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R e : LGA - P la st e r f or m - M o ld s S ean < s ean @ sp ea r headc x . c o m > W ed 8/28/2019 4 00 PM

T o : M o ck , B r ian < b r ian . m o ck @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m >; C or all o , F r ank < F r ank . C or all o @ s kan s ka w al s h . c o m > C c : A ndee < andee @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; R os e < ros e @ sp ea r headc x . c o m >; I r a < i so n r e v ie w @ gmail . c o m > Apologies, a correction is that we are being paid 30 days after approval, which means we are carrying the costs for 15 days.

Sean Reed Project Manager Spearhead Construction, LLC MBE | WBE | SDVOB | SDVOSB | PANYNJ | NYCSBS Ph: 631.793.7422

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From: Sean Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 3:28 PM

To: Mock, Brian ; Corallo, Frank Cc: Andee ; Rose ; Ira Subject: Fw: LGA - Plasterform - Molds Brian, Our contract schedule with SWJV required that we received material in August. Due to unforseen conditions outside of Spearheads control, the project was not be ready to accept material when we were required to accept it (2 weeks ago). However, our contract schedule with Plasterform requires that we are making regular monthly payments starting August and following through to January. They have not slowed down production, nor did anyone want to. In order to help SWJV not have to accept unnecessary back charges for storage of material and double-handling, we had Plasterform create molds. These molds are verified through photos (link below) and can be verified in person by your Walsh counterpart. The molds are fabricated material, and are property of this project. The mold costs were included in the monthly bills along with the actual pieces, able to be paid on equally during these months. Plasterform has sent us a bill for the month of August, as contractually agreed upon. The terms are net 30 (Due by 9/30). We submitted our requisition for the month ending August to SWJV. Unfortunately, this was rejected and is going into the September requisition. With the turn around time for us to be paid (indicated in our meeting as 45 days after approval), SWJV has put us in the position of having to carry this cost to Plasterform for an additional 30 days (SWJV will be paying 9/1-9/15 requisition by 10/30). We propose this; we have a lump sum contract and an agreed upon SOV which indicates the cost for the GFRG/GFRC material. There is 90% left in this line item, and subsequently we have 9 shipments of material being delivered. In order for Spearhead to not incur ADDITIONAL expenses to Plasterform, it is imperative that we receive the 10% for every requisition (both A and B). This breaks down for:

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