Food and Beverage Training Manual

Every server is responsible that the information handed in on the server report is correct; otherwise he has to reopen the shift and correct the report.

Void Report A void is the process of deleting one or several sales items from the members check, in case of a server error or the member changed her mind. If the food or beverage was just entered in the POS System, but was not prepared, a void is sufficient. If the sales item has been prepared, the item has to be voided from the members check and subsequently a 201 chit with the prepared item needs to be issued. Every time a drink or food is prepared cost is involved. The 201 ensures that the outlet gets a credit for the used product instead of just losing inventory that is not accounted for. Ergo, every time the 201 is not issued, the restaurant loses money.

Updating Menu Items in Jonas How to go in and add an item or change a price

Jonas – Cindy – Club400

Point of Sale

System Set Up

Quick Menu Design

Enter BBC at the bottom of the page that has popped up

Find the item you want to change – get the number associated with it and write it down for you to use later in the Sales Item

It will come up BC appetizers to entrees to verbal click in on the one that you are looking for (lunch/dinner or brunch)

Now go to Sales Items

At the bottom of the pop up screen put in the number of the item you want to change

Change the name to the new food item you want to change

Change the Price

Add any pop up screens needed such as temp or side dish

(IMPORTANT) go to Special pricing and adjust the price there for the beach club otherwise the price won’t change in the system

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