT. 1% Bishop Furey will attend the council's third session which gins Sept 12. He told the Rotarians that !Shops attending prior ses- 1ons had magnetic pens, "but they were chained to our Our reputations," he k "must have gone ahead of us." "Maybe," he suggest- "when this f over we will be ble to take them ome as souvenirs." The chairs and tables used by e bIShops were fashioned after furniture used by the ltalian government, with an eye o ing them to the gov- ernment when the council ends, he said. PUNlCJl~:P CLOCK l ed the idea," he cause there is no my lmowledge who would carve his initials into chair or table ." Bishops attending the first two sessions had to " punch
College Library Shows Douglas Jones Art
HIS'J'OHIC ()(',('.\SIO '-Ryron Harwell hold~ an ea1·l Spanish ( a,tilc Flag. while li~1ening to r·u111- me1i10t·ath·e ·p,'e<:he~ du1·ing Old Town·s ob ·en• am·l' of the l!J.i!h H1111i\·p1:;a1-_y of Father S( na'. ,,rl'irnl 1r1 San Diego. Harnpll parti,·ipaferl in tlw ninth annual Trek to lh' St•n-a Crns,. whwl1 pa- rad~d 1 hrough Old Town \'<'. ·lt'm,t\ . l'truw <:nlor the publi, Jh,·11 gatlwr..:d around guard l'arnrd the 12 flags wl11d1 an l11rfJa11 tepee crc•ct,•d on Pr'· the I•ranci,wan Garden· juv was performed by memtwrs b,·- have flown mer California . .,id10 11111. An Indian danet• 111 In o, pot \ noth<'r
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flown petals o,cr the ~r;wc.
an Diego Ave A ~arade formed pat m the mnth annual lo the Serra. ~ro,s. • lar<:hcr a \\ore the brllhant . red_s. hlu s marcher and greens of tl~e Spanish Don: ·tone steps to to pa'.·11c1- Tltn•e . larine
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IIJP111bt•rs of the f rands- from Missmn S<1n
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then mounted
the Luis Rey sang two songs.
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Guest· of honor included ,, o · San Dtc,, 0 Dioce,e Mayor Cur- =:...;;_,.~,.,._=.....,=• · ran and Les Earnest director lhc citv Park Department ranc1s . urey oJ the . , ol
and their senoritas a~d ot.~crs tall brick cross . markmg tht• \\Ore costumes o! earl} ln~1ans spol where ~erra started his Rev
,1 as led b\ Ar- 1..
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lhrough Old Town, cut across bell rai ·ed on the rou"h branch the golf course and paused in of a tree The b II S} mboliz,!o the Franciscan Gardens. Father nra s ringing ol the A band from the • 'aval Tram- fir ·t bell heard in California, mg Center accompanied the as he hie sed the members al marchers, along with a color the three expeditions. guard from the Manne Recruit Members of the parade and
THE SA A I 8 (i)
AREA ENROLLMENT FIGURES COMPARED Here is where San Diego County residents are expected to attend classes next month, along with comparable figures for last fall:
1963-64 Est. 1964-65
County public schools (kindergarten through 12th grade ) . . . . . . . . . .. City public schools (kindergarten through 12th grade) ... . .... . .. . Catholic schools . . .. . . 11 independent schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Episcopal schools (five of six schools) .. Lutheran schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Diego State . . . . . . . . . . . . University of California, San Diego . . . . . California Western University University of San Diego ... . .. . City junior colleges .. .. County junior colleges University of California Extension Classes for adults operated by San Diego city schools .... Classes for adults operated by county school districts • June figure * * • •
eac'1ers Session ill Draw 650 .Six hundred fifty religious and Demonstration sessions will be y teachers are expected Sept. conducted on the primary and 9-iO at the first annual Teachers . . ·titute at the University of San mtermediate grade level by Pa- Diego. tricia Wilkinson, reading con- The teachers, all from ele- sultant for the publishing firm ment.ary schools of the San Di- of Ginn & Co. ego Catholic Diocese, will hear talks on reading, physical fit. SESSIONS PLANNED ness, music, science and hand- James D. White, language writing from visiting consult- arts consultant for Macmillan ants. Co., will conduct sessions on .Msgr. Franklin F. Hurd, dio- f:ends in the teaching of Eng- cese superintendent of schools lish. will open the institute at 9:30 Thomas Wright of Holt, Rine- a.m. Sept. 9 with a dialogue hart and Winston will discuss Mass of the Holy Spirit. ~cience in curriculums and an DR. SHIPLEY T OSPEAK illustrated ~scu~sion on instru- . . mental music will be conducted '!'.he operung address WIii be by John Klicman diocesan su- ~vered by Dr. William L. pervisor of instz'.umental mu- Shipley, head of the education sic. department at USD's College for James O. Bozarth, general Men. . . . manager of A. N. Palmer Co., ~r. Victor J. D1Felippo, edu- Chicago, will conduct an in-serv- cat!on ~rofessor at Seaton Hall ice session for principals on Umvers1ty, South Or!lnge, manuscript writing and the N.J.,_ and a special advisei: to transition of cursive w,riting. ~resident Johnson on physical Msgr. Hurd will preside over a f1!ness and youth problems, will special meeting for building disc~ss elementary school physi- principals and a general meet- cal fitness programs. ing Sept. 10.
130,045 115,025
133,900 116,057 21,253 2,440 720 674 15,500 505 2,000 1,239 14,200 10,100 3,300 16,500 13,900
X Section · C . . . ----- -- --- --- T WC? Student Chiefs Attend Parley Two Umver_s1ty ?f San Diego They are Bruce Dunlap, 21. Both are seniors.
l '
19,353· 2,397 705 619 14,500 283
students are m Mmneapolis at• tending the 14th annual nation- Slu ent al Student Body Presidents Con- College for d b
They are attending co;ifer-
ody president of
and Sarita ence sessions on the role of stu-
l ference at Mmnesota.
1,800 1,065 12,674 9,858 3,000 15.924 13,434
the University of Doyle, 19, president of the Col- dent
lege for Women student body.1campuses.
• • Record Turnout S For Schools
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