Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

Part V: Making It Happen for You

offensive to mention. The more repulsive the scene, the greater the impression will be in your mind. So if you imagine that you are eating some chocolate ice cream, for example, only to find—after it’s too late—that it’s one of those more offensive things, you may never be able to look at chocolate again! Once you have practiced the visualization in SMART Mode a few times, you can practice it during the day in your normal waking state and get the same result. Whenever you see the food during the day and you are craving it, replay the visualiza- tion in your mind and you will quickly become repulsed. The time to practice this technique, if you need to at all, is after you have spent a few months removing the reasons your body wants to be fat . Most likely, you will not need to use this technique at all since you will just start to crave less junk food automatically. However, if you ever want to use the “Kill the Craving” technique, it works quickly, and it’s worked for every- one that I’ve introduced it to. Using my approach, you never actually give up a food through will power; you eliminate the craving for it instead. Going Forward Finally, as you are transforming your body, FOLLOW YOUR HEART. If there is anything that your heart is calling out for you to experience, listen to it, trust it, and take the chance. See Yourself Being Thin All Day Whenever you think about it during the day, visualize yourself being thin. No matter what you’re doing, take the opportunity to imagine you are doing it with a thin, “ideal” body.


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