Alcalá 1959

The Class of '62 en thu sia sti ca llysu pp orte dsuch co lle ge pro jec ts as foot ba llch ee rin g,th e Sev ent hAn nu alCh ris tmasPa ge an t,an d the new ly organiz ed Ca tec het ica lGuild. Afte rfo ur gr ou psof fo rtn ightlyofficers ha d been seate d,ele ction of pe rman en t officers hi gh lig ht edthe pre -Chr istma ssea son . Th ey foste red class un ity , ai de d by gr ou plead er s:Geo rgeBl aes er,Sa nd ra Kr aeme r,Peggy D'Ago st ino,Mar thaGol de n,Marc ieBarto n,No ney Baker, Ma ry Ba han, Eli zab ethWilm er , Glo ria Lim , Ri ta Yod er ,and Mar ie Ad ele Cudn ey. As the firs t semeste r clo sed, th e day stu de nt s en te rta inedthe resid en tst ud en tsat an in fo rm alsupp er pa rty at the home of Peg gy D'Ago st ino. Soc ial cha irman Sue Monahan and Marga re tGill son cont inue d a Fre shman tr ad ition by pl an ni ngthe an nu al an d alw ays hi ghly suc­ cessful supp er- da nc e at Mar diGr as time.

MAL UALDR ETE Sa nDi eg o,Ca lif or ni a

JO ANAL PAGO Be llfl ower,Ca lif or ni a

NONEYBAKER Sa ntaAn a,Cal ifo rn ia

MAR Y AG NESBAHAN Ly nw oo d,Ca lifor ni a

, S-MU

MARGARETBANGAS SER Se att le,Was hi ng to n

KAR EN BARKER T ig ard,Ore go n

ELEA NO RBA RN ES Im pe rialBe ach , Cal ifo rn ia


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