Food and Beverage Training Manual

201s 201 is the house account at Frenchman’s Creek. Every outlet has its own 201 account to keep track of internal consumption. All internal consumption of food and beverages at the Beach Club is booked on 201D instead of a member number. When closing the chit mark down all food items by 40% and all beverage items by 50% and give a narrative why the 201 account was used. This makes sure, that only the cost involved is charge to the house account. We differentiate between:

1. Employee Meal – employee related consumption 2. Marketing Expense – business related consumption 3. Member Relations – member related consumption

After closing a chit it must be signed by a manager before the server report is made.

Closing a Shift & Server Report The server report is the summary of the server account activity during her shift and is used to create financial reports for the restaurant, which are shared with the General Manager, executive Directors and the Head Chef on a daily basis. It consists of two parts:

1. Chit Summary

a. Chit number b. Member served c. Billing amount

2. Financial Summary

a. Food Revenue b. Beverage Revenue c. Total Revenue before and after tax d. Cover Count e. Average revenue per cover

How to put the server report together from top to bottom:

1. Financial summary 2. Chit summary 3. All chit of the service period in order given on the chit summary

Before putting the report together the server has to make sure, that

 All chits are signed  The cover count is correct  The right member was charged with the correct monetary amount

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