Alcalá 1959

Duri ngth e sp ri ngsemester, res ident stud en ts thank ed the day st ud en ts fo r thei r de lig ht fu lpos t-Christm as pa rty by en te rta in ing them in re turn .La tesp rin gsaw the fre shm enpl an ni ngthe tra di tio na l fro sh -se ni orfa rewel lpa rty . N o t to be ou td on eby thei r predec essors ,th is yea r's fre shm en cli­ ma xed their year by pr es en tin gthe annu alstu dent -d ire cted fre shma n op er et ta— wi th a differ ence!Not Gilb er tand Sul liva n thi s time, but an or ig in alversi on of the favo rit eW IN N IETHEPOOH! Und er the di rect ion of Geo rgie Bla ese r, abl y second ed by Ass istant Dire ctor Marc ett eMar tin ez , Stag e Manager Lisa Ca hil l,Ch oru sManager Lynn Gen gl er , Light ingDire ctor Patric e Mur ph y, Acc ompan ist Vicky Se ide l, Pu bli cit yCh airman Mi cha ele Matt hews ,and the whole class , the fre shme ncharm edco llegeand fr iend swi th the tun es and tal es of Ch ris toph erRobin and his favo rit e pla ymate s.With the same gay no te, th e class reun ionbrunchon gr ad ua tio n day endeda ha pp yyea r.

nl* GE ORGI EBLA ESE R Ch ica go , Illi no is

PEGGY BE TZ La Jol la , Califo rn ia

MARCI EBARTO N Sa nDi eg o, Cal ifo rn ia

CARY LBU RN S Es cond ido , Cal ifo rn ia

ANNABO CC AC CI O Co rona do , Cal ifo rn ia

JU D IT HBR EMNE R Ev an sto n,Ill in oi s


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