USD Women's Soccer 2002

2002 Torero Soccer


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The Uni versity of San Diego is an independent Catholic instituti on o f hi g he r educati o n. Fo unded in 1949 , USD is located o n 180 acres overl ooking Mission Bay, San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. The campus is named Alcala Park and is located just IO minutes from down– town San Di ego and the worl d fa mous San D iego Zoo. Hi sto ric Old Town is j ust minutes away as well. The c ity of San Di ego along with thi s campus traces their origin s to fifteenth century Spain. The campus was named after a Spani sh village near Madrid - A lca la de Henares. Founded by the Greeks as Comp lutum, the vill age was later renamed A l Kala (the Castle) by the Moslems. Chris– tians recaptured the vil lage centuries later and found ed a uni versity, the Uni versity of A lca la, whose bui ldings became the inspiration fo r USD's style. Both institu tions are located on a hill overlooking a ri ver valley.


The USD campus is regarded as one of the most archi tectura ll y unique in stitu– ti o ns in the co untry, feat uring 18 majo r buildings des ig ned in an ornamenta l 16th century Spanish Rena issan ce styl e. Si nce 1984, USD has completed 11 major construction and expansion projects. A five-story, Spanish Renaissance parking garage ( I, I00 spaces) was comp leted in I998 . A landscaped fountain plaza was fi nished in the fall of 1995 , connecting the entrances of the Immacu lata and Hug hes Adm in istration Ce nter. In 1992, the un iversity com– pl eted the 45 ,000 squ are foo t Loma Ha ll , which incl udes an e xpanded bookstore, a larger mai l center, classrooms and laboratories. In 1990, the renovated Katherine M . and George M. Pardee Jr. Legal Research Center opened, a facility that offers the latest in information techno logy. A CADEMICS

USD enro ll s more than 6,943 students who have a choice of more than 50 under– grad uate and graduate degree programs. The uni versity's academi c uni ts inc lude the College o f Arts and Sciences, and the Schools of Business Admini stration, Education, Law and Nursin g. C lass size genera ll y ave rages between 18-25 stude nts w ith the student to teacher ratio being 18: I. Over 97 percent o f USD's fu ll -time faculty ho ld doctorates. In the ann ual ratings of the country's co lleges and uni versities, published by U. S. News & World Report, USD moved from the regiona l to national category in 1994. The uni versity is ranked among the top I00 schools in the nati on. STUDENT LIFE Student acti vities include cultura l events, dances, boat crui ses, beach parti es, BBQ's, co ncerts, comedy ni ghts, sympo– sia and much more. Stude nts parti cipate in a wide range of vo lunteer projec ts such as adult literacy tutori ng, seni or c iti zen outreac h, and house bui lding in Tijuana. The intramu ra l program is also an integra l part of student life on campus with over two-th irds of the USD community partaking in intramural sports. ATHLETICS

The University o f San Di ego is a member of the West Coast Confe r– ence for nearl y a ll sports and competes in 16 intercolleg iate sports on the NCAA Di vision I level. Women's sports include: basketball , crew, cross country, soccer, softb all , swimming, tenni s and volleyball. Men 's sports include: baseba ll , basketba ll , crew, cross coun try, go lf, foo tba ll , soccer and tenni s. Since 1990 USD teams have won ten confe rence champ ion– ship s; made 30 NCAA pos t-season a ppea ran ces; had 26 Co nfe re nce Coaches o f the Year; 2 1 Conference Players of the Year, 12 Co nference Freshme n of the Year, four WCC Scho lar Athl etes of the Year and 30 A ll– America se lec ti o ns.

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