USD Annual Report 1983/84

LD 4881 .S1565 A15 1983/84

Universityof San Diego . ANNUAL REPORT 1983/1984

A values-based education

The University of San Diego is a dynamic independent institution of higher education located on 180 acres overlooking the city's Mission Bay. The university enrolls 5,264 students in its six schools-Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Law, Nursing, and Graduate and Continuing Education. Throughout its history the University of San Diego has remained committed to the ideals of liberal education which emphasize the potentialities of men and women as human beings and creatures of God. As a Catholic institution, USD is committed to examination of the Catholic tradition as the basis of a continuing search for meaning in contemporary life. The university traces its beginnings to the vision of San Diego Bishop Charles F. Buddy, to whom it was imperative that higher education in San Diego include a quality Catholic institution. Through his efforts and those of Reverend Mother Rosalie Hill, RSC], USD's predecessor institutions were established at the university's present Alcala Park location-the College for Women, by the Religious of the Sacred Heart, in 1952 ; and the College for Men and the School of Law in 1954. In the 1960's administrators of the two colleges agreed that a merger was necessary to guarantee the success of both institutions. In 1971, Dr. Author E. Hughes was appointed president, and under his leadership, legal unification took place the following year, creating a coeducational university with undergraduate, graduate and professional programs which has thrived during the past 13 years.


Bishop Buddy

Rev. Mo/her /Jill

Dr. Hughes

"In thirty-five years the University ofSan Diego has leaped from modest beginnings to become an institution ofmajor importance in Southern California and the Southwest."

Author E. Hughes, Ph.D. President

The t111ert1ge high school grade poinl of e11/eri11g USDfreshmen is 3. 2 (B + ).

Building a better world

Continuing the Catholic tradition

Knowledge is the key to building a better world-a goal important to all of us. Knowledge can solve world hunger problems, erase disease and lead us to a better understanding of our global neighbors. Knowledge in itself, however, can be destructive unless it is grounded in values that promote the betterment of all humankind. At the University of San Diego we combine knowledge and values. The University educates young men and women for today's modern world utilizing Catholic traditions and values which have guided millions of people through the centuries. Our mission is dedicated to producing well-rounded graduates who not only are competent in their fields, but who recognize their responsibility toward all humanity. We bring you this report to share some of our achievements of the past year. We continued to progress towards our never-ending quest for educational excellence. Signs of progress included completion of three new buildings-the Manchester Executive Conference Center, the Helen K. and James S. Copley Library, and Olin Hall. Faculty growth continued, with outstanding new professionals in several fields. One professor was named a Fulbright Scholar. A record number of students graduated in June . The achievements of the past provide a bright backdrop of enthusiasm as we look towards the future. In the years al1ead, we must continue to seek a higher level of academic excellence while remaining committed to our Catholic heritage. More scholarships are needed for deserving students. Our endowment must be strengthened. We must continue to improve our facilities to meet the needs of our burgeoning student body. It is the steadfast support of the thousands of people whose names are included in this report that brings our drean1s of progress to reality. We are extremely grateful to all of them. We are also thankful for the thousands of friends who spread USD's message among the local and national community.

The University of San Diego represents the best in higher education-a university devoted not only to excellence, but a university which embodies the Catholic tradition to its fullest. This tradition supports an environment which affirms the moral, ethical and humanitarian values of the Church and guides students towards achieving their full potential. It is gratifying to be the Chairman of the Board of an institution so intent on fulfilling this mission. USD has written an amazing success story in its brief 35-year history, a success story largely attributable to the vision of its founders, the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy and Reverend Mother Rosalie Hill, RSC]. Thanks to their foresight and energies, and due to the hard work and prayers of thousands of the university's supporters, the dream of a great Catholic university in San Diego continues to move to new stages of development. This report reflects the successes of USD during the 1983-84 academic year. It also, and more importantly, pays tribute to all those who have contributed to the university 's achievements. We are forever grateful for the efforts of these friends.

As we plan our future we pledge to continue educating students who will make this world a better place for all of us.

DeS(l/es Hall

Author E. Hughes, Ph.D. President

7" -~ p :::;:~~ ~Most Reverend Leo T. Maher, D.D. Bishop of San Diego Chairman, Board of Trustees

USIJ students receive more !ban S10 million in financial aid.



A growing campus

As the university continues to reach for excellence, ocher building projects will spring from the drawing board to reality. Planned for the immediate future is the $9 million University Center, a building that will serve as a central meeting place for students and house university offices that support the spiritual, psychological, cultural and social needs of the students. Groundbreaking for the center is scheduled during the summer of 1985. "By 1985 we will have reached the point we projectedfor ourselves a decade ago regarding the expansion ofcampus. Then we can put all ofour attention to qualitative change without having to keep one eye on quantitative change." Dr. Autbor E. Hugbes, President Novembe1; 1983 as be explained USD s plansfor tbeJuture

"I hope to build here a great center of Catholic education."

Those visionary words have been transformed into a dazzling reality during the past 39 years. From completion of the first building in 1952 for the College for Women, the University of San Diego has expanded its facilities again and again in order to fulfill its mission and meet the needs of its students. Today, the 180-acre campus is graced by 15 buildings, all designed in 14th century Spanish Renaissance-style architecture. Testimony to the university's rapid growth, three buildings were completed in the last year-$4.5 million Olin Hall, new home for the School of Business Administration; the $3.7 million Helen K. and James S. Copley Library, and the $2.4 million Douglas F. Manchester Executive Conference Center.

Bisbop Cbarles F Buddy August, 1945 as be sur veyed a barren bit/top overlooking San D iego's Mission Bay

Cburcb oftbe l11111wc11/ata and DeSales /fall in /be late 1950 s.

Camino I/all courtyard.

/.'.IV :1· campus buildings reflect 14th century ,\1/Hlnisb Renaissant·t• P/aleresque arcbileclure.

7be Douglas F. Mancbester Executive Conference Center IVllS dedicated 011 Febmary 26, 1984.



A well-rounded education

"Philosophy, science and the arts are integrated into a harmonious whole which offers the students the heritage of the past as an incentive and guide for future progress." Course catalog, 1957 Those words from 1957 serve USD almost as well today as they did 27 years ago. The University's academic offerings are still geared towards educating the whole person, and traditional values still play a large role in educating students. Of course, the number of academic programs has skyrocketed since 1957. USD today offers more than 50 academic programs. These include degrees such as business administration, computer science, international relations and Hispanic/Latin American studies, as well as more traditional courses. Last spring the university signed an agreement with the National Autonomous University of Mexico that eventually will lead to exchanges of faculty and students, and information sharing between the two institutions. Because of USD's educational approach, a student may discuss Aristotle's views on life in the morning, then spend his afternoon writing a computer program designed to improve accounting methods. This type of educational philosophy produces well-rounded individuals who are prepared to handle the complexities of the modern world. All of USD's undergraduate academic programs combine study of the liberal arts with study in the student's major discipline. "To my mind, we are not seeking some abstract academic goal. We are seeking to continue the development of this university as an institution that reflects our city and locality, its proximity to the international border and role in the greater Pacific Basin." Di: Author E. Hughes, President Novembe1; 1983

Science course, ear~J' !960's.

There are more /ban 40 student organizations on campus wbicb involve s/utlents in a range ofaclivities-fro111 liturgical 11111sic grouJ;s lo /be rugby club.

USDstudents have access to tbe 1110s/ ufJ-lo-dale computer eq111Jm1enl available.

Cbe111is//J' lab

7/;e Helen K. andja111es S CofJl~y librm:J' contains more /ban 250,000 vo/11111es.

£.\J1os11re lo tbe arts is an integral par/ ofa USDeducation.



An excellent f acuity

"The time seems opportune for the foundation ofa San Diego college conducted by the Religious of the Sacred Heart, who have more than the required degrees." Bisbop Cbarles F Buddy July 17, 1942 in a letter to Motber Rosalie Hill, tben local superior at tin San Francisco College J or Women

f-'r. Michael McKa_g tlireclor of Campus Minish:,•.

Sr. Pal Sbaffer, associate professor ofcbemislry, in 1960. An excellent faculty has been a USD trademark since the College for Women opened in 1952. Eleven of the first religious of the Sacred Heart faculty members held doctoral degrees, representing a range of subjects. That same excellence is reflected today in a 198-member faculty, more than 89 percent of whom hold doctorates. Teaching is their first priority, but many have written scholarly books and articles, while others enrich their communities by serving with various citizens advisory boards. To cite just a few outstanding achievements by faculty members during the past academic year: • A History ofAmerican Business, by Dr. C. Joseph Pusateri, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was published in both hardcover and paperback . Noted Columbia University economic historian Stuart Bruchey called the book the best survey of the topic in print. • Dr. Ed DeRoche, dean of the School of Education, received the Phi Delta Kappa Research Award for 1983-84 from the San Diego Chapter of the organization for his research work on newspapers in educational programs. • Dr. Dennis Rohatyn , professor of philosophy, presented a paper on "Orwell's Religious Humanism" at the First World Congress of

the International Christian Studies Association.

• Dr. Irene Palmer, dean of the Philip Y Hahn School of Nursing, was appointed leader of the Advisory Group on Education of the American Academy on Nursing. • Dr. Richard Philips, coordinator of environmental studies, was named a Fulbright Scholar. He will work with faculty at the University Pertanian in Malaysia. • Sheldon Krantz, LLB., dean of the School of Law, was selected by the Criminal Justice Section of the An1erican Bar Association to chair a committee on Jail and Prison Overcrowding. • Dr. Louis Burnett, associate professor of biology, presented aspects of his research on gill function at the 29th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. • An article by Dr. Robert O 'Neil, associate professor of economics, entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics: A European Perspective," was published by the European journal of Social Economics. "We have an excellentfaculty I feel that the people here believe in this institution and its mission. Their work reflects my belief" Dr: Autbor E. Hugbes, Ph.D. Fall, 1984

Dr. Joseph Colombo, assislanl professor ofreligious studies.

Dr. Robert O'Neil, associate professor ofeco110111ics.

Dr. Jan Hnrriso11, assistanl professor ofnursing, anti s/11tle11t Bridge/le Balog, R.N.



Financial Highlights 1983-1984

Statements of current unrestricted fund revenues, expenditures, and transfers

Year Ended


The University of San Diego's financial situation was once again very sound in 1983-84. For the ninth consecutive year, the university maintained a balanced current operation. Total gift income to the university leaped to $6.8 million in 1983-84, an 81 percent increase from $3.75 million in 1982-83. Gifts to the Annual Fund, which are used for current operations, grew 58 percent to $938,000 . Alumni and business donors increased their gift support.

August 31, 1984

August 31, 1983



Tuition and fees Federal grants Private gifts, grants

$27,883,021 547,847 755,238 118,420 29,304 ,526 7,349,982 1,197,247 37,851,755

$24,195,207 478,588 712,419 122,596 25 ,508,810 6,506,778 850,219 32,865,807

A) Tuition & Fees= 74% B) Grants & Gifts = 4% C) Auxiliary = 19% D) Other= 3%

and other contracts Athletics, recreation, and other

Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Other sources

Total Revenues EXPENDITURES AND MANDATORY TRANSFERS Educational and general Auxiliary enterprises Mandatory transfers for debt service and matching grants Total Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND MANDATORY TRANSFERS Nonmandatory Transfers NET INCREASE IN FUND BALANCE

Expenditures and Mandatory Transfers

A) Auxiliary-16% B) Institutional Support-II% C) Plant-4% D) Student Aid-8% E) Academic Support-5% F) Student Services-5% G) Athletic & Recreation-4%

26,774,949 5,926,932 1,972,255 34,674,136

23,418,645 5,278,816 1,557,075 30,254 ,536

1-1) lnstruction-35% I) Debt Service-5% J) nansfer to Other Funds & Surplus of S124,781-7%

3,177,619 3,052,838 $ 124,781

2,611,271 2,411,352 $ 199,919

Enrollment Fall


1972 1975 1980 1981




Current Unrestricted Fund Balance

$ 384,518

$ 259,737


1982 1983 Total Assets Fiscal Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 Gift Income Fiscal Year 1970 - S99,257 1976 - S714,016 1972 1976


S28.8 million

s35 million

S57.7 million

S63 .3 million

S75 .2 million

S85. I million

1981 ............ S2 .3 million DISCOVERY CAMPAIGN 1598,669 1982

S2.7 million DISCOVERY CAMPAIGN S 1,913,482 S3.7 million

1983 1984


S6.8 million


G) Casa de Al cala 0 Parking 0 Tennis G) Helen K . and James S. Copl ey Library 0 Camino Hall Camino Theatre @) Founders Hall

t .


Fo unders Gallery Founders Chapel (:) No rth Perimeter Road

0 lmmaculata 0) Print Shop

Plant Maintenance

@) Desales Hall

President 's O ffice Salomo n Lec ture Hall @ Proposed University Center @ Spo rts Field ® Mission Crossroads (s tudent apartments) @ St. Francis Seminary (Diocesan) @ Baseball Field @) Proposed Spo rts Fields ® Marian Way @ Linda Vista Road @) Track @ South Perimeter Road @ Parking @ Olin Hall School o f Business Administratio n @ Douglas F. Manches ter Executive Conference Center @ Philip Y. Hahn School o f Nursing @ Chancery (Diocesan) @ Serra Hall @ Guadalupe Hall

Bookstore Post O ffice @ More Hall

School o f Law @ Graduate Apartments @ Marvin Kratter Law Library ® Harmon Hall School o f Educa tio n @ Linda Vista Road @) Pa rking

@ USO Stadium ® Field House @ Spo rts Center ® Tennis Courts @ Softball Field



Honor Roll The University of San Diego is pleased to acknowledge its many benefactors. The roster below retlects gifts received during the University's fiscal year, September 1, 1983 through August 31, 1984. Boldface indicates first-time donors; italics indicate an increase in the size of the gift compared to the previous year. Symbols following donor names denote the following memberships of gift classifications: (L), School of Law supporter; (*), graduate school alumni; (PC), President 's Club; (LM), Life Member, President 's Club; (AS), Alcala Society; School of Law: (MF), Maudsley Fellows; (DC), Dean's Counsel; (AD), Advocates. President's Club The President's Club, formed in 1973, is an annual recognition group comprised of alumni, parents, and friends who contribute $1,000 or more each year to the University and its programs. Life Members President's Club Life Members are those benefactors who have made a one time, unrestricted commitment of S25,000 or more to the University. Friend of USD Friend of l!SD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Barger Mr. and Mrs. John D. Boyce Mr. :1nli i\•lrs. Terrence R. Caster Mr. ;ind Mrs. Philip R. Crippen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Erion Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Grace Joan B. Kroc Jeanne and Larrv Lawrence ·Mr. ,me.I Mrs.Josiah L. Neeper Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Pearlman Mrs. Clarence Stebn Mrs. Carl A. Weber Mrs. Eileen Whitaker

Ronald Maudsley Fellows Drs. Bernard and Etbe/ .rlginsky Mark L. Brandon Louis ~·t. Brown Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Carstens Michael C. Clark Prof and 1Wrs. A"ennet/J C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. E. Miles Harvey Jl1r. and Mrs. Guy E. Hatfield Paul and Jacklyn Horton Mr. and Mrs. Peter). Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Kahn Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur H. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Kaplan !-Jarvey R. Lel'ine Kathryn R. Maas Mr. :m

Elsa Anraku Marguarita Keirnan Antoniak John C. Arme Mr. and Mrs. Rice Avila Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Bartek Donna Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Roherl W. Beeson .lh: and Mrs. 13elansky Dr. and Mrs.John D. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Blach Ann Blesener Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Boyer M,: and Mrs. Rapbaelj. Bren11a11, j,: Mr. and Mrs. Leoj. Brewster Mr. and Mrs. John R. Briscoe Mr. and Mrs. Hans Britsch D,: and Mrs. Gilbert I•. Hrown, Jr. .-1 1 h: and .t\1rs. Petc>r.f. Brusttli John A. Buell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Cady Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Juan Camacho Armand V. and Norma Camplllo 1W1: and 1ltrs. J.ouis Cappello Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo S. Castro M1: and Alrs. Louis ;\/. Castruccio Jean Chaho-Lcimert, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Y. T. Chia Mary Agnes Clancy Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Clancy John Cleary, M.D. Mr. and Mrs.John F. Cockburn Dr. :inti Mr . William R. Colernan Mr. and Mrs. Terry Conroy Gordon R. and Mary T. Cooke Mr. an<.I Mrs.John A. Cosco, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cox Robert S. Croasda/e Mr. and Mrs. Georg,•./. Cullen Glory Odgers Cumming Dr. and Mrs.John E. Cutler Mr. and Mrs.John F. D'Acquisto Mrs. D011.f. D'Agostino Sahali110 .\Jr. and Mrs. Leonard f. Dalton Dr. tmd Mrs. Cbarles i.:.-. Dcu•is Drs. Richard and \.aria Davis Dr. and Mrs. Edward DeRochc 1\:/1: and Mrs. Frank Desantis Mr. and Mrs. Bert Degheri Dr. and Mrs.John]. Delfino RichardJ. DiAgostino Mr. and Mrs. James A. Diani Mr. and .4/rs. Kennc>tb A. Diebl Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Dooley Di: and Mrs. Neuin J-1. Downs Mr. and Mrs. Alllhonv Duacsek .f. /J. Dudek . Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. P. Dunk, II ,111: and .4/rs. Jo/Jn E. Durnin Mr. and Mrs. Clo Edgington. Ill .Himi L. Zolezzi Edwards (';fr. ;111U Mrs. Maurice F. Egan Anthonv Ehm,mn Mr. and 0 Mrs. Paul J. Eklund Iris Engstrand Mi: and ,Hrs. Tom Erickson Mr. ancl Mrs.Jerome \YI. Erns1 Mr. and Mrs. Burke E. Ertle v,: and Mrs. Melt~vn A. Estey, )1: M,: and ,Hrs. \.\? .4. Evans Sandy and Jerrv Farrell Mr. and Mrs. \'< 1 illi,im Farrow Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Capuzzi Elizabeth Strauss Carson

Carol Hallstrom Alex A. Harper Nobert R. Hcfr Marshall Y. llockell Patric Hooper Steven R. Hunsicker Daryl C. Idler, Jr. Patrick Irvine Cbarlesj. Jamiso11 L. Scott Keehn John D. Kelleher \fi?bster B. Kinnaird William M. Krause Daniel R. Krinsky Homer Kripke .fobn B. LaRocco Donald P. l.ang John P. Kochis Sheldon Kra111z

Dennis P. Riley, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Marry S. !linker Mr. ~tnd Mrs. Arthur Rivkin Mrs. Leo Roon John William Rose P.A. Roth, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Ivor Royston San Diego Gas and Electric Company Mr. and Mrs.Joaquin Santalo Donna L. Schmitt Schoell & Paul. Inc.

Mrs. Charles Dctoy Evelvn Jean Dicks Margaret C. Donoghue Dunphy Construction Company Slim Durham David T. Easley Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Eckstein Sue Keuidenicr Edwards W. G. Ehmcke Sheet Metal Works Mr. and J\:1rs. P,1ul Engstrand Mr. :inc.I Mrs. Davi

Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Cux Thomas F. Fleming, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodor S. Giesel M. H. Golden Company Ernes1 W. & Jean E. Mahn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Hartwig R. E. Hazard Co111rac1ing Co. Home Federal Savings & Loan Association Mrs. W. George Huhbar<.I Lee Huntington Mr. and Mrs. William E. Keltner Mr. and Mrs.James R. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. ·1:1wfiq N. Khoury Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Manchester Mercy Hospital & Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Mulvihill Mr. and Mrs. George M. Pardee. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John f·I. Parrish Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Petersdorf Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rauch Marilyn M. Roe San Diego Hospital Association University of San Diego School of Nursing Warren Family Foundation Lou Welsh Donors Friend of U.S.D. Ace Parking. Inc. Jack L. Adams Drs. Bernard \YI. and Ethel Aginsky Amcric;tn Business Company Evclvn R. Anderson Antl~onv's Fish Groiro Atlas Hotels Robert Baldwin Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Barba Dr. and Mrs. Wilson B. Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Baumer Paulc11e Martin Becker The Berglund Trust Jon M. Bilger William F. Black Ors. Kcnnc.:ch and Marjorie Blanchard Perri J. Bomar Admiral ,md Mrs. William F. Bringle, USN (Ret) Broadway Southern California Builders Concrc1e, Inc. California First Bank Robena Callahan Mr. and Mrs.Joseph n. Cannon Mr. and Mrs.Jose Cano Elizahe1h Jo Carbajcl Carlson Travel Service, Inc. Capt. and Mrs.John E. Carr Alberta Seahol<.I Casey Caster Family Trust Cehan· Major and Mrs.J.E. Clancy Vivian M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gardner Clay Mr. and Mr .Joseph B. Clay Mr. and Mrs. George Codling Mr. and Mrs. James W. Colachis Mrs. H.trry A. Collins Dr. and Mrs.John N. Comito ConAm Managl·mcnt Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey D. Copeland Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Costello Courtney Enterprises Richard A. Cramer Linda Crnycaft Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Crippen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.Jack Crivello · Cubic Corporacion Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Cunningham Rug Cunningham Pauline D 'Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Daley, Jr. Joseph K. Davie Mrs. Lowell Davies

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Adams Drs. Hernarcl and J::tbe/ Aginsky Dr. and Mrs. H;irold M. Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Fr,nk D. Alessio Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Alessio Mr. and Mrs. Carlton n. Appleby Mrs. Rosary Arcaro Robert and Sherrill Baker Mr. ;ind Mrs. Thomas C. Barger Dr. and Mrs. Wilson B. Baugh Legler Benhough Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Blake Mrs. William R. Boehm Mr. and Mrs.John D. Bovee Or. and Mrs. Milan L. 8r~ndon Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown Mr. and iWrs. Robert A. Brue Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Bugelli Mr. and Mrs. Danlel Bunn Mrs. llelen Anne Bunn Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Campion Dr. and Mrs.Joseph A. Capozzi Mrs. 11/berta Seabold Casey Mr. Mrs. Terrence.: Caster Mr. and Mrs.James W. Colachis 1l1r. and 1\rlrs. l-lttrl)' A. Collins Mrs. /Jarry A. Collins Dr. and Mrs.John N. Comito David Copley Mrs. Helen K. Copley Mr. and Mrs.Joseph D. Costello A. M. Butch Coury Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cox Dr. and Mrs.John R. Coy Mr. and Mrs. Pbilip R. Crippen,Jr. Mr. and Mrs.Jack Crivello Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Cronin,Jr.

1\1r. and Mrs. Micbae/ E. Fox Mr. and Mrs.John D. Frager Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas I.. Frazee C. Hugh Friedman & Lynn A. Schenk (L) Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fruin Gene Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ghio Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Gilligan William F. Gilmore ft11: and Mrs. Mt1rlin I.. Gleich Mr. and Mrs. Rohen M. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gr:icc RAdm. and Mrs. Edward E. Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Ernest \YI. Hahn i\.'1r. Mrs. C. Ray Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Emmcn S. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Hartwig Joseph Hauber Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hawthorne Mr. and Mrs. Theron L. Hedgpeth Mr. and Mrs.Joseph \YI. Hibben Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hilligoss Mr. and Mrs. R.Jerry Holmberg Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hope, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Author E. I lughes M>: and Mrs. Peter}. Nup,bes (L) 111/,: and Mrs. Robert 11'1. Hug/Jes Mr. and Mrs. William T. Huston Mr. and Mrs.John J. Jachym :Hr. and J\,frs. Keith A.Job11so11 Mr. w<.I Mrs.JackJollev Gary and Georgia Jost Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ii. Kaplan (L} Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Karcher Mr. and Mrs. Robert]. Kazmarek Mr. and Mrs. Edu•r1rd T. Keati11p_

Ricbarc/j. Muscio Mr. and Mrs.Josiah L. Neeper Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Nichols Mr. aud ,Hrs. S. Falck Nielsen Mr. and Mrs. Dean N. Nimeman David Packard Mr. and Mrs. Ches1cr C. Pagni Mr. and Mrs. Genrgc M. Pardee,Jr. Mrs. Timothy D. Parkman Dr. and Mrs. FrJnk P.Jvcl A1r. and Mrs. A1icbael D. Pearlman Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Phillips Afr and J\ifr.t Jack L. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Leland S. Prussia Mrs. Happy Redfearn Frank Ribelin Marilyn M . Roe Mrs. Roon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sadler Mrs. Irving Salomon Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Shilli10 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sickels Prof. and Mrs. Bernard H. Siegan (L) Mr. and Mrs. 0 . Morris Sievert Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Siksek Di: and ,Hrs. Ricbard A. Simon Mrs.James E. Spain Msgr. William D. Spain Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. S1arkey,Jr. Mrs. Clarence Steber Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Tartrc 1\,Jrs. Claire Tat•t1res Mi: and Mrs. Robert H. TUylor Mi: and Mrs. Nalpb j. Tenuta Mr. aud Mrs. Jol,11 M . 71,ornton Mr. and Mrs. William Thrailkill Hon. and M rs. Anthonv C. Tomczak · Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Trcpte M,: and Mrs. j. T. 7J-ily Mr. and Mrs. George Vojtko Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln R. Ward Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ward .1'11: and ,'\Jrs. Frank R. \\\'.tlrreu Mr. and Mrs. William K. Warren. Sr. John and Nancy Wa1han Mrs. Karl A. Weber Robert E. Welk M,: and Mrs. Frank T. \\l't'slon Mrs. Eileen Whitaker Therese Truitt Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Woltman Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Yahnke Wllliam A. Yancey, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Zable Walter C. Zable, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius Zondag Inaugural Ball Through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Manchester, the Philip Y. Hahn School of Nursing was benefitted on the occasion of the grand opening of the Hotel Inter-Continental, April 28, 1984. The following are supporters of the Inaugural Ball. Underwriting Patrons Helen K. Copley Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Manchester Table Patrons

Dr. and Mrs.James E. Schultz Seltzer. Caplan, Wilkins and McMahon Larry Showley Mr. and Mrs. 0. Morris Sievert Sigma Theta Tau, Zeta Mu Chapter Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Simon Solar 11.irbincs. Inc. Southern Painting. Inc. Mrs. James Spain Mrs. Clarence Steber AdmirJI :mcl Mrs. Ii. G. Stoecklcin Harry L. Summers, Inc. Renee T.mhman Mrs. Claire ·1avarcs Hon. and Mrs. Amhuny ·1omczak Trans Continemal Properties, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Vojtko Du:me Wallace Melinda L. Weiss Mon. and Mrs. Louis M. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. West0n D. D. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woods C. E. Wylie Construction Company Fernando A. Zamudio Teel Familv Trus1 The Golden Door Mr. and Mrs.John McBride Thornton

Prof. and Mrs. Herbert L:1zcrow ,W,: and Mrs. Charles P. l.eBeau Stuart J. Levy Grant B. Luna Richard McDonald Ca,-o/ Amt ,Hicken M1: and Mrs.Joespb /3. Mo/Jr Robert N. Mohr. M.D. Peter M . Mudget/ Michael T. Murphy Frederick J. Name1h Prof. and Mrs. Michael J. Navin Richard 8 . ,1,1acGurn John B. McCabe, Jr. James E. O'Neal Clement]. O 'Neil Gerald ) . O 'Neill Kathryn Lori Partrick Judith Peters Theresa Player Thomas Polakicwin: Kat/11y11 .f. Naf/ee Jean Daze Ratelle, II Roberta Robi1tSOJt Larrv D. Rosenstein Thomas W. Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Garv W. Schons Patricia Shaffer Thomas E. Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Shoemaker Paul V. Nerger Patrick O'Day Richard R. Waite Steven M. Walker James T. Waring Donald T. Wcckstein Mr. and Mrs. Peter \'v'cinstcin Richard]. Wharton S. Charles Wickersham Charles E. Wiggins Alan L. Williams Jerrv Williams Floyd M. Willoughby Alcala Society The Alcala Society is comprised of alumni , parents and friends who support various USO programs on an annual basis. Gifts of S100 to $999 qualify the donor for membership. Mrs. Paul \YI. Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Burr Allegaert \flillis ,\1. Allen J. Michael Wilson Robert C. Wood Donald R. Worley Robert Simmons James Spievak Raymond Theep John D. Thelan John T. Thornton Jeffrey H. Tierman Frank]. 71·at 1 ersi, ]1:

Clayton M, A11clerso11 Gayle F. Anderson Thomas M. Apke Brewster Arms Robert Armstrong Leslie F. Bell Richard P. Berg John A. Bero) George B. Blackmar Norbert R. Bunt C. Patrick Callahan Earl]. Cantos,Jr. Elizabeth Carsnn David S. Casey, Jr. Joseph S. Ciesielski Frank S. Clowney, Ill Stepbeu Colle1• Richard D. Corona Steven P. Daitch Joseph Darby Darrell D. Bratton Edward R. Brien Prof. and Mrs. Joseph Brock

USD~ sludenl body is 52 perce11t/em(l/e, 48 percent male.

Dr. Gary Macy, =ociate professor of religious studies. More Hall Advocates More Hall Advocates was formed in 1981 as an annual support group for the School of Law. Alumni, parents, and friends can participate at one of three levels: Ronald Maudsley Fellows, S 1,000 or more; the Dean's Counsel , SSOO to $999; and the Advocates, $100 to S499.

Dr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Willimn). Kelly. Sr. Mr. (lllfl .i\,/rs. ]obu F Kcuuerly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kern ,11,: and Mrs.James N. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. T:twfiq N. Khnury Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Kleinbub Joan B. Kroc Jeanne and Larry Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leonardini Lester A. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Lohne Timot by l.uberski Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Madden Bishop Leo T. Maher, D.D. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Manchester Dr. and Mrs. PeterJ. Maturo Ronald R. Mostero Thomas E. Mullen Mr. and Mrs.Joseph W. Mullen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Mulvihill

Dr. and Mrs. William I~ Curran Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Cushman Mr. and Mrs. Murphy L. Dalton Mrs. Lowt.:11 Davies Mr. and iWrs. Ale.x DeBako,J' Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Derhes Mrs. Cbarles Detoy (L) Mr. and Mrs. Louis]. Devincenzi Father Larry Dolan Mr. and Mrs. William L. Donahue Mr. and Mrs.John L. Dovie Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Dunock,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Dunphy Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 0 . Ellison Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Erion M,: and Mrs. Ruben R. Escobosn Drs. Anita V. Figueredo and William). Doyle Mr. and Mrs. David G. Flee1 Thomas J. Fleming,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George]. Fletcher M1: and 1\/Jr.,;. Kim Fletcber

1-1/herl V. De Leon Stl"Vt.:n H. Denton Dou Ernst Mich.1cl S. Evans Donald N. Feld Robert C. Fellme1h Sergio Feria Thomas Fiorello

Cunis M. Fitzparrick Richard n. Freeland Milton Freeman Rov H. Gann Mr'. and Mrs. Saul B. Gealcr ll1atJ•Jo George Hon. and Mrs. D.1vid Gill Normt1 M. r:azttres Gimber Elie Jack Gindi Ricardo M. Gonzalez James R. Gorman

Patricia B. Ferris Henrv T. Fisher Dr. ai1d Mrs. David Fitz Larry D. Flores

Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Footer Mr. and Mrs. Wllliam F. Ford Michael E. Fox,Jr. Fred L. Fredericks Mr. and Mrs. Verne D. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald]. Frey

Members Friend of USD Jack L. Adams

Robert I.. Grimes Daniel W. Grindle James L. Hall

Gary Funakoshl Gloria Gagliardo

Mr. and Mr:,. ,ll'ffrey B. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Alex DeBakcsy Delk Properties

Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn S. Alessio E. F. Brady Company, Inc.



Mr. and Mrs. F.. E. Yodi:r Puente de Oro Puente de Oro (Bridge of Gold) was formed exclusively to recognize special friends who have made long-range commitments to the University of San Diego through their wills or one of several other deferred giving arrangements. Jack Adams Ors. Bernard and Ethel Aginsky Mrs. Peggy Antoniak Mrs. John F. Arbuthnot Dr. Michael llajo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barger Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Baugh Mrs. Ann Bkscncr John Bmchcrs ·Dr. and Mrs.Joseph llrock Mrs. Alhena S. Casi:v Mrs. 1-larry A. Colli1s Mr. and Mrs. Philip Crippen Mrs. Joseph O'Agoscino-S:1batino Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis Mrs. Kathrvn DL·smond Mr. and MrS. John Doyle Dr. William Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erion Mr. and Mrs.John D. Frager Gent.: Gambit: Dr. and Mrs. Rid1ard Gilman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grace Mrs. Muriel Hahn (Deceased) Mr. and Mrs. D:111 1-!enrv Mrs. Marian Holleman · Mr. and lrs. Peter J-lughes Mrs. Thomas \V/. Keelin Or. and Mrs. \X 1illi;11n Kinzler Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lawrence Dr. Patrici.1 Low ry Mr. and Mrs. Lary Magee Dr. and Mrs. James Mawhinney Or. ~ind Mrs. J:1ck i\•torrison Dr. Irene P-.1lmcr Mrs. llappy A. Redfearn Mrs. Leo Roon Dr. and rvtrs. Bernard Siegan Mrs. Clarence L. Steber i\•Irs. Carlos ·1av,1res Mr. and Mrs. Bradfo rd Washburn Mrs. Mary \v'chcr Mr. ancl Mrs. J-lcrben Whyte Dr. anti Mrs. Cornelius Zonllag Alumni 1953 Therese Truill Whitcomb (PC) 1955 /?ut/J A. Jimenez Macl(euzie M. Cons1ance j imcncz Salerno 1956 Marv A1111 f.:enuedy Katlilccn \'V'ollstein \Vhitakcr P.1ula Sabin Woods 1957 Ed llrown (PC) Valeria Dcsscn Frager (PC) Julia Brennan George (AS) :Wercedes S. Gleason Lilia A. Gonzalez ,Wa n , E. Sc/Jaul, ll1hetson Jc:11i ne Krallll'f Jane Cmuford Murlino (AS) Ruth E. Collins Pnaum (AS) Dorothy B. Reynolds Marion Rogers Scbm idt (A~) Pat McNair Scon

Joseph P. Halter Curtis A. Ilart Guy E. Hatfield • (L, MF) Florence Butler Haves Mary Lou Holland Mary Russell Keppler Cbarles King {AS) Joan E. Alpago Krucli Jean Meister ,Wantv ·Kerin R. Quinn (AS} Christine Ver Halen Simon Elaine Crane Stage Peggy D"Agostino Thompson Janet /-Jal/a Tri/y (PC) 1963 Curtis M. Fitzpatrick ' (L. AD) Shl.'ila Anderson Giacomini Tbonw s E. Goddard {AS) Suzanne D. Kaleel Peter C. Lehman• (L) Manha Spiers Lepore ,\/arv Olil'e Cbam/Jers l.ien David L. Lind Sharon G. Lmvrev (AS) Alma Lujan Lyon · MargarelJ. McCarthy Pamela Peters McKec.:n Cleme11t_/. () "Neil"(!., ADJ Lero,· Pendray (ASJ Barbara Robertson John J. Rodec Dede Fioriuo Ruff Gretchen Hirsch Smith Patricia A. Buckley 1C:1ff Elnisa A. Sane/Jez Tbompsrm Sarah H. Tooley C. S. Wical A."at/Jlee11 Buland W'illRUW Lynn Ann \'(lhite Ybarra 1964 Gayle F. Anderson • (L, AD) j. Micbc,e/ H11[lbes {I., AS) .Hargaret Ki11g Hug/Jes (PC) Socorro C. Munl Louise Holmberg Keppel Maureen Peg/Jr King Anthonv F. Moumian (L, MF) Anita Pete rson (L) Linda Anne Rabi Jean Daze Ratelle. II ' (L. AD) Gary Ronald Reming Dennis V. Schraeder (AS) Delle Wille tt Stattin P-atricia A. Bucklev Teaff' Eileen KirkhricJgc· Thornton Edu 1 ard F. 7\men Eric von Ehrenberg Christina Canwell Weave r S. Charles Wickersham• (L, AD) Peggy Everell Yingling 1965 Pat,-ick B. Barrv Marianne Rego Beyer Philip C. Bolles Betty Mae Brock' (L, AD) St1rabj. l.eonard Castniccio (AS) E. Mary Clarke Chatham Elaine A. Biko Dawson Judy Failing Cole Colleen Conwav Patricia A. Cosco !AS) l.eo11ard .f. Da/1011 (AS) I. Christina Farman Ralph .f. Fear Sylvia Coston Ferson Rich;ird A. ll:irsell Jobn Ba111ngarten Kathv Wells Cadv (AS) Clarence 1·1. Caniphcll, 111 • (L) Patricia Murphy Christophcrson Caroll'" Colangelo Sr. Ire ne Cullen Glory Odgers Cumming (AS) Larry D. Flores (AS) Rov 1-1. Gann • (L, AD) Carol Martin Guthrie Alfred lit. Haas Mike Hoerr

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Galvin Hugh S. Gamble,Jr. Sue and Bill Garra ti Mr. and Mrs. Stephen George.Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Glcnn,Jr. Thomas H. Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Godwin 1\fr. and M,:,;. Drwid R. Gonzalez Jobn B. Gotfredson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Green Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Green Mr. and Mrs. R. Clemson Griggs Timothy James Groff Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hanlon Bill Heath 1\1r. and M rs. Paul C. /-lcb11er John R. Henkel (L) Mr. and Mrs. James L. I lcnncssy. Jr. Gary Herbert ,wan, Aun /lester Mr. and Mrs. David M. Higgins Mrs. Marian Holleman Charles F. Holt, Ph.D. 1\1r. and M 1:,;. Robert A. H ooz,er Mr. and Mrs. Robert Houssels, Jr. Cbarles C. HoU'e/ Dr. and Mrs. Asa G. Hubbard Mrs. George \VI. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hughes (L) Mr. and r,.,1rs. Burton Huhem Dr. and Mrs. Philip Hwang Dr. and Mrs. Robe rt Infantino Mike and Linda Jacobs Solon Jaffe Keitb R.Jennings M r. and J\lrs. Harry G. Jo/J11 Mr. and M rs. Fon C. Jobnson Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A.Jones, Jr. Cdr. and Mrs. G. J. Kaiser Mrs. Thomas W. Keelin Mr. and Mrs. William]. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Me ll K. Kilpatrick M ,: and Mrs. Charles A:ing Mi: and Mrs. 1-1. Stepben King Kenneth H. Kinsman Mr. and Mrs. George R. Kneeland Andrew Kozlow~ki Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Kurtz Rose R. Ltmf!.ell Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Rav LcNobcl Mr. and Mrs. G. Eme rson Learn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Legro Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lehbe rg Robert F.•is (L) Dr. Gennaro Licosati Mr. and Mrs. Angel Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. No rman L. Lore nzen Mr. and Mrs. Timot'hy 0. Lowrey Pa1rici~1Lowrv, Ph.D. Fred Alt1c:\Jili<1n Michael Maher Michael N. Malltz .H,: Clnd Mrs. Jo/.>11.f. Ma/Id/Id M,: a nd M rs. \\'Ii/limn H . Mtllk11111s Paul G. Mars/Jal/, j,: James D. Mason Or. and Mrs. John J. Massart Mr. anti Mrs. Muri M. Maupin Bob McCloskey Mr. and Mrs.John N. McCord Mr. and Mrs. Mike R. McDonnell (L) Jltr. and Mrs. John M. McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. John L. McLaughlin Robert A. McMahon Carol , 11111 Mickell {L) Christopher W. Miller D1: and Mrs. Kennet/J E..Hiller Mi: and Mrs. j. F. Miller Ruth Ann and John V. Moore James F. Morley D,: a11d Mrs. F. .f i1;Jorli110 Peter lit. Muellner L. Wayne Mullane Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murakami Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Murphy Mr. anti Mrs. Phillip ] . Myles (L) Edward Narcs (L) Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Nashert,Jr. Aley Boss Neidlinger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Novak Mrs. Thon1:1s O'Malley Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. O'Neil Manuel Occlano Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Oswalt Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Panelll George Pecoraro Leroy Pendray Barry B. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Du \Vayne J. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Edu:ard C. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Pete rson Ruth E. Collins Pnaum Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Pie tras Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Plumer Donald D. Pogoloff Barbara Pon Ronald Prast Ah: and i"1rs. Ket 1 in R. Qui1111 Gael l.auf t Ralpb M ,: and M rs. Ahral.wm Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Dan Razatos Rev. Douglas Rcgi.n Dr. and Mrs. Emmett B. Re illy Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Ricgelhuth Dr. and lllrs. Ste phenJ. Riggio Dr. and Mrs. George P. Higshy 1,i,: a,uf Mrs. 1.fl il/iam K. Roherts Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Rocha Mr. anti Mrs. Kramer Rohfleisch Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Roy Nii/es T. Sakagucbi Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Sandvoss Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Ii. S;1nclweiss Gerard Scbilling. 1"\I.D. 1h: and Mrs. Paul G. Sc/Jluemer Afm·ion Rogers Scbmidt Mr. and Mrs. Garv W. Schons (L) Dennis V. Schrneder M1: and Mrs. John M. Seiber William anti 1\farv ScxLnn Janet Naidl Siler. ·M.D. ·Mary T. Simon M rs. \f/alter T. Slat•ey. St: Mr. and Mrs. Rohen F. Smith

Patricic1 F. Seiber Rosemary Castillo Timnzons Margaret Alanning 7bu•n 1958 Virginia Rausch Allison Clcmcnr Batt Beverly O'Connor Bennett Janice \Yi. Corfman Nancy Keeshaw Epperson Dc.:vona Crise Girolami E1hcl Garibaldi Lavorini Ralpb Gano Miller•(!., DC) James F. Morley (AS) Barbara H eney Pearsou Gregor:v Pec1rson Gael Lauft Ralpb (AS) Gr:111t A. ·111vlor Noelle C. Torre 1959 Patricia M. Boer Honore F:urell Brow n {PC) Louis R. Cappello (AS) Mimi /.. Zolezzi Edwards (A~) Donald M. Gwaltnev Mary E. J-larvey • (L) Angelina Kraemer Kleinbub (PC) f'.•taurirn Lannan ~-hlry Deignan Madden Jean Nicks Miller {,IS} Rowena Naidl Margare t Farrell Ne lson Teresa Falk Nelson John Rebelo Thomas E. Sharkey• (L. AD) Richard F. hea. Jr. Katbleen Casb Volle Walter L. Woodbury' (L) 1960 Marguarita Keirnan Antoniak Claire Whalen Bugaard Rosemary Malanga Campbell j. F. Cibak Ret~Neal Dolan Charles }. lla11/en Amelia CarlsonJocis Ek-anor Jimenez McGuig:m Barbara Tamulonls Mille r Slmone Gennette Ostrande r Karen Heidi Janet Naidl Siler, M.D. (AS) Joanne Krcisa Ticrn~1n j. T. 1i"ily (PC) Mary Morgan Turman Mrs. Philip 8. Wagner (AS) Timotby j. Wilbur 1961 Fr-Jncis 8. Bennell • (I.. AS) Lucia R. Benncll (AS) William L. Bo urque Mrs. Alberta Seabold Casey (l'C} Dave Cox (AS)

W. B. Draper,Jr. • (L) Mary McMullan Egan• Loretta Fanning• Irma M. De La Fuente Carol Garlow Duncan Tom Ferrtira Jean McMillan Hu{l/Jes (IIS) Yvonne Salamy Johnson Nancy Horton Knox r\gnes \Vest Kobler Kathy Sieves McDonnell (AS) Patricia 1WcGan11 Jeraldine Rock McLaughlin (AS) Connie Rosenberg Molacek Aley Ross Neidlinger (AS) Lauren Back Plumer (AS) Shawn Quinn Marv M. Rodcc Josepb}. Scbults Peggy Thrailkill (PC) Denise Wilson• Thora Wolfe 1966 Kathleen Aggeler Alexander Arniza Karen S. Biren J. Kent Blair Linda M. Blair Roseann Spinali Blundell Wayne L. Bourque Claudia Boyle Edward V. Brennan· (L) Robert Brue (PC) Sandra A. Brue (PC) Lucy 7: Bu/Irick .fan L. Cbapman Charlotte Broadus Cherry Frank Che rry .foyce Baldwin Costello. M.D. A. M. Butch Coury (PC) Michael D. Egan ' (L) Cornelius J.Evans 77,ompson Fetter• {l) Susan W. Harter Susan Chow Jue Susan Skinner Mournian (MF) Gerald]. O'Neill • (L, AD) Simone Ge nnette Ostrander• Clift0n 1~ayne Rev. Douglas Regin (AS) Joan R. Roads Sr. Adele Schroeder Sylvia Shaw Patricia A. Shields Mell G. Underwood A. K. Wood " (L) 1967 Patricia Corkill Arnell Judi Banks Bates John j. Briese/, JoAnne Mari Buchholt Fred Carbone Susan Bell Cihak Sue Ann Green Wythe Hayes J. Michael llughcs• (L. AS) Rosalie MacRory Lorenze n (AS) JohnJ. McCabe, Jr. • (L, AD) Mike R. McDonnell • (L, AS) Donna 111. McGill Mary Brooke Quinn Robert J. Rosene Paul M. Tuomainen.Jr. (L) Joe N. Turne r• (L) Margaret Cunningham Ustick Stephen Wojclowski (AS) 1968 Sally Sore nsen Allegaert (AS) James R. Allen Edward R. Brien' (L, AD) Norbert R. Bunt• (L, AD) Sandr:1Kiszla Chew Rev. Giles Conwill Stephen A. Desales Donald N. Feld' (L, AD) Dia11na K. Pennington John G. Phillips• (L, DC) Marilyn Margutti Pickens

Constance Salot'itcb Cutler (AS) l-larold D. Dickstein · (L) Fr. Larry Dolan Patricia Hughes Egan·

Michael]. Sweetser Joyce Willoughby Timms Charles A. Viviano (AS) Daniel J. Webster (ASJ Donald R. Worley' (L, AD) Howard A. Zlotnick • (L) 1971 _fo/Jn Patterson Albade. /1: Jobn Alioto Barbcu-a Kindlein Anzloz•ar • (/.) Janice ]. Anderson Barzantny Mary A. Gremer Bettencourt John R. Boone Patricia Ann Born Janice Halpin Castagnola M:irgaret Koch Damberger Catberi11e De Los Rios Michael F. Eyer

Douglas D. Busch• (L) Margaret Burges Cardwell Barbara A. Soutar Carroll

Clifford Huffman ' (L) Robert G. Johnson• (L) Roger M. Keithly, Jr. Mark S. Kessler • (L) Kenneth H. Kinsman (AS) Marie Kyle KenJ' l.eisl'Y Claudia Lillie

John F. Ciernick Diana M. Craft 0 1..andcr Curry Rohin J. Dauber

Michael Evans• (L) Jane Francis Flynn· Cbarlesj. Hanten• Alex A. Harper' (L, AD) Michael L. Hall, M.D. George W. Hunt ' (L) Patricia L. Russell Johnson Ann Laugen Kezirian Cecilia Kerwcg Marnane Marjorie Sutter Mierzwa Frederick J. Nameth • (L. AD) Kathleen Albers O"Neill Dale D. Powell • (L) James W. Street• (L) Richard W. Trost• (L) Kathy Ke ig Vogel Cherry Slallcry \\'lojdowski (AS) R. Thomas Wood• (L) 1969 David A. Bateman• (L) Mary Ju Batey Robert j. Bem,dine, J1: Barbara Biever Tbomas G. Briggs ll.Jeffrey Brown Patrick Cuddv Juliana Bartek Dahl Richard). Davis, M.D. (AS) 1l'~Jwticmne Pearl Downs {AS} John Gleave, M.D. Dianne Soloman Gonzalez Michael P. Humphrey Robert l·I. James • (L) Jolm Francis Kem,edy (PC) Robert Kivley Lawre nce Lacombe Edward.f. J.arkin Bob McCloskcy (AS) Douglas McKenzie Phillip J. Myles • (L, AS) Carolyn Sue Neal Christine Veller Pate• (L, AD) De lroy Richardson • (L) Laurence Ugo Rossi Ray W. Sherman Mrs. Walter 7: S/ave_11 S1: {AS) F. David Stevenson• (L) Lucky T. Tbompson {AS) Margaret \X'olli1z Tomlinson Janis Davidson Tuomaim:n

J.eonil/a Ayers Erickson (AS} Michael A. Ferrara, Jr.• (L) Susan P. Finlay • (L) Sr. M. Benedict Flynn Sr. Sally Furay • (L) Dennis R. Giles Rohen L. Grimes• (L. ADJ

Sergio Luis Lopez • {L) Timotby Lu/Jerski (PC) Daniel F. Maddox Russell J. Mazzola• (L) William K. McClendon, Ill' (L) Lisa Ann JltcCloskey Richard McDonald " (L. AD) James Mietzel • (L) Donald P. Nellis Lark Folsom Norman

Michael L. I-tall, M.D.• Mmyt11111 Hester (AS)

Marshall Y. Hockett• (L. AD) Daryl C. Idler, Jr.• (L, AD)

Douglas F. Mancbesler faecu/ive Conference Center al 11igb1.

Jane 1l 1 TcGillic11dcly Pa/cone Mary Jo Soth Ghironi Anne M. Glou•nk Da1•id R. Gouzalez {AS) Timothy James Groff (AS) James L. Hennessy,Jr. (AS) John C.Jarboe • (L) Kathleen Stoddard Kelly (AS) rl /ex La11do11 • {L) Donald P. LClll[l . (I., AD) Josepb.f. ,\1/arino Christin.1 S. Mead DeborC1b Comfort Miller {AS) A.Jackson Muecke Mark E. M11,pby Stephen Nasm:111 Paul V. Nerger• (L, AD) Thomas M. O'Gara Peggy Mutscbeller Parl.ier William C. Pate• (I., AD) Judith Peters ' (L, AD) Donald F. Rus/J Rick Saboskv Carol Kristufek Salmans Joyce Willoughby Timms' Paul M. Tuomaincn, Jr.• (L) Do11glas II. Waldron {A5) John \Xl:tthao (PC) Lawre nce D. Whittet William R. Winship, Jr.' (L) 1972 Joan Sclnvcitzcr Ames William G. Ames Virginia \Viggcnjost Bezocnik Richard D. Brcgante ' (L) Dwayne V. Lawson Ste/Jben A. Maboney Frank S. Silva IL) Gregory J. Stahl

Michael B. Kaplan• (L, MF) Daniel R. Krinsky " (L, AD) Barry Ladendorf' (L) Mike Manning Marsha Oswalt Milovich Anthony F. Mournian • (L, MF) Michae l T. Murphy " (L, AD) Gregory F. Nolan Mary E. Oliver Don Rubin· (L) Donald D. Pogoloff (AS) Mark 1~: Roberts Virginia V. Shue" (LJ James Splevak • (L, AD) Cash A. Stetson · (L) Raymond Thecp• (L, AD) Merv ii le R. Thompson• (I.) Jeffery H. Tierman • (L, AD) George Urdzik M. Howard Wayne • (L) Warre n R. Williamson • (L) Floyd M. Willoughby" (L, AD) 1973 Michael R. Adkins' (L) G. Edward Arledge (L) Su!-;111nc Higgins Bales Louis Boyle Steve Cole Richard D. Corona' (l.. AD) James A. Diani (AS) Michael L. William R. Fuhrman • (L) J;1mcs Gase Tl'.rcs::1 Lihcrmo rc Gase Barbara Dee Gaudreau Daniel W. Grindle ' (L, AD) Susan A. Halligan

Denis Peirce Brian A. Riley • IL) Jack Robinson Gary W. Schons (L. AD. AS) Gregory J. Stahl • Charles F. Vande rgrift • (L) James S. Veltman• (L) James T. Waring' (L, AD) RichardJ. Wharton • (L, AD) Al:in L. Williams' (L. AD) Raymond J. Volker 1974 Bruce J::. Alexander Philip Bajo, Jlt.D. Melinda K. Blade Donald R. Briggs• (L) John]. Cahill,Jr. Charles C. Caruso, Jr. David S. Case y, Jr. • (L, AD) James Cosgrove T/Jomasj. Cosgro1·e Mrs. R. S. Cramb Steven P. Daitch ' (L. AD) Mary A. Eikcl ' (L) John R. Ellingson· (I.) Fr. Peter Escalante Jay Courtney Fikes Richard R. Freeland• (L, AD) Fred Gatti.Jr.• (L) Gary B. Gelfand • (L) Gershon D. Gree nblatt • (L) Constance Giles Joseph L. Harrison Judy Fitzpatrick Hughes Ar/bur w: Hutc/Ji11s William P. Jache L. Scott Keehn • (L, AD)

fvlrs. Frnncis A. Smith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francesco Sorianello Randy D. Spec1or Claire C. Stehly Eduard Still Mrs. Joseph N. late

1970 Daniel F. Bishop

Mr. and Mrs. Malakai 7ttuilili !11r. and Mrs.James C. Teskey M,: Gllld Mrs.Jobi/ F. "/"bielke AmlJ. and Mrs. Gerald E. 7110111as L11cky T. 71.IOIII/JSOII Mr. :md Mrs. J. Donald Thor Mr. and Mrs.Jack W. Thnrnton.Jr. John A. Trifilet1i

Thomas G. Blake (PC) Helen R. Brayfield David C. Carpentier Andrew .f. Castagnola Dal'id G. Clark Rose Vallejo Clark Anne Doughe rty Curry Clo Edgington, 111 (AS) R11be11 R. Esco/Jusa {PC) Katl.>leen \\7alsh Estey {,IS) Caroljean Frey Regina Bushard Goss Mary C. Grant• (L) Bob w. Helstow ski ' (L)

Margaret Cox (AS) Jolene A. Crosby Emily Pug/J Decesare Eugene Defalco Bert Degherl (AS) Patricia Dcgheri (AS) Mary Dugan Sandra Cassell Farrell (AS)

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Steenberg, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Viclblg Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Viviano Mr. and Mrs. Edward Von fobcl,Jr.

Mrs. Philip ll. Wagner DOll[~las A. \fi'aldron Patricia lit. Walker

P.uricia ll. Ferris (AS) Michael A. Ferson Lyman C. 1-liscy. Jr. L:1t1ra Fc.:rlazzo Houle I.ilia Nugot Nale Norc.:ne Mulv;111cy Provencher Mary Jane Tiernan Elizabc1h Korantler Viviano (AS) Molly /Jree11 \Vi/bur Dr. Chuck Williams 1962 Herlinda Rodriguez Belcher

\flilliam /·/. Hill• (L) Maria Fal/uone Jraci Anthony Jungman W illiam J. Kelly (AS) Susan ,Mtle /Jarnbart Kennedy (PC) Michael Kenney (AS) W illiam M. Krause ' (I.. AD) Michael Maher (AS) Robert May' (I.) Gary Ne ll (L, MF) Mary and Philip Pirio G. Vincent Rc:1rtlon Marr Ellen Goode Reardon

Margot W. Mcilvaine \X 1 as.hhurn Mr. and Mrs. David R. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Webster Louise A. Wee ber Rodney Wells Mi: and Mrs. f-/enry B. \f'c. 1 s.'(.>l11 Mr. and Mrs. \X 1 illiam A. \X'hcelcr A/Iba Coleman Ul il/iams John ll. Wimbush ;\1,: a11d Mrs. Ralpb.f. \Visz Mr. anti Mrs. Stephen Wojdowski M1: Cllld Mrs. Eric D. lffo/f Capt. and J\lrs. Rohert S. Wolfe Linda M. Wood Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Wood,Jr. Mr. and Jltrs. Richard L. Woods

JudieJohnston Brigluon John A. Coseo,Jr. (AS) .fames /-I. Delaney Richard \Y/. Fleming• (L) .\lie/Jae/ P. Ga11dolfi Richard C. Gray Carol 0 . Gwaltney

Jeanne Lu Riley ·Gc.•urgc K. RosS Ida DeGiorgio Scanlon Lp1n A. Schenk• (L, PC, MF) J.ola Steele Shepberd Estelle Strassler

Christine He rnandez James R. Homola• (L) Patric Hooper (AD, L) Handy Horiye ' (L)

RnsemCUJ' Klem Arthur K. Law Linda Johns( >n Leslie



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