Linwoods - Ingredients for Innovators

Activated Nuts

Stone Milled Flours

We mill our ancient grains in a traditional way using a stone mill, a technique that has remained largely unchanged since early times.

Soaking removes bitterness and enhances the natural flavour of the nut. These soaked, organic nuts have nothing added. They are high in Omega 3 and a source of phosphorus and Vitamin E.

Stone milled flour is produced when the grain is ground between two mill stones. Stone milled flours tend to have a richer flavour and texture, and are widely used by artisan bakers. Unlike high speed rollers, Linwoods use millstones to ensure the most nutritious parts of the whole grain remain, including the bran or germ.

Sprouted Stone Milled Flour

Activated Almonds

Activated Walnuts

Sprouted Wheat

Sprouted Spelt

Sprouted Rye

Stone Milled Flour (unsprouted)




1940 Family General Merchant Business

1980 Bread & Milk Wholesale Business

1996 Launched Linwoods Bakery

2004 Launched Linwoods Dairy

2008 Launched Linwoods Healthfoods (Seeds Range)

2008-16 Moved into International Markets

2017 Diversification into Protein & Snack Markets

2018 Developed Ingredients Business

2019/20 Future Opportunities Await

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