Dwellworks Experience - Lean Agile Playbook 2.01

Sprint Planning The identification and prioritization of the work that you or your team intend to complete during the sprint.

Standup Meetings Each person on the team reports BRIEFLY on what they have been working on or completed, what is currently in process/up next, and any concerns or roadblocks they are facing. Standups reduce the need for longer team meetings, encourage accountability as team members are aware of all work going on, allow for mid-course corrections, encourage the team to solve problems on their own, and help to notify managers early if there are any roadblocks. Standup meetings are intended to be quick and to provide only the necessary key points to keep the team updated. If further discussion is required, you should meet with the appropriate party or parties at another time to continue discussions.

© 2016 Dwellworks, LLC

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Lean & Agile Playbook v.2.01 – modified MAY2016

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