Alcalá View 1994 10.5

Department of the Month Public Safety

Training Trac.ks A series of one-hour lunch- time workshops on fiscal fit- ness will begin on Jan. 27 with an introduction to finan- cial planning . President Clinton's new tax bill will be discussed Feb. 9. Invest- ments will be the topic on Feb. 28, and the March 18 meeting will cover estate planning . You may attend any or all of the sessions. Call ext. 4594 for reservations. On Feb. 17, a workshop on effective communication skills will be offered from noon to 1 p.m. A three-part series on parenting skills will begin on March 9 and continue for three consecutive Wednes- days during the lunch hour. This series will include com- munication skills for parents, alternatives to nagging , how to give a time-out and getting along with your teen . Regi- ster for any of these pro- grams by calling ext. 4594. Watch for upcoming pro- grams on child safety, well- ness and holistic medicine. Remember to check the human resources bulletin board for current activities and programs. - Calista Frank Passages Birth A boy, Troy Francis, to Jacqueline Genovese, pub- lications, and her husband Ronnie Adkins, on Jan . 8. Marriage Eric Wildman, accounting and finance , and Dorothy Haddow, registrar's office, were wed on Dec . 18. Deaths General George W. Hickman Jr. , former acting dean and professor emeritus of the School of Law, in December. Thomas Stewart, father of Shawna Stewart, human resources workplace literary manager, in December. Paul E. Hansen , father-in- law of Donald McGraw, associ- ate provost, in December. Laura and Don McGraw write: "We and our family (Continued on page four)

1. Where is your department loca ted? The pub li c safety departmen t comp rises two d iv isio ns, the un i- ve rsity po li ce depa rtme nt and th e park ing se rv ices depa rtme nt. T h e un ive rsity po lice de part- ment is loca ted o n the N o rth Perimete r Road , just north o f Camino H a ll, and is o pen 24 h o urs a day, seve n days a week. Pa rking se rv ices is loca ted in Mah er H a ll , room 106. 2 . What are the functions of

Public safety staff includes (left to right) Armando Gonzalez , Joanne Miller, Robert Brown , Molly Landi , Arlene Wcei

Trebes and Lonnie Turner.

your department?

4. H ow has your department changed

O ur primary func t io n is the protect io n of life a nd prope rty. W e respond to a ll types o f eme rgen c ies, p rov ide a safe e nv ironment and edu ca te th e camp us community abo ut campus safe ty and c rime preventio n. O ur func ti o ns a lso inc lude: escort se rv ices; secu-

over the past 10 years?

Ou r departmen t h as ch anged in ma ny ways, including n umbe r o f person n e l as we ll as scope o f responsib il ity. O ur o ffi cers a re be tte r tra ined and bette r eq ui pped to pe rform the ir jobs. O ur o ffi cers a re com- mitted to the uni versity, the de partment and th e ir jo b. We also have th e tech ni - ca l equipmen t to h elp us figh t the n eve r- end ing spira l of crime. 5. What is the one thing you would like the campus commun ity to know about your department and its func- tions? W e a re p ri maril y a service-orien ted department, as is clea r from the large n umbe r of serv ice ca lls answered yea rly. We will neve r sto p c rime comp le te ly, but if th e e n tire campus commun ity becomes in volved in crime p reventi o n, we ca n make U SO a c rim in al-unfriend ly campu s. Brooks ( Continued from /Jage one) men t's move from grants to loans and th e re la t ive ly sma ll size o f USD's endowment - make such ch anges inev ita ble. "T he so lu t io n can 't be to not le t people come h ere if they can't affo rd it," h e says. The bes t solut io n fo r any build ing pro- ject is ca reful plan n ing, an d a la rge pa rt of Broo ks' fo rmula depe nds o n th e invo lve- ment of th e enti re un ive rsity communi ty. "It's no t a situation whe re any on e pe r- son or se t o f persons has the a bil ity to make the dec isio ns like this," he says. "We h ave to figure o ut these answe rs toge th er. "

The /n iblic safety overnight shift includes (left to right) Al Sutlicl<, James Salton, Chris La'O, Robert Romo and Marvin Martz. rity fo r un ive rsity eve n ts; patro l se rv ices; crimina l inves t iga t io ns; en fo rcement of pa rki ng ru les and regulat io ns; o pe ratio n o f the unive rsit y t ram; a nd o peratio n o f t he uni versity switch board o n even ings, week- ends and h o lidays. W e a lso issue park ing permits as we ll as fac ulty, staff and st ud en t ID cards. 3. What is the biggest challenge your department faces? Ensuring the safety and security of U SO studen ts, fac ulty, staff and visitors as we ll as

the secur ity o f a ll un ive rsity asse ts, and ble nd ing a ll of these ingred ients into an en v ironme nt th a t en h ances th e academ ic m iss io n o f t he un iversity.

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