News Scrapbook 1962-1964
august 27 , 1964
La Jolla's Picture Paper
Enhtred H i•cond-clan m•tt•r •t the po1toffic• et La Jolla, California. uftder the act of March J. 1170
Pwblithed we.tty
OUR 43rd YEAR , NO. 23
Attend Conference •
Sar:ta Doyle and Bruce Dunlap d:scuss Unive-s·ty Student Body Pres,dents' conference las; week in M'nnoa?olis.
Student Leaders Attend Conference in Minneapolis
A ne\\ s nsc of the important role a co,lege student body can play, both on-campus and in the community, is the result of at- tendnnre at the National l'ni- ver ty Student Body Pre !dents' conference hy two La J o 1 1 a tuclents. The pair, Sarita Doyle a n d Bn,ce Dunlap, head the student hodi('S of the colleges for wom- en and men at Uni\·ersily of San D,ego. They attended the 14th onm::11 c-nnfcrencc last week in • hnneapolis along wiU1 400 other student body heads. Dunlap, 21, .son of Mr. and lrs. Howard F Dunlap, 6-138 La Jolla Scenic dr., said the
conference had been invaluable to him in terms of broadening his ideas of what a tudent body can do to help achieve the goals of the university. ''We are going to work hard in our student government this year to truly represent the stu- dent body to the administration and faculty," he said. "In U1is way, we can help achieve a true tri-partite university and assist toward the goal of a com- plete education. "In addition, v. e intend to take a more active role in the Pnri<'hment of students and to- ward this end we are exploring (Continued on Page Seven-A) STUDENT LEADERS cultural and educational ex- changes with other universities and tile community," he added. Dunlap said he hoped to ar- range for the exchange of lec- tures by professors from other colleges to achieve a "cros~- fertilization" in the academic community. Miss Doyle, 19, who is t h e daughter of Dr. William J. Doyle and Dr. Anita Figueredo Doyle, 417 Coast blvd.. supports these ideas and adds thal the conference helped sharpen t_he students' ideas of community service. "Another program we will parlicipate in this fall," she said "is a tutorial service for high' school students w?o need extra assistance to get mto col- lege." Tica as she prefers to be called.' said that many hi g h
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